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Hero Engine: why?


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Seriously, the technical details and semantics are fine and dandy, but none of that matters if the game looks and plays like crap. Everyone agrees on that small point at least, right? Bioware really dropped the ball on this issue (not to mention all the other issues that this thread does not talk about).


None of any of this discussion matters actually. Bioware produced a game, people play it, people who like it will continue to play it, people who do not will unsubscribe. We hardly need yet another /rant thread about the game engine to know any of this.


Game looks fine to me and plays quite well for a launch MMO. Yeah, there are some bugs, but I have yet to see a "game breaking" bug, I don't have performance issues of any kind (I play on a one year old Asus G53 laptop and it runs at high settings consistenly above 50 fps).


So, I disagree with you. I'm sure others do as well, just as I'm sure there are others that may agree with you.

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None of any of this discussion matters actually. Bioware produced a game, people play it, people who like it will continue to play it, people who do not will unsubscribe. We hardly need yet another /rant thread about the game engine to know any of this.


Game looks fine to me and plays quite well for a launch MMO. Yeah, there are some bugs, but I have yet to see a "game breaking" bug, I don't have performance issues of any kind (I play on a one year old Asus G53 laptop and it runs at high settings consistenly above 50 fps).


So, I disagree with you. I'm sure others do as well, just as I'm sure there are others that may agree with you.


LOL funboy are so fun ....


50 fps in a laptop .... maybe even in WF and i bet that you dont have any ability lag ....You have a 16X multisample AA, hi rez shadow and hi rez texture!!!


cool story bro

Edited by Isgarot
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LOL funboy are so fun ....


50 fps in a laptop .... maybe even in WF and i bet that you dont have any ability lag ....You have a 16X multisample AA, hi rez shadow and hi rez texture!!!


cool story bro


You are just showing your ignorance now, and being condescending of course.


Yeah, they are called gaming laptops. :D They are a marvel of modern techology, complete with state of the art processors, a real Nvidia graphics controller, and 8 gig of ram. If I can play comnfortably on a G53, then most people should be able to play on desktops that are anywhere close to modern.


No, I don't use AA, I'll try it when its patched in though. High Textures and shadows though are zero problem for me. Processor never goes above 35% utilization, and memory never leaks either. I don't get 100 fps of course but then, I don't need it either.

Edited by Andryah
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You are just showing your ignorance now, and being condescending of course.


Yeah, they are called gaming laptops. :D They are a marvel of modern techology, complete with state of the art processors, a real Nvidia graphics controller, and 8 gig of ram. If I can play comnfortably on a G53, then most people should be able to play on desktops that are anywhere close to modern.


No, I don't use AA, I'll try it when its patched in though. High Textures and shadows though are zero problem for me. Processor never goes above 35% utilization, and memory never leaks either. I don't get 100 fps of course but then, I don't need it either.


There is not Hight texture..... and they had a problem with interior shadow at hight quality (the dev asked to put the shadow dow becouse this ) ... so you are playing another game ??!


Im just joking before ... but you ... you need really to open your eye and tell what you see, defending a product like this its usless....

Edited by Isgarot
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Because the devs are a bunch of lazy, untalented hacks that's why lmao! Anybody with any sense of pride in their work would do it in-house. Who the hell outsources your gaming engine - oh, nm... It's just as bad as the 3rd world, don't know this game, can't string a coherent sentence in English CS that doesn't do a damm thing here...
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I love watching the kids complain about developers and engines. Someone slapped a few lines of PHP together for their blog and suddenly they know how to program a game engine.


So choice...


So what that means we shouldn't point out the problems ? Most people can't build a car that doesn't mean they shouldn't complain when they buy a new one that is faulty and has transmission trouble.


If you want to take it and be happy without question go right ahead.

Edited by Jigss
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So what that means we shouldn't point out the problems. Most people can't build a car that doesn't mean they shouldn't complain when they buy a new one that is faulty and has transmission trouble.


If you want to take it and be happy without question go right ahead.




after that you are an expert that know all about engine and can tell that its all ok right ?!

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There is not Hight texture..... and they had a problem with interior shadow at hight quality (the dev asked to put the shadow dow becose this ) ... so you are playing another game ??!


Im just joking before ... but you ... you need really to open your eye and tell what you see, defending a product like this its usless....


No, I am playing the game on the maxium settings in the preferences settings inside the game client. And as I said, the game looks fine for me and plays fine for me.


Stop trolling.

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So... we are doomed regarding the character responsiveness ?


If yes, I don't think I'll stay long time...


Yeah, what I've been asking people who know about game production and stuff. Should we honestly be optimistic, or is it a change that is too difficult/expensive/what have you, to pull off.



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No, I am playing the game on the maxium settings in the preferences settings inside the game client. And as I said, the game looks fine for me and plays fine for me.


Stop trolling.


just read your posts ... Mr im know all ....are you the troll here ...


What are your degree ?

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You are just showing your ignorance now, and being condescending of course.


Yeah, they are called gaming laptops. :D They are a marvel of modern techology, complete with state of the art processors, a real Nvidia graphics controller, and 8 gig of ram. If I can play comnfortably on a G53, then most people should be able to play on desktops that are anywhere close to modern.


No, I don't use AA, I'll try it when its patched in though. High Textures and shadows though are zero problem for me. Processor never goes above 35% utilization, and memory never leaks either. I don't get 100 fps of course but then, I don't need it either.


How is it you're getting hi rez textures when they're not supported by this game? Is there something I'm missing here because the dev's have said on several forums that Hi rez textures are problematic for them.


Did they add them in or something?

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So what that means we shouldn't point out the problems. Most people can't build a car that doesn't mean they shouldn't complain when they buy a new one that is faulty and has transmission trouble.


If you want to take it and be happy without question go right ahead.


No, please feel free to voice your suggestions. Talk about the bugs you find and bring those to the attention of the developers so they can be fixed.


But complaining that someone is "lazy" just because they went through the build versus buy due diligence and decided that leveraging the work done on an existing engine instead of starting from scratch was a better business decision in the end is just exposing the poster as unaware of the real world restraints on software development and production.


Even the haterboy favorite of these forums, World of Warcraft, used an existing engine instead of creating a new one from the ground-up for their game. Hmmm, wonder why?


Additionally, no one has proven the game as "faulty" or that it has significant "transmission trouble" except for folks that are angry that their "new car" didn't come with a way for them to customize and rearrange the dashboard layout, or that their new car requires them to pay attention and operate the vehicle while they're driving.

Edited by Kubernetic
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Because the devs are a bunch of lazy, untalented hacks that's why lmao! Anybody with any sense of pride in their work would do it in-house. Who the hell outsources your gaming engine - oh, nm... It's just as bad as the 3rd world, don't know this game, can't string a coherent sentence in English CS that doesn't do a damm thing here...


well alot of poeple if there something useable with some person modding will use it vs spedning extra time, money, resrouces and in house testing for a software they might be only using for 1 game(maybe).


they liked teh hero "core" programming and modding it to fit there needs, simple bussiness pratice.


it be like having a car company, so shoudl we use someting here out there, let say a 6 cyc hemi, or instead burn up a few extra years and desine one from scratch and hope everyone waiting for it not mind extra wait time. i rather buy the right to a engine that near spec, tune it up to taste , add alittle noz later and get a rolling.


just a thought(i'm a IT guy, servers,NOS modding, minor programming, and other fun stuff. yes i know my spelling bad at times deal :p)

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How is it you're getting hi rez textures when they're not supported by this game? Is there something I'm missing here because the dev's have said on several forums that Hi rez textures are problematic for them.


Did they add them in or something?


As I said, I have "high" selected in preferences. As in the highest performance demand possible with the current game client. Yeah, they are actually not the high textures used in the cutscenes, but that is irrelevant to my post comment to the troll.

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The only thing that will really keep people from re-subscribing to the game is probably the ability delay / responsiveness issue.


Which seems to be due to a deranged, misguided design choice to have animations take precedence over actions. So the question is: is this animations-over-actions design due to the HeroEngine's core architecture or due to some bafflingly awful choice BioWare themselves made while writing the game?


If it's the former: the game is doomed.


If it's the latter: the game is only *likely* doomed--depending on how much BioWare is willing to admit that animations shouldn't matter (they don't in WoW, for example, and WoW has the best responsiveness of any MMO ever).

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What constitutes a high end PC? I see a ton of people Arguing about it, lets toss an number out there, or basic min settings please.


Because I want to be able to figure out if people are ************ because their PC is crap, or ************ because the engine sucks. I lean towards the latter.

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Why did you choose an Engine that wasn't developed to your exact specifications? I mean, EA and BW make enough, you could have outsourced your Engine development and made the engine fit your game.


Instead, you chose the lazy way and are trying to make a game fit an engine. Not only that, you picked a terrible single-threaded engine that can't even process commands before animations finish, hence all of the ability delay rage you're seeing.



Seriously. Blizzard built an engine to fit their game, they're billions (trillions yet?) richer. You didn't, and you're missing out on Billions in part due to this decision.



because they make rpgs not MMOs. They werent up for the task apparantly.

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Why did you choose an Engine that wasn't developed to your exact specifications? I mean, EA and BW make enough, you could have outsourced your Engine development and made the engine fit your game.


Instead, you chose the lazy way and are trying to make a game fit an engine. Not only that, you picked a terrible single-threaded engine that can't even process commands before animations finish, hence all of the ability delay rage you're seeing.



Seriously. Blizzard built an engine to fit their game, they're billions (trillions yet?) richer. You didn't, and you're missing out on Billions in part due to this decision.



So is Activision also guilty by not using their own engine and instead decided to modify a Quake 3 engine to create Modern Warfare?

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