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Guardian useless?


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Yes Guardian is useless you should re-roll.


It's pretty obvious the dev's only want the best of the best as JK's. That's why they made it more difficult to level than the other classes. I suggest you play an ezmode class while you leave the real JKs to level to 50. That way when we hit 50 and are the main leads for raids and such, they can be successful. We wouldn't want someone like you, who'd prob rage quit over one wipe, to be tanking raids later on anyways.


My advice for all who can't cut it, is to re roll to a different class. The JK doesn't get easier till the mid 30's, but I personally haven't had any issues so far and I'm 42. Leave the real playing to those who actually tough it out and last till 50. All I hear on the JK forums is that the class isn't good enough or doesn't compare to X other class. Well the answer is obvious, re roll!


As other's who've made it to higher levels, the problems go away (not that there were any). Thin the ranks I say. The Dev's were right in that this will make people play the other "non Jedi" classes more. Roll that Vanguard and steamroll your way through FPs. By the time you're 50, step aside and let the JKG's do the main tanking.


How much you guys wanna bet this dude's JK is level 15?

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The only problem I have is maintaining agro. I taunt and hilt stike like crazy and the bosses still play agro ping pong! Other then that, I have no problems soloing, taking damage or just overal survival. The class and story line is perfect!


I also have Kira in a moded out Slave girl outfit!!! :D

Edited by JohnH
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JK Guardian is not for casual or inexperienced players. That said love the class even in pvp as tank spec its all matter of using which abilities and when and you can shut someone down like say the enemy healer(4 ways to interrupt on 1min cool down and 1 on an 8 sec cool down). But if you are unable to bind 20+ keys(and use them at less than a drop of the hat) to your keyboard and mouse and really know your *expletive deleted* DO NOT PLAY ONE
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But if you are unable to bind 20+ keys(and use them at less than a drop of the hat) to your keyboard and mouse and really know your *expletive deleted* DO NOT PLAY ONE


If having to bind and use 20+ keys enabled the Guardian to perform better than other classes it would be worthwhile. That's not the case.

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Naa, not useless you just need to adjust your tactics and read up on the class.


The people I've grouped with have been very happy with my ability to take a beating. Our AoE threat is a little weak compared to some other classes, but mostly viable. My Defense skills block a ton of damage, and Blade Barrier is constantly absorbing a ton of damage because of how often Blade Storm is available. Force Sweep and Riposte offer some bonus Defense in the talent tree. The stuns and other interrupts also help negate a lot of incoming damage. I'm not happy with some aspect of the Guardian class, but Tanking is not really one of them.

Edited by MichellMich
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There are people that cannot for the life of them figure out how to play the guardian to level 50. Then there are others who have experienced smooth sailing from 1-50 as a guardian. The difference is obviously skill.


Do some research and figure out how to get to 50 on a guardian. Else just re roll a ranged dps class and sleep your way to 50. These posts are everywhere, and they are always started by people under level 30.


no the difference could be only the missing experience from other classes.

AND anything is subjective not objective without a combat log.


AND Bioware said at the end of the Beta that they will work on the JK, I dont know whats about it...


please excuse my bad english i am not nat. speaker.



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I love the Jedi Guardian I am now on the Doomsday quest :


The problem people have with guardian is they expect them to do too much. The guardian is simply a huge walking shield designed to gather the enemy bring them into battle with him so your other group members can destroy the group.


But they can dish out damage too depending on your skill tree how much damage you take or give is dependant on your choice. if your going guardian tank then defense all the way. Defense will give you a high amount of ac and shields this is good you would have 10 points left I put mine in Vigialnce and increased my saber and sweep damage and stun.


First mistake people do is not leap into the group they are facing instead you run into group and thus have no focus. If you leap you reduce their accuracy by I think 60 % for 6 seconds so that means enemies miss you a lot plus you have focus built up for sweep.


Second one is gear get orange gear so can add mods to it the better the mod the better the gear.


Companions do no underestimate the value of good companions I mean in this case more favor you have with them the better they are. I tend to use only 2 of my 5 companions just gets costly upgrading all 5 and In my opinion 5 is too many build relationships with your main companion that being Kira for me get her to Jedi Knight rank and she is a lot tougher then.


Also build up your t7 unit with best possible parts and best mods going to need it.

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Huh, granted I just finished chapter I, but I've not had any major issues with my Guardian tank. I can roll through things with or without my husband's commando to back her up. I just go slower without the commando is all. I can beat most things with very little trouble. Maybe that changes as I keep going up in levels, but I haven't seen much trouble yet.
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I have a 48 Guardian and it just awful. Killing mobs is like hacking away on a huge tree with a small hatchet. PvP is even worse. I am lucky to get most classes to 70% before they kill me. I have current blue/purple gear and it doesn't seem to make a difference.


I think that the issue lies in the hp/mitigation. Guardians don't have more hp than any other class with similar gear. I can't tell a difference tanking in any of the forms from a damage taken standpoint. So, similar hp + similar mitigation + way less damage = suck.


My only hope at this point is that a full set of 50 pvp gear will fix it. Very unhappy with the class.


You will have to respec to Vigilance spec if you want to kill faster, tank tree will most likely always be slower at killing stuff! The Defense tree you won't see any real benefit unless your stacking tank statistics as far as how much incoming damage your taking in anyway. I know I can see a huge difference myself if I'm in DPS focused gear or if I'm in Tank focused gear. Using DPS based gear while speced Defense won't do much for you but up your DPS, The level 50 pvp sets aren't going to help all that much as far as killing people in PVP if you stay Defense spec, unless your pvp tactic is hutt ball runner/point defender. Expertise on the gear won't help you at all in PVE content as far as I know.

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I am a level 36 Jedi Knight Guardian. Most of my points are in Defense tree, one or two in Vigilance.


I have definitely noticed a challenge in playing this class, but I am over the hump and I really understand how it works now. Instead of finger mashing a few "Go-To" skills like some other classes do, the offense of a Jedi Knight is far more complex. You have to constantly be making mental adjustments during the fight, and always using interruptions. Always using interruptions. Always. Using... You get it


Once I was in a PVP Warzone, and I force leaped onto some Sith ranged gunner's face. I slashed away in my proper jedi knight form (Soresu for me), and then noticed his little bar charging up a move. Bam, force kick. Then he started charging again. Force Stasis. once more he started charging something, probably a heal, Force Push, followed by another leap. Finally, I had interrupted enough of his crap to use my best attacks and I finished him off safely knowing he wouldn't CC me in the middle of Master Strike.


Of course, there are a handful of other RANGED DPS Siths running around mashing "Lightning" with their weird, unbreakable shields. So its a gamble as to whether or not I win that bout most of the time.



All in all, I now welcome the challenge, and I look at it like this:


I love my Knight, and i am proud to have struggled.

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My 2 cents. The Jedi Guardian is one of the easiest to play. You get out of it exactly what you put into it. I built my JG to be middle of the road so I can solo and group well and not have the slow combat a pure tank JG does. It takes being more critical in selecting equipment and talents, but it is well worth it. If I wasn't holding my character back so I can group with friends I could have easily hit 50 by now.


With Kira I had very little problems under leveling class content so I could get to legacy. It was only the final boss in that quest which forced me go back and level from 28 to 31 so I could take him(I admit that was a close fight still). The only thing I didn't kill in that whole quest was one gold 32 elite(and really I think I could have taken him when I went back it, but I didn't try).


In group content he is almost the perfect character. I constantly switch between off-tanking or off-dps as needed. With a good group flash points have been a walk. By being able to change between the two there isn't a situation he can't help balance out in the groups favor. That is exactly what I wanted him to be and so that is how I built him. I haven't had a single complaint from anyone with him by the end of group play.


He isn't the best tank and he isn't the best DPS, but I knew that with the decisions I chose to make. He is the best at what I wanted him to be and that is exactly the middle of the road. Able to be whatever the situation requires. You get out of the class exactly what you put into it.

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I'm a big fan of my Guardian.


Level 38 on a PVE server.


I've only spent about 5 points in Vigilance. The rest in Defence.


Have never had issues tanking in Heroics and Flashpoints. Have played quite a few under leveled as well.


Damage mitigation is superb. With your Saber Ward, Warding Call, as well as the passive effects like Blade Barricade after Riposte as well as Blade Barrier after popping Blade Storm.


Not too mantion correctly specced heavy armor.....


And then there's the interrupt abilities like Stasis, Push and the normal interrupt (forgot the skill name)


Yes it can take a while to clear mobs. But this is the roll of guardian, not to DPS.


This is my first time playing a tank in any MMO and have had no issues with the Guardian to this point. A great class as long as you know your role.

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Yes Guardian is useless you should re-roll.


It's pretty obvious the dev's only want the best of the best as JK's. That's why they made it more difficult to level than the other classes. I suggest you play an ezmode class while you leave the real JKs to level to 50. That way when we hit 50 and are the main leads for raids and such, they can be successful. We wouldn't want someone like you, who'd prob rage quit over one wipe, to be tanking raids later on anyways.


My advice for all who can't cut it, is to re roll to a different class. The JK doesn't get easier till the mid 30's, but I personally haven't had any issues so far and I'm 42. Leave the real playing to those who actually tough it out and last till 50. All I hear on the JK forums is that the class isn't good enough or doesn't compare to X other class. Well the answer is obvious, re roll!


As other's who've made it to higher levels, the problems go away (not that there were any). Thin the ranks I say. The Dev's were right in that this will make people play the other "non Jedi" classes more. Roll that Vanguard and steamroll your way through FPs. By the time you're 50, step aside and let the JKG's do the main tanking.


Biggest croke of **** ive heard anyone winge over yet. You think a JK at 50 is a good tank lol, i have a 50 tank and i know you wont be leading a group in a raid unless you have a good couple of healers spam healing you 24/7. tanking in this game is obsolete atm

Edited by Shadow-Republic
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I was very disappointed when a guildmate told me that these forums said Guardian was terrible. Let me state upfront, I do not PvP. Ever.


I do not know if it is because I played other games as a tank (Warrior and Paladin in EQ, Paladin and Ninja in FFXI, and Warrior and later Paladin in WoW) or if having played older games makes me more patient, but I find that Guardian is both fun and quite adept at tanking. I am unsure as to where all the hate comes from. In both flashpoints (I have completed them all) and completing the main story solo. I struggled, briefly, before I got Doc only in that I had a lot of downtime between fights. Once I had Doc, however, I ceased ever having to stop at all when it came to fighting. I was able to solo many Heroic 2+ missions, and anything below that was trivial.


My guild and myself hardly find Guardian useless. I never had a problem with DPS, and a certainly never had a problem with survivability.


Someone earlier had posted about rotation, I never liked rotations as they are not fluid, but a set of priorities;


A lot of the keys to the class are: 1) always try and keep your focus up. Slash is a bit more DPS than Strike, but Focus is usually better spent elsewhere. 2) If you talented it, blade storm needs to be your go-to ability. With good defense it should be a 1 focus ability and gives a damage shield and does great damage. 3) Keeping up Sundering Strike stacks. This is CRUCIAL in extended fights if you talented up to Guardian Slash. It extends dealt damage twice, having 5 up increases the base damage, plus the armor down. 4) On normal and strong enemies chaining hilt+pommel strike can end a fight ridiculously fast, this is also a good tactic in a fight with more than one strong as it keeps one out of the fight for quite a while, lowering enemy DPS. 5) Using interrupts wisely will save your life. With my guardian spec I have Force Kick, Force Push, Stasis, Hilt Strike and Force Leap. On anything other than an immune boss I can keep an enemy chain locked almost indefinitely.


As far as underpowered I have played as a healer with a vanguard and never found that Guardian would have failed where they succeeded. I have succeeded in the same circumstances.


I would suggest to some of you that do not like the class, or do not find it fun that perhaps you made an error in judgement on what you want to play.


Edit: I did not mention; Riposte, Riposte, Riposte. But if I have to tell you to use a good damage ability that is off of GCD every chance you get, you may have bigger problems.

Edited by RyogaWanderer
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My guardian is level 46, before healer companion i played as tank, while as vigi and now half both as i am 2 points away from overhead slash and rest in defens.

I have had some serious problems with class quest bosses even when i was higher level than should , sometimes progression has been easy. Around 30 or so it took 5 tries to kill class q boss.

After i got healer and took points in vigilance its been mainly boring, even if we have lot of moves (too many to bind all) its pretty much just never dying if you care to use cd every now and then. What our guildies have been telling its pretty much same for all classes, there are good levels and some seriously bad levels and guardian can be painful from time to time until you get healer companion.

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I can understand what he is saying, its a fact that the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior have problems, even though players are in denial over it, just citing that its lack of skill and nothing more.


I have noticed when playing with each class, that all of them except for Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior are easy to play, very easy infact.


Facing an elite and a strong at the same time as a smuggler, trooper or consular or even as the empire mirror classes can be beaten, but i can be quite hurt, while the Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior tend to die, unless i am extremely lucky and the AI misses.

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How about, instead of talking about how people need to 'lern2play', you try giving a bit of useful advice? I know there are a couple of other dipspits around backing you up, but as far as anyone knows, you were pvp-power-levelled to 50 in a weekend. Your arrogant lines about how this game is 'easy' and how you won't offer anyone who asks you for strategy any tips, simply confirms that you don't have a damned clue what you are talking about.


this game was designed to be 'casual friendly'. That means that many people that are playing are playing because they love star wars, not because it is 'mmo easy mode'. That means, in many cases, brand new MMO players, or even players that are older, maybe even those who were teenagers or adults when the first star wars movie came out.


Grunting about how they need to 'learn skills to progress' without offering even a slightly useful bit of advice for what you find as 'easy mode' when many of them just want to slow down and enjoy an engrossing storyline or play with a few friends, is grossly insulting. So, instead of coming back and stroking your e-peen for an audience, how about you just stay the hell out of this thread, or offer useful suggestions on how to build/play a reasonably survivable toon, for someone that maybe works a day job instead of going to school or pays rent to someone other than their parents?


Let's put it this way... when people get a character to 50 under their own power, they usually want to talk about it, that includes tips and advice. Your unwillingness to do anything other than criticize those that are having trouble with the class simply ensures that everyone here realized that someone PL'ed you to 50

Edited by VelnikSP
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Am I the only guy who uses the middle tree, uses soresu form and doesn't put the talents in the other stance? I own higher level guys all the time, and seem to do alright damage.


I like how I can CC and still do some sort of owning.


This is how I roll for the most part. 4/24/8 at the moment. I use Soresu form exclusively, and typically can handle gold elites at 2 levels above me.


I use Kira at all times. I have used Doc, but it gets stupid easy and boring with him. Plus, I don't like his personality much.

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Im a level 45 Guardian and I do Pvp.


Guardians are pretty bad. However being 45 in the 1-49 WZ's is pretty awesome for anyone. lol...


The sad part is when my level 15 Councelor in the same WZ uses 3 dd spells and 2 healing spells to make it close to top leader spot in some warzones... While my Knight uses close to 20 abilities to do the same at level 40 and struggles with it.


As far as PVE is concerned I Sprinted to Belsalvis from like level 30ish to catch my PVE up to my level. (Before then I was way overlevel of my PVE)



At @ 40 I could easily solo level anything mobs with Doc out!!!

Doc OP.


I could also easily down level 40 champion mobs with (my full tank companion: Lord Scourge) if I let him get agro and eventually die.

At level 40 in purple synthweave level 38ish - 40ish... and with Kira in the same level gear I could also take out level 40 champion (gold star) mobs.

In general I run with Kira out till I need ubermode then I pull Doc out.


Now there was a need at times for some LOS shenanigans and very intelligent use of stuns, companions, cooldowns etc... but it was all doable and fun.


FYI from a PVE perspective.



All of us here that have made high level Guardian... obviously love the class. Many here are embarassed to admit it... but, compared to almost any other class Jedi Knights in general just don't stack up. Even at level 45 in the WZ I struggle to kill folks. I have won as many 1v1's as I've lost in the wild (Im on a Pvp server)... However, I've never killed an Assasin solo. Assasins are like JK if we didn't suck.


Were playable...

Were even pvp'able...

Were just SWTOR Hardmode...


In a way I guess that's cool...

It has been fun and challenging...


Im sure my mind will change when I finally get all my Pvp gear and Im forced to be a 1 trick focus pony to kill anything... but O well, so it goes. At least we still have the Focus Trick Pony... till they nerf it.


Anyway that's the Truth as I see it.


Fun but ineveitably gimp class.



p.s. Also the gear I run in ... I craft myself via synthweaving... it's great gear... but Im perpetually broke crafting it... at times I can't even afford new skills as I level... so...

your mileage may vary... (I HAVE A ROSY VIEW OF THE CLASS!!!)

Edited by VoidJustice
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