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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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Instead of waiting for a fight to break out, why not discuss looting at the beginning of the pug? If you like to loot for companions, let it be known so people can "need" when you're going to, and if you don't want that in your group make it known and kick people who break the rule.


I know talking to each other is a novel idea, but I think you'd find that most people are pretty reasonable as long as you're up front about things. I find myself passing on gear left and right. I'd rather have orange stuff right now anyway.


Anyway, it's a social game, be social. ;)

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At level 50 I have a companion that can wear EVERY type of gear. There is literally NOTHING I can't make use of. Which is why I establish at the beginning of every group that anyone rolling need for companion loot is getting kicked out.


Your companion is NOT your character. It is not an extension of your character. It is not the left arm to your right or any other such B.S. Your companion is a pet that you tote around with you when you can't find other P.C.s to cover you. Everything about their design makes them secondary to PCs.

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Sorry im lvl 45 and lvled as a healer i.e ive done plenty of FP and havent had a single ninja looter. So can't agree at all with this, and if it happens it's a community problem and not a bioware problem so dont try and blame bioware for people being greedy. Damn whiners.
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Sounds to me like what's needed are additional options in the looting system, so the party leader can set in advance what they think is fair - most MMO's don't have companions, so this isn't a problem that really arises in a standard MMO, and isn't addressed in a standard Need or Greed system.
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Your companion is NOT your character. It is not an extension of your character. It is not the left arm to your right or any other such B.S. Your companion is a pet that you tote around with you when you can't find other P.C.s to cover you. Everything about their design makes them secondary to PCs.


Wrong on all accounts. Well, in my opinion anyway, since I cannot live very long without my companion.


My companions are my characters. They are an extension of my very character. My companion is my tank and can be my healer. At times, my character actually feels secondary to my companion.

Edited by Zebular
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Wrong on all accounts. Well, in my opinion anyway, since I cannot live very long without my companion.


My companions are my characters. They are an extension of my very character. My companion is my tank and can be my healer. At times, my character actually feels secondary to my companion.


I give you a +1 good sir.

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BioWare should just assign loot randomly and automatically to a person in the group, without a need or greed system. I mean, hell, people can vendor the item for credits and credits improve your character, ammirite? Edited by ruminate
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At level 50 I have a companion that can wear EVERY type of gear. There is literally NOTHING I can't make use of. Which is why I establish at the beginning of every group that anyone rolling need for companion loot is getting kicked out.


Your companion is NOT your character. It is not an extension of your character. It is not the left arm to your right or any other such B.S. Your companion is a pet that you tote around with you when you can't find other P.C.s to cover you. Everything about their design makes them secondary to PCs.


Regardless of your status on looting for comps, I believe the key to success (and your point altogether) is that you make it clear at the beginning of the group. Clearly the best way to deal with looting in pugs.


To be honest I don't care if someone wants to loot for their comp, I just want to know ahead of time so I can do it too. Either way as long as the whole group is on even ground and agrees I don't see the harm in it.


All that said, if it isn't discussed I only role for myself, PCs > Comps.

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Wrong on all accounts. Well, in my opinion anyway, since I cannot live very long without my companion.


My companions are my characters. They are an extension of my very character. My companion is my tank and can be my healer. At times, my character actually feels secondary to my companion.


I'd suggest you figure out how to play the game a bit better, then. Even elites are not impossible to solo without a companion out at all, let alone as the primary actor in the fight.



This issue is specifically why there shouldn't be an LFF tool in this game, though. Groups need to be able to determine these kinds of things from the start without question. If you want to roll on companion gear then you can make a group of people who don't mind if you do. And you guys can do your thing and that doesn't effect me at all. But if people are being tossed together at random this is going to be a problem for both sides. Find yourself outnumbered by people like me in a random group and you can expect to have a very short FP.

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I'd suggest you figure out how to play the game a bit better, then. Even elites are not impossible to solo without a companion out at all, let alone as the primary actor in the fight.



This issue is specifically why there shouldn't be an LFF tool in this game, though. Groups need to be able to determine these kinds of things from the start without question. If you want to roll on companion gear then you can make a group of people who don't mind if you do. And you guys can do your thing and that doesn't effect me at all. But if people are being tossed together at random this is going to be a problem for both sides. Find yourself outnumbered by people like me in a random group and you can expect to have a very short FP.


Im just curious why you think an LFM/LFM tool ties to this, infact if anything this would be in favor of a LFM/LFG because you could state "roll for pc loot only" in the comment section and group with like minded people. Not all LFM/LFG systems are randomly assigned. DDO by far has the best LFM/LFG system I've used for finding groups and it would be a perfect fit for this game.

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I have a system where if I see a gear that my companion could use, i'll wait and see what other players roll a need for it, if they all chose greed, I'll then chose need knowing no one else needs it. Otherwise, if someone (especially their own class) needs the equipment, I would give them the benefit of the roll and skip the gear. So far, this hasn't caused any trouble or anguish.
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Just saying they're welcome to group with me. Go ahead, people, roll need. If you feel the need. I'm not bothered.


Everyone thinks their needs are more important than others....after all thats why this thread started.

Did The Op need that loot more than other party member ? no one knows ,If you ask the person who rolled Need they might think so.Just as much as the OP thought he needed it for himself.


Upgrades for Companion and your charactor are both important and part of the game.


I for one pay as much attention to my companion upgrades as I do for my own charactor.It sure makes the loot worthwhile,and its fun to upgrade both you and your companions.

I wont argue about the krap though.Ide rather just kill things and do the quest.

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I'd suggest you figure out how to play the game a bit better, then. Even elites are not impossible to solo without a companion out at all, let alone as the primary actor in the fight.



This issue is specifically why there shouldn't be an LFF tool in this game, though. Groups need to be able to determine these kinds of things from the start without question. If you want to roll on companion gear then you can make a group of people who don't mind if you do. And you guys can do your thing and that doesn't effect me at all. But if people are being tossed together at random this is going to be a problem for both sides. Find yourself outnumbered by people like me in a random group and you can expect to have a very short FP.


Please, show me a video of you taking on a group of elite mobs (equal or more powerful than you) solo - with no companion. Until then, I call greedy bulls here. Better yet, show me you as a Jedi Shadow doing this. Or even a Jedi Sage.

Edited by Zebular
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At level 50 I have a companion that can wear EVERY type of gear. There is literally NOTHING I can't make use of. Which is why I establish at the beginning of every group that anyone rolling need for companion loot is getting kicked out.


Your companion is NOT your character. It is not an extension of your character. It is not the left arm to your right or any other such B.S. Your companion is a pet that you tote around with you when you can't find other P.C.s to cover you. Everything about their design makes them secondary to PCs.


I agree with this full-stop. Anybody tries to pull that non-sense with me, they're gone. Well, unless everyone is greeding and it's not an up for anybody, then I don't mind. But if they need, without asking, and it's an up for someone in the group....:eek: That will get me angry. I can't imagine someone in my group losing out on a piece of gear, because someone was greedy and wanted it for their companion. People>Companions in my groups.

Edited by Jediwran
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The last 5 random groups i have gotten into have some guy rolling need on krap he cant use but his "companions" can so he needs it, then a huge fight breaks out, the group splits up game over.


The loot system needs to be addressed, people who use heavy armor should be the only ones who can roll need on it, the same for medium, light and weapons. <snip>


If a player contributes to the group. he/she has a right to roll on whatever loot drops, for whatever reason (to keep, to sell, or to vendor trash) unless there is a pre-existing agreement. (they run an instance specificaly to get X member X item) anything contrary is sour grapes.


if its a team effort. the team rolls, no person should have to explain to the group members (why they have a right to loot) usualy those people are just bitter because they didnt get what they want.

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If a player contributes to the group. he/she has a right to roll on whatever loot drops, for whatever reason (to keep, to sell, or to vendor trash) unless there is a pre-existing agreement. (they run an instance specificaly to get X member X item) anything contrary is sour grapes.


if its a team effort. the team rolls, no person should have to explain to the group members (why they have a right to loot) usualy those people are just bitter because they didnt get what they want.



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This has been brought up thousands of times before... it certainly does need improvements.

That said, how hard exactly can it be agreeing or noting your group mates of your expectations? Its not all that hard to type one sentence before departure, LFG has its uses but this is certainly not one of them, people ignoring others in chat will sure ignore lfg text too.


Basically some people will prefer one way or another, some will be loot whores some will be power freaks, thats what friend lists are for. There's no way to avoid loot drama no matter what BW puts as mechanics anyway. The system is flawed, yes, but its just part of the problem.

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I dont understand why bioware wont just do loot for each player in the party, kinda like diablo 3. No more fighting, no more name calling.


I must've been lucky because on frostclaw, I've not seen people as overly greedy and often people roll greed if its an item they dont need. If someone still needs a gear for their comp we can usually compromise and give the gear to them.

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