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Sentinel is not fine..


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round 2 attacker void star. 60 kills, every one of your team abvoe all but 1 of the other team.

final doors not down. so farming damage vs undergeared/leveled pugs is relevant now?


Go ahead and check the names i'm on vulkar highway. They had 2 heals both 50, my target is 50, and priest is 50. I only qued with 2 others. I can't make people not suck.


But anyway,



Hutball, no healers, qued solo.

Edited by Kricys
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Go ahead and check the names i'm on vulkar highway. They had 2 heals both 50, my target is 50, and priest is 50. I only qued with 2 others. I can't make people not suck.


But anyway,



Hutball, no healers, qued solo.


there is no point in posting such pics, i also have nice games. and your "they are all 50" isnt interessting at all. green lv 50 players have less hp than lv 10 players with the buff. gear buffs you to around 17k hp and a way larger dmg output. noone cares about levels.


again: stop posting **** screenshots, noone cares about such games.

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Tomb of freedon nad server.



Why i still think that this class needs some tweaking ? compared to inquisitor/bounty is just a crap , now you can say whatever you want , but im not a noob and i know how to use this class , but really , needs something compared to bountys and inquisitors / mirrors. is just a joke how those clases can tank and dps and do whatever they *********** want.


Yeah, you clearly dont' know how to play your class. I just saw a sentinel last night do 250k damage in one game of hutt ball.

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I have to say. First I found sentinel very hard to play but after a month playing it I'm starting to play it the right way and it rocks.

Right know I don't want to make the class any easier, only fix the useless abilities like Opportune Strike and pommel Strike since they work only for pve.


fix riposte since its useless in its current form ( too low dmg or too much focus ) and make opportune and pommel strike to hit all targets and I'm happy.

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How did sentinel get through beta with one cc breaker on a long timer, 2 slows (1 if not specced) and ONLY ONE cc that works in pvp. I belive force push/pull was also removed ffs.

The logical thing BW should of done with a class like this is give us very good damage, or a couple of CC. However we get neither with other classes getting loads.Nice one.

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there is no point in posting such pics, i also have nice games. and your "they are all 50" isnt interessting at all. green lv 50 players have less hp than lv 10 players with the buff. gear buffs you to around 17k hp and a way larger dmg output. noone cares about levels.


again: stop posting **** screenshots, noone cares about such games.


You seem upset.

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How did sentinel get through beta with one cc breaker on a long timer, 2 slows (1 if not specced) and ONLY ONE cc that works in pvp. I belive force push/pull was also removed ffs.

The logical thing BW should of done with a class like this is give us very good damage, or a couple of CC. However we get neither with other classes getting loads.Nice one.


Dps shadow has one cc breaker with the same cooldown, one stun and one slow, one pushback, which is pointless for a melee class, and about 1/4 of the defensive abilities of the sentinel. Balance does have a 2 second root and a 2 second kd out of stealth and I think combat has two roots...the only thing I find lacking on the sentinel is that there is nothing in the way of ranged attacks at all, discounting the heal debuff, which is low damage.

Edited by Vember
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Honestly what a Sentinel needs is a CC breaker that grants a temporary immunity to CC effects. Hitting my CC break only to be INSTANTLY CC'ed again is a poor mechanic, and isn't fun. Anytime you can spend an entire life in PVP essentially being stun locked until death is terrible and it happens too often. I want to actually be able to PLAY my character.
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I often wonder if posts like these are just trolls posting stuff or if people are seriously struggling with Sentinel. I can't speak for everyone but I never struggled leveling my Sentinel, had fun and always felt a sense of "power" when killing stuff. I wan't say there are some issues and that maybe the class could have some adjustments to make it more main stream, but I personally had great success. I remember taking out groups of elites and soloing champions while leveling. Things that made me feel like I was just powerful and a good sense of accomplishment, nothing makes you feel better then taking out a level 38 champion at level 38 with half your health left over and getting an nice epic from him. I wonder sometimes if I am playing the same class as some of these other people, or if they are being honest, or if they are really trying to get better by researching, reading and studying all about their class.
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I often wonder if posts like these are just trolls posting stuff or if people are seriously struggling with Sentinel. I can't speak for everyone but I never struggled leveling my Sentinel, had fun and always felt a sense of "power" when killing stuff. I wan't say there are some issues and that maybe the class could have some adjustments to make it more main stream, but I personally had great success. I remember taking out groups of elites and soloing champions while leveling. Things that made me feel like I was just powerful and a good sense of accomplishment, nothing makes you feel better then taking out a level 38 champion at level 38 with half your health left over and getting an nice epic from him. I wonder sometimes if I am playing the same class as some of these other people, or if they are being honest, or if they are really trying to get better by researching, reading and studying all about their class.


When you start to PvP, you'll see what they are talking about.

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Not really.


Mavick, no offense here, but your screen shots have been debunked. Not only that but you have had to backpeddle several times. For example: You tried to claim that Force Camo was a CC break, but backpeddled when people pointed out that it isn't a CC break as it is only a Root/Snare break.


The Sentinel class has been proven, time and again, to be missing key features. BioWare has so far not addressed this.


I am confident they will fix this and that the Jedi Sentinel will be as viable as the other classes. If not... Well... BioWare will be breaking the number 1 rule of Star Wars. The same rule Karen Traviss broke. If they do that... Well... Let us be frank... Lucas Arts will be less than pleased.

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Since when did people decide that CC did not include snares/roots on melee. It's a melee class, if they can't move they're controlled, it's still CC. You even argued against your own point at the end. If they root you then run out of range of your bladestorm, yeah, I'd call that CC'ed.


No it isn't.


CC encompasses:


All roots, snares, mezzes, and stuns.


If a "CC Break" includes only Roots and Snares, then it is not a CC break. It is specifically a Root/Snare break. If it makes you feel better it can be considered a "limited CC break" and even in that situation it still is not enough.


It would be nice if Force Camo actually was a CC break.

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No it isn't.


CC encompasses:


All roots, snares, mezzes, and stuns.


If a "CC Break" includes only Roots and Snares, then it is not a CC break. It is specifically a Root/Snare break. If it makes you feel better it can be considered a "limited CC break" and even in that situation it still is not enough.


It would be nice if Force Camo actually was a CC break.


You're really just arguing semantics here.

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to be honest, it just sounds like you are terrible at pvp and thats fine. just do pve then? ive never had a single one of the problems you have brought up. at all.. you just suck at a sentinel. if its such a problem...why do we have to hear about you being a worse sentinel then the rest of us? i fail to see the purpose of wasting everyones time with this post.


does everyone else want to play/look/act/talk/sound like every other player in the game or am i the only one here who wants to be different in all the above things?

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Not really.


Mavick, no offense here, but your screen shots have been debunked. Not only that but you have had to backpeddle several times. For example: You tried to claim that Force Camo was a CC break, but backpeddled when people pointed out that it isn't a CC break as it is only a Root/Snare break.


The Sentinel class has been proven, time and again, to be missing key features. BioWare has so far not addressed this.


I am confident they will fix this and that the Jedi Sentinel will be as viable as the other classes. If not... Well... BioWare will be breaking the number 1 rule of Star Wars. The same rule Karen Traviss broke. If they do that... Well... Let us be frank... Lucas Arts will be less than pleased.



That's quite odd, as I haven't posted a single screenshot on these boards, ever. I could, I have a couple saved of me getting 20+ kb's with solo kills, but I haven't as there have been plenty others that have posted them.


And I've never backpeddled on the CC issue at all. CC stands for "crowd control" which means the loss of ability to control your character. If you can't MOVE that's a loss of control, especially as a melee class . Fleet Footed breaks this, erego falling into the category of being a "CC break". Why would I have any need to backpeddle on an issue that there's really no debate on, just people who aren't thinking when they term something (or don't term something, in this case) properly.

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No it isn't.


CC encompasses:


All roots, snares, mezzes, and stuns.


If a "CC Break" includes only Roots and Snares, then it is not a CC break. It is specifically a Root/Snare break. If it makes you feel better it can be considered a "limited CC break" and even in that situation it still is not enough.


It would be nice if Force Camo actually was a CC break.



If the only CC that's affecting you is a root or a snare, then Fleet Footed is a CC break. Anything else I need to clear up for you?

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Tomb of freedon nad server.



Why i still think that this class needs some tweaking ? compared to inquisitor/bounty is just a crap , now you can say whatever you want , but im not a noob and i know how to use this class , but really , needs something compared to bountys and inquisitors / mirrors. is just a joke how those clases can tank and dps and do whatever they *********** want.


Lol, i pwn, you just need to learn to play your class, if cry babies like you and other i see ruin this class for me, i will personally come through the internet and....well you get the idea :p

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That is only 1/2 of the CC in this game. It is a limited CC break at best. It isn't enough.


On a one minute cooldown, paired with an all-inclusive one, it's plenty. Sometimes you're just going to have to eat CC until Resolve (oh look, albiet in need of tuning pre-pvp gear, that's a third form of CC break/immunity) kicks in, there's just no way around that. It always sucks more for melee because it impacts us MORE, that's a given. That's the downside to rolling a melee class.


Long story short, from my perspective, we don't have to deal with any more issues, if specced *properly*, then I would expect from this class. People, in the end, just expect to mash buttons and win. That's really what this argument boils down too.

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they need to nerf the other classes push backs. make it so push backs dont work on elite mobs. sents have attacks dont wont work on elites and pvp

its annoying. force leap then they push you off every time and you waste focus points and time getting back up. other than that sent is ok

or give us a push back/pull to abuse like everyone else seems to be abusing

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