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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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It's the internet, I've been doing this since I was 11, and all I can say is expect people to be greedy selfish petty small minded losers.


When I join a PUG it's to get the mission done, that's it, that's all.


I roll greed on everything, I get zero loot, I don't care, I'll never play with any of these idiots again. If some of them aren't idiots, that's cool, and opens up potential friends, guildies, or allies... but don't expect it.


I make plenty of cash and loot when I'm teamed up with friends, guildies, or just plain solo, so I don't care what happens in the PUG so long as I get a mission complete at the end of it. You might not like it but this is the internet, if you expect anything different you're going to be very unhappy and likely rage on forums a lot...


Hope for the best, but expect the worse, especially online.

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Trouble is a lot of people like me are new to MMO's and have been attracted to it because its a Star Wars game. I had no idea that it was unacceptable to roll need for a companion so I did. I was told off, called names, ignored by one player and this was all after I have apologised and tried to make amends I was also informed that ignorance of the law is no excuse. I think people need to relax, its a new game with a lot of new players, try making the rules obvious before you start the flashpoint, make sure everyone understands, be gentle with the newbies and you will probably find the majority of them/us are happy to follow your rules and please go easy on the people who make genuine mistakes and then apologise, no-one likes to feel ganged up on when they are looking for a social game with community spirit.
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I may be just lucky, but I've never ever experienced such... I've ran lots of pugs- instances and heroics- and no ninjas, everyone rolled need only if they actually need the item. Never had any debates on loot so far. Sometimes it happened that people asked if they can take the stuff for companion, we discussed and moved on, but that's all. Let's hope it stays this way.


(I'm not arguing the case, it can happen, it just did not happen to me, I'm a lucky man)

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My advice is to find a group of people who are mature, who you get along with, and group with them. That way you all understand the loot rules, and can discuss when it is appropriate to roll for companions.

It's not hard, especially on RP servers.

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Wait to be the last person to make their need/greed selection. If a person needs for their companion and didn't ask the group first, go ahead and need it yourself if your companion can use it, or if it's a BoE then give it to the person who can actually use it.
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So much for the LFD phobia, aye? "oh noes, everyone will ninja, bioware why u no leave LFD in WoW"


Could it be that, its the kind of behavior like described in here, that makes finding groups hard, because players like myself, choose to do them only with guild, guild allies and friends, and never pug for it because of this exact kind of mentality described in here?


So how exact you figure a LFD is gonna help less its crossrealmed, and somehow doesn't make players accountable for their actions, while in groups?

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but as there is no LFG, this cant be happening.....


you know that "community" which results from chat spam grouping where everyone gets along, becomes best friends in groups and nothing like this can possibly happen....




oh yeah, and LOL.


What were BW saying about the players should create the community again? hmmm?


it's 3 weeks in, no we don't have a strong community yet, but it will come as more jerks are put on the peoples ignore lists, and the rest of the people you group with will be nice. I have 6 people on my main's ignore list, that I know I won't be grouping with again.


You don't build up a nice community overnight, you need to filter out the weed from the roses first, which is what I'm currently doing.

Edited by diamondking
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Misrolls do happen by people who weren't intending to need something or thought it was an upgrade only to discover it had the wrong stats or armor proficiency. Blizzard got so bogged down with requests to send items to other players who should've gotten it instead that they made an option to allow the transfer of BoP items to players who were in the instance at the time the item dropped and they put a 24 hour timer on the item so that after 24 hours passed the item was no longer transferable. A feature like this as early as the game is could solve a lot of hostility amongst players who've misrolled. As for the ninjas you'll get them in any MMO, nothing you can do about that really except be nice and negotiate with them, if they refuse then just remove them from the group and blacklist them.
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People raging about green/blue items is plain dumb. I could understand somewhat if it was a rare drop. Seen so many people rage at greens and calling everyone jerks etc. Seriously get a life! For many it's a brand new game and they are still learning the mechanics of it.


Happy New Year!

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Look, here's the bottom line: if a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, I'm going to roll Need on it.


Hell, I'll even roll Need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like I do, so their output is acceptable while I'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a Flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll Need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless I'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, Jaesa (light armor with Endurance and Willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, I'm going to roll Need on it.


I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


Well, you'd get the boot right away if you did this in any of my groups, as if there are 4 REAL players in the group, THEY come before digital players: PERIOD. That companion isn't even summoned in a full group, so what right has he to any drops?


Yeah, roll Need, and win a Light Armor piece that one of the REAL players could have used? I smell toolery afoot with this attitude....


Luckily, I don't have this issue, as I run a small, solid Guild, with the same mindset on gear. Companions come last, they are geared up on OUR time, not the groups. As we all know what gear we each need want through discussion, getting drops FOR companions is never a problem, we speak up in Vent, and if none of the group minds, THEN, and only THEN, is an item rolled for Need.....


If one of my Guildies does PUG on rare occasion, loot rules are discussed up front, which you can agree or disagree with.


Best advice to OP? Get into a good, solid guild.

Edited by Rasticles
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In this game you are you and your companion, both have to have good gear for solo play.


My healer would be unable to play this game with out a good tanking gear and weapon on his companion, thus I roll for gear for the healer and the tank "pet".


I can see it is difficult to grasp for people coming from wow or lotro that a light armor user absolutely needs heavy gear to play this game.


The problem is that one does not always have the companion in groups so remembering what gear it has is a must, write it down so you don't need stuff that is not an upgrade.


If you have problems with this it's your own fault, "LFM to XXXX greed rolling only to companions".


Too difficult, go back to wow please!

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Except you can complete any of that content with your companion wearing greens. You don't have to screw over other players.


No you cant.

Take for example Valis you need to defeat as JK. Even with almost full epic gear on me I wasted 25k just for repairs until decided to upgrade T7's gear and then manage to do it.

Sames go with Drum quest on Tatoine.



Even when I am 38 now I still have most gear on companions green or even low level as Just didn't got anything that they can wear.


Some classes have it harder solo then others, for example JK until you get Doc.

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I have never experienced this, nor has it ever been brought up as an issue. Is this a US-thing or?


Nobody I have ever teamed with in Swtor has ever attempted to (and probably not even thought about) rolling "need" on stuff for their companion against a player. Sure, if something drops that nobody in the group can use, you might ask if you can need on it (that has happened), but rolling against a player? Lol, of course not, that is out of the question.


Granted, the system is flawed and "lf tank and healer" from fleet is retarded, but I doubt that "rolling need for companion against players" is common...at least not on EN-EU. As mentioned, I've never even heard of it before.

Edited by Illwill-
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It is amazing how greedy some players are. They wont give even a moments thought for their fellow players in the group but rather just mash their "need" button as fast as they can.


A pretty simple rule in my mind for rolling in groups would be the following:


1) Roll need when your player character needs the item

2) Roll greed for everything else


If you happen to win the greed roll then you can give the specific item to your companion.


It would be nice for the players to remember that not everything is about "me" and that it is more about "us" in flashpoints.

Edited by Tirpe
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Look, here's the bottom line: if a piece drops that's an upgrade for my companion but not for me, I'm going to roll Need on it.


Hell, I'll even roll Need on it if it's four players in the group. My companion needs to keep their gear updated just like I do, so their output is acceptable while I'm out questing on my own. I spend the majority of my time questing on my own. I'm in a Flashpoint for 30 minutes tops.


Companions are extensions of the player characters. It isn't going to change. I'm not going to roll Need on an item that requires a specific class and alignment unless I'm both of those things. But if a piece drops for, say, Jaesa (light armor with Endurance and Willpower), and it doesn't put a class or alignment requirement on it, and it's an upgrade from what she currently has in that slot, I'm going to roll Need on it.


I was in there, I helped down the boss, I have as much right to a piece of gear as any of the other players. It's no one else's business what I do with that gear.


If you are on Iron Citadel please tell me your character name so I can make sure and NOT group with you, thank you kindly.

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I've meet a Sith Sorcerer who "needed" everything - even a sniper rifle when we had sniper in our team - and after that I had sworn to never allow such things to occur ever again. Guy was clearly a ninja, because we were questioning him about his behaviour and he didn't care to respond. Only thing he was able to say was "easy" about bosses. Certainly some kid.


On the other hands, there are mistakes. Yesterday I have found a good boots, but didn't look at the stats (saw all positive) so I took need. Then a team member said these boots aren't for me. I looked out the stats and... made a faceplam to describe my stupidity and explained the situation. Team was OK with that. When people talk about why they need certain item I am usually not against their actions. Except if they want to take really good item for their companion when we have people in our team who need it more.


That's why I have a few rules:

- I only greed what I don't need but I can sell or items for companion.

- I pass items when there are team members who need it (usually class items) or when I feel that I am winning too much.

- I try to talk out the situation first, instead of making rush decisions.

- Sometimes I explain why I need good items and I do so only when I need them. My companion can eat anything that I "greeded" out from the rest of my stockpiles.

- I kick people who need everything and can't be reasoned with (sometimes there are just mistakes and no knowledge what is "need", "greed" or "pass" is for) or leave such team myself.

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but as there is no LFG, this cant be happening.....


you know that "community" which results from chat spam grouping where everyone gets along, becomes best friends in groups and nothing like this can possibly happen....




oh yeah, and LOL.


What were BW saying about the players should create the community again? hmmm?


Your not gonna find any people or groups with your attitude.


Or maybe sith just turned out ot be the kiddie side, I'm so glad I haven't had a any groups disband anything yet or seen anyone need anything for their companions.


Guess I chose right when I picked an EU server and republic.


GL with being on the wow kiddie side :D

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I sorta skipped a lot of this thread, but long story short: at level 50, needing on companion gear will prevent you from getting anywhere. Not many are 50 yet, so the people you group with will change very little. This means that if you start taking gear others need for ops (the the main reason people gear for PvE in the first place, and companions aren't allowed) then you'll be pissing a lot of people off and will be getting kicked/remembered. It won't take long doing this pattern until almost everyone knows who you are and stops inviting you. You will either need to reroll or find a group of like minded people (which may be harder than you think).


As for questing though, while the gear matters much less at low levels, it still isn't exactly a valid argument to roll need on companion gear. I easily made it to level 50 before the bulk of players by only doing quests and a handful of flashpoints. I only ever geared my companions via quest gear and never had an issue. Some harder fights might have been a challenge. But if I really felt that I was so bad that I had to use my companion as a crutch instead of using the tool my class has, I had the option of commendation gear/crafting/AH to gear my char rather than flashpoint drops.


In short, there is no real reason to justify a need roll for companions over players other than being selfish or just plain bad.

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I've only ever had one group containing a greedy ninja companion looter as the OP calls them. I've had no real problems with the loot system since i started playing apart from one greedy sith who took my bounty hunter chest piece i wanted. I found the easiest fix was to just play the flashpoint again without mr greedy and the new group understood everything.
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