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  1. I dont know why people are acting like idiots.....but then again, everyone likes to be part of the flavor of the month. lol
  2. Synthweaving, Armstech, Artifice and Armormech are will become useful later on when BW makes the needed changes. This is a MMO people, nerfs / changes will come.
  3. Not looking for a certain set. I just want to know if you can craft armor similar to that armor in the return trailer.
  4. The only problem I have is maintaining agro. I taunt and hilt stike like crazy and the bosses still play agro ping pong! Other then that, I have no problems soloing, taking damage or just overal survival. The class and story line is perfect! I also have Kira in a moded out Slave girl outfit!!!
  5. I had no problems killing him at lvl 23. Time the interupts and don't forget that you can use Kira abilites too. I also have synthweaving and I always make sure that I have updated gear for my levels. Not sure if that made a differense.
  6. So I was wondering if synthweavers can make the Jedi Guardian plate armor like the one in the Return trailer. Can someone confirm for me please if you can or can not craft it? I know you can get armor like it from PvP and raid drops. I would rather craft it. Thanks.
  7. Anyone know if server tansfers are are possible yet or if they plan to be soon?
  8. JohnH

    CE items

    Problem solved. I found this on another thread.
  9. That solves my problem as well. Thank you.
  10. JohnH

    CE items

    I'm sure they will, it's just that they are swamped with post launch stuff.
  11. JohnH

    CE items

    So I sold my mouse droid by mistake and couldnt buy it back from the vendor using the buy back tab. I subbmited a ticket and haven't heared back yet. I'm sure the DEVs are buisy with other issues. My question is, does anyone know of a /command that would help me out? I know WoW had one for some of their CE items that came with their expansions. Thank you. PS, if someome from BW is reading this, please make all of the CE in game items quest items so they cant be sold off. The ring / band for the VIP area is a quest item nut all of the other items are not. Thanks again
  12. Here's a video from youtube featuring CHRISGG playing. This is what she looks like in RL. No joke!!! Youtube hacked her web cam and took this video. Enjoy!
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