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Every group is full of greedy ninja companion looters.


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I'm a maurauder and started using Quinn in the 40ish range because of how squishy I am and the need for healing. Not the best geared character or best player but some 2+ I can solo with Quinn it really depends, it helps if its got droids I can cc.


I wasn't referring to the players gear but the companions gear in general. My point was that for solo content companions really don't need the best gear and Heroics were not put in to be soloed but rather as a reason for people to group together. They are supposed to require multiple players.


This is what I'm talking about, Quinn don't need blue or best gear to perform well on healing. Quinn can perform well even with under level gear. But some companion, (the tank companion). Using under level green gear means he have at least 1k less armour (My tank companion heavy armour value used to be worse than my main light armour value due to under gear until I got him 2 pvp gear) and less total health value.


Less armour value and less health for the tank companion means it will be killed earlier than expected and thus, making you take all the damage. 5 sec prolonged by your companion is valuable because in that 5 sec you could have killed 1 extra mobs and healed your companion and taking less damage due to 1 mob less on the offence.

Edited by ryancwn
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Everyone's entitled to roll Need, because they were there when the boss died, this is true.


Here's the thing. I pose a question.


Before the run starts, do you tell the group you intend to roll Need for gear for your companions?


If the answer is yes, all the more power to you, roll as you see fit.


If you don't say it beforehand, why not?


Answer: Because you're afraid you'll get kicked from the group, because you know it's a BS thing to do.


By not warning the group beforehand that you're just using them to gear up your companion, you fit the definition of a ninja looter and really, deserve to be ignored and kicked from the group.

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And who are you to decide what you can roll need on?


I hope BW go back to basic round the robin looting method with BoE item only so people don't feel that they should entitle to a BoP loot drop more than the other in the group who just contribute as much. You said companion don't depnds on the gear to advance. Last time I check, My main can advance without the need of blue gear.


Bottom line: Don't assume anything and spend at least 2 min to discuss the loot rules beforehand. BW shouldn't hold your hand.


WHo are you to roll need for acompanion not with you in a group over a guy who is and is contributing to the group?? it is greed nothing more, if I am a tank and a tank item drops and you need roll it for your tank companion when I need it more, you are a greedy greedy person and I will NEVER play with you again and if I see you in general asking for group I will politely inform everyone that you /need roll for companions over players in your group. You are then welcome to defend your stance no one with half a brain would defend.


Now if no one /needs as in need that dropped item for your own character, meaning that character WILL USE IT, everyone who has companions are free to /need roll. BEFORE ALTS needs, if someone /need for their alt they can roll greed at every instance unless agreed upon before entering instance. Characters and companions goes before alts everytime. Now if you don't need it for your main or companion ALWAYS greed roll or if it is reallygarbage to you abstain.

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I contributed to the group, same as anyone else, I have the same right to roll need on gear as anyone else, do not try to craft rules so only you get gear that you obviously feel you deserved, you feel entitled to it just because you were there, the gear isn't yours till you win the need roll
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Switch servers. This is not a Bioware/EA issue, this is a your server has rude and inconsiderate players issue.


I haven't ever run into this in any group quest/instance I've ever done, period.




I have alts on Darth Sion and Mask of Nihilus and the baddies are plentiful. My main is on a less "cool" sounding server, but I haven't run into any jerks yet. ...either that or I outleveled them all.

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WHo are you to roll need for acompanion not with you in a group over a guy who is and is contributing to the group?? it is greed nothing more, if I am a tank and a tank item drops and you need roll it for your tank companion when I need it more, you are a greedy greedy person and I will NEVER play with you again and if I see you in general asking for group I will politely inform everyone that you /need roll for companions over players in your group. You are then welcome to defend your stance no one with half a brain would defend.


Now if no one /needs as in need that dropped item for your own character, meaning that character WILL USE IT, everyone who has companions are free to /need roll. BEFORE ALTS needs, if someone /need for their alt they can roll greed at every instance unless agreed upon before entering instance. Characters and companions goes before alts everytime. Now if you don't need it for your main or companion ALWAYS greed roll or if it is reallygarbage to you abstain.


And who are you to decide what I can roll? No, the need rules are base on your own opinion and you are super impose your rules over mine.


As I have said and many. If you are PUGing, spend 2 min and discuss the loot rules otherwise, don't cry on the forum because you assume they should follow your 'rules' that is no where to be found.


Maybe I should bar all tank from rolling need on gear that gives more str/critical/surge than end/defense/shield/etc because you don't need it and its for your 'offspec'.


Opps, I just create a rule and all people should follow this because I said so. After all, rolling for offspec gear is bad.

Edited by ryancwn
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And who are you to decide what I can roll? No, the need rules are base on your own opinion and you are super impose your rules over mine.


It is common sense that those are the rules, lets see if you just don't get it because your mind is warped or it islack of empathy behind it.


You me play with 2 other in an instance.


Epic main hand weapon drops it is better than your own that you use for your character in the instance. You roll need, Isay, my gault could useit, I barely play with gaultbut it is better than what he has, so I roll need. I win and get the weapon, was that fair and good rules to you?


Please I await a yes or no answer!!!

Edited by TheHirogen
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BioWare should do one of these three things:

1. Make all items class specfic

2. Companions can't equip any gear looted from Heroics, Flashpoints or Operations.

3. Ban anyone who rolls Need on something they can't use. Also the person who does need it receives it after said Loot Jawa is banned.


I like number 3 cos it screws people over :D

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It is common sense that those are the rules, lets see if you just don't get it because your mind is warped or it islack of empathy behind it.


You me play with 2 other in an instance.


Epic main hand weapon drops it is better than your own that you use for your character in the instance. You roll need, Isay, my gault could useit, I barely play with gaultbut it is better than what he has, so I roll need. I win and get the weapon, was that fair and good rules to you?


YOUR common sense, dont speak for majority.

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Epic main hand weapon drops it is better than your own that you use for your character in the instance. You roll need, Isay, my gault could useit, I barely play with gaultbut it is better than what he has, so I roll need. I win and get the weapon, was that fair and good rules to you?


Please I await a yes or no answer!!!


It is fair. Have you played MMO before Need before Greed system at all? All the loot pre-NBG system are base on luck and you get them only base on luck. If a loot drop suit for your class but another person got it, you suppose to BUY from the lucky guy instead of telling him that he have no use of it and you should have it for free. This was the rule in PUG. Organised raid from raid guild are different.

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it is a yes or no question based on the rulesI layed out, there cannot be different circumstance because of game mechanics and some set ofrules have to exist, so either you agreewith my rules and answer YESoryou don't agree and answer NO to that situation.


Please be nice and tell me thenof better rules that is more common sense if you dissagree otherwise I presume you just argue and say no for pete's sake!



So, which is it, YES or NO?

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It is fair. Have you played MMO without Need before Greed system at all? All the loot pre-NBG system are base on luck and you get them only base on luck. If a loot drop suit for your class but another person got it, you suppose to BUY from the lucky guy....


So you rather have groups get into fights and bartering over prices then everyone being happy with what they get?


Scenario, 4players 3 drops 3 can need uniquely 3 happyone sad.


your set of cirsumstances, 4 players 3 drops I get what you needI demand 100thousands credits you have mine and demand less, more os equal? is there any problemsyou can see that can arise, greater problems,if you take 2 seconds to think about it?


Sorry but your sense is broken and you need to subsciribe you "common sense" that the rest of us posses, peace.

Edited by TheHirogen
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I understand your concerns and frustration OP. I had one instance of this where I FINALLY found a good lightsaber upgrade in a Flashpoint after having the same Lightsaber and mods for about 6 or 7 levels. I got it at the end of Coruscant and couldn't for the life of me find anything better until I hit Nar Shaddaa. In any case, what I did was kindly and calmly tell the player why I found that unacceptable.



It went something like this, "Hey man, that's the first lightsaber that I've found in a lot of levels that was better than my own and as you can see based on my performance in this Flashpoint I'm in need of an upgrade. I mean I could barely keep up with the Tank's damage and I was spamming all my skills and cooldowns like there was no tomorrow. I understand that you have to keep your companion upgraded, but in the future, for the sake of a good community will you PLEASE ask if anyone else in the group minds if you need an item for your companion."


Then after he got all defensive and I calmed him down and explained that I wasn't trying to be a loot Nazi, I was able to convince him that it's not a big deal to just ask. That if you ask, most people don't have a problem with it, because most people spend a lot of their time soloing with their companions. I actively changed this person and I know I did because I went on quite a few flashpoints with him after that. From then on he always asked politely if he saw a good gear upgrade for his companion, and he actually THANKED me for asking him nicely to change the way he went about it.


Now, granted this is just one case and not everybody is willing to change. Still, if you don't like how a player is playing when he's in your group, put him on your ignore list or some digital/hard copy list of players that you don't want to group with. I did it all the time with WoW because of Ninja looters, selfish ******es and guys that just didn't ever say anything nice at all.


I think I'm done talking about this. I hope that you find a way to deal with this issue that works for you, rather than relying on Bioware to cater to your every whim. Most of us like being able to need gear for our companions, and some of us are decent enough human beings to ask other players if that's okay.

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Ok, I'm gonna start rolling need on everything under the sun. Nah, I can't use it all, but I can vendor it and make credits. I was there doing just as much work as you, if I wanna roll need on your epic blaster/armor/whatever just so I can vendor it, then I will.


If you want it so bad after I win, you can pay me the creds I would make for vendoring it, plus an extra amount (whatever I feel is fair) then that's fine too.


That seems pretty fair to me.

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So you rather have groups get into fights and bartering over prices then everyone being happy with what they get?


Scenario, 4players 3 drops 3 can need uniquely 3 happyone sad.


your set of cirsumstances, 4 players 3 drops I get what you needI demand 100thousands credits you have mine and demand less, more os equal? is there any problemsyou can see that can arise, greater problems,if you take 2 seconds to think about it?


If you charge 100 thousands credits each, I would say screw it and find the gear from else where. This was how MMO worked before they introduce the flawed NBG system. This is not a problem at all, player control economic. You basically decide how much you want to spend on said item.


NBG not only introduce greedy player who roll need on everything instead of what you want and need. It also introduce loot entitlement. Player who thinks he entitle the loot more because of what ever 'reason' that he deems valid and other reason is invalid because he said so.

Edited by ryancwn
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I understand your concerns and frustration OP. I had one instance of this where I FINALLY found a good lightsaber upgrade in a Flashpoint after having the same Lightsaber and mods for about 6 or 7 levels. I got it at the end of Coruscant and couldn't for the life of me find anything better until I hit Nar Shaddaa. In any case, what I did was kindly and calmly tell the player why I found that unacceptable.



It went something like this, "Hey man, that's the first lightsaber that I've found in a lot of levels that was better than my own and as you can see based on my performance in this Flashpoint I'm in need of an upgrade. I mean I could barely keep up with the Tank's damage and I was spamming all my skills and cooldowns like there was no tomorrow. I understand that you have to keep your companion upgraded, but in the future, for the sake of a good community will you PLEASE ask if anyone else in the group minds if you need an item for your companion."


Then after he got all defensive and I calmed him down and explained that I wasn't trying to be a loot Nazi, I was able to convince him that it's not a big deal to just ask. That if you ask, most people don't have a problem with it, because most people spend a lot of their time soloing with their companions. I actively changed this person and I know I did because I went on quite a few flashpoints with him after that. From then on he always asked politely if he saw a good gear upgrade for his companion, and he actually THANKED me for asking him nicely to change the way he went about it.


Now, granted this is just one case and not everybody is willing to change. Still, if you don't like how a player is playing when he's in your group, put him on your ignore list or some digital/hard copy list of players that you don't want to group with. I did it all the time with WoW because of Ninja looters, selfish ******es and guys that just didn't ever say anything nice at all.


I think I'm done talking about this. I hope that you find a way to deal with this issue that works for you, rather than relying on Bioware to cater to your every whim. Most of us like being able to need gear for our companions, and some of us are decent enough human beings to ask other players if that's okay.


Very true I had a similar circumstance happen to me and the guy did not know about MMO's and loot policies and mechanics so he always hit need because he did not know better, now he doesn't and he is a great guy.




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it is a yes or no question based on the rulesI layed out, there cannot be different circumstance because of game mechanics and some set ofrules have to exist, so either you agreewith my rules and answer YESoryou don't agree and answer NO to that situation.


Please be nice and tell me thenof better rules that is more common sense if you dissagree otherwise I presume you just argue and say no for pete's sake!



So, which is it, YES or NO?


No, companion is part of my character and i play this game to improve my character. If something drops that is upgrade to my companion, i roll need, and its also allowed so its not "ninjaing".

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The last 5 random groups i have gotten into have some guy rolling need on krap he cant use but his "companions" can so he needs it, then a huge fight breaks out, the group splits up game over.


The loot system needs to be addressed, people who use heavy armor should be the only ones who can roll need on it, the same for medium, light and weapons.


It's getting out of hand, the companion system is just dumb it has George Lucas written all over it,


A stoppid npc with bad ai does not enhance my game experience, it's a frickin Massive Multiplayer Game.


if you want a healer you just find a REAL PERSON to heal, or to tank, why not just make a game where only 1 guy can play on a server then everyone else is a npc with ai and you can charge them 15 bucks a month to play it, yeah thats over the edge but this is just ruining the fun.


and you can say just "get into a guild" but you can't always run things with just guild members and you cant even guarantee a guild member will not pull this bull krap.


GEORGE LUCAS needs to get the hell out of the designing of this game, and go make movies, I bet George is the reason we cant play wookies or driods in this game.


fix the dam loot system, who care if one quest in the level 50 zone dont work, 100% of your people are trying to have fun in groups


Companions enhance my experience so don't presume to speak for me. I like the fact they exist.


Still... I was surprised that companions are not restricted to companion-only gear. I can't say I'd mind if Bioware look into this, though I don't care that much.

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If you charge 100 thousands credits each, I would say screw it and find the gear from else where. This was how MMO worked before they introduce the flawed NBG system. This is not a problem at all, player control economic. You basically decide how much you want to spend on said item.


Good then I always need roll, offer the item if I win to others for 1million credits, if they say no I put it on Auction house and if they get what I need I will try barter with them and or scream in their ear GIEF GIEFGIEFGIEF ME MAH STUFF MAH!!

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