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Community Blog Post Discussion: New Year’s PvP Update


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So now instead of shooting a rocket at something 5 or 15 times... you're adding in a player kill count requirement. /facepalm.


Faction imbalances aside this is going to leave Ilum with tons of Empire just waiting for a Republic to poke their head out to get a kill and then yelling at other people when their kill count is done so they can get their zone flips.


Capturing Ilum needs to get a tangible faction benefit. I.E. 5% exp boost to your entire faction... or 5% faster crafting speed for your faction. Something to give meaning to holding this zone and a reason to fight for it. The valor buff is currently garbage and giving someone a quest for a bag isn't a meaningful pvp objective.


Solution: Capturing and holding an objective should give you 1/5 the reward that you currently spew out in warzones. The longer you hold the objective the rewards tick to those holding maybe every 25 mins?. I know in Warhammer, the Mythic devs had that loot roll system and public quest reward mechanic... I don't know coding from the next guy, but if you didn't rely on a daily quest to get people into Ilum and built the rewards into the zone itself maybe people would be out there. That way open world rewards would be equal to instanced pvp rewards.


As it stands Ilum is a waste of time... and it's about to just get more tedius reading this update.


Finally, you can't expect people to magically know how open world pvp works. You've gone to great lengths to prevent open world pvp by placing level 50 champion guard 2 inches apart from happening during the natural leveling process BY DESIGN which is a shame. Far be it from me to expect you to design an end game Open World PVP system and, by design, far be it from anyone to expect to kill the other faction let alone know they actually exist in the world since you never bump into them.


At this rate you're about to lose the open world pvp crowd if you haven't already lost them. And just adding a kill requirement is what Rift did to try and force open world pvp. Needless to say giving someone a daily quest to kill someone doesn't work. Ask the Warhammer devs about Dark Crag - Open RVR server in WARs hayday. We are a market but no ones doing it right lately.


This person is right. I for one will not be participating in Ilum if all that I have there are dailies to do. Are we really still doing dailies? People aren't bored of them yet? Whoever thought of the idea of dailies in the first place should be shot.


With that said, thanks for the update and, other than dailies, I'm happy with PvP and what's in store for the future.

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This person is right. I for one will not be participating in Ilum if all that I have there are dailies to do. Are we really still doing dailies? People aren't bored of them yet? Whoever thought of the idea of dailies in the first place should be shot.


With that said, thanks for the update and, other than dailies, I'm happy with PvP and what's in store for the future.


Well whole game is WoW copy, including dailys.

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Would like to ask whats the point in being in a guild to pvp with when you only allow a group of 4 guildies to group? surely we should be able to decide who we group with? would like to see us have 8 person guild groups especially if you intend to bracket level 50's.
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Level 50 Bracket Warzones: Level 50 players will have a bracket of their own, playing in separate Warzone matches to lower level players. This is something we have wanted to do for some time and now that there is an increasing number of level 50 players we will be implementing the feature in January.


This seems like a bad idea. The game is designed in such a way as to encourage 'alt playing' in a major way. So, I imagine that at off-peak hours the lvl 50s could just all be sitting around waiting on queues.


Can't we just split the levels down the middle (assuming that 1-10 is a wash?) So, 1-35 in one bracket and then 36-50 in another?

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I think that by them attempting to improve pvp in this game is great, its encouraging to be heard and know there is improvements coming. Some of you qq to much and are never satisfied. Mmos are always needing improvments its something to be expected. Btw I love killing you qq cry babies in game... love it. Did I mention I love killing qq cry babies in game?
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Why re-invent the wheel? the battlegrounds are somewhat lame, but I could almost bear them if I knew it was working towards an arena-style system. Please bring in arena similar to WoW - I honestly don't know how you expect pvp'ers to stick around without some sort of ladder system being implemented. The longer you wait as a developer, the less people will be around to enjoy it (and pay you). I'd mention space pvp as well, but that's a whole other can of worms.
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This seems like a bad idea. The game is designed in such a way as to encourage 'alt playing' in a major way. So, I imagine that at off-peak hours the lvl 50s could just all be sitting around waiting on queues.


Can't we just split the levels down the middle (assuming that 1-10 is a wash?) So, 1-35 in one bracket and then 36-50 in another?


Do you pvp? 50s with full pvp gear heavy armory ect ****. Its so hard to kill them, you need to gang up on them. I 100% agree with 50s having there on bracket. Why have pvp gear if everyone is on the same level?? That makes no sense. Right not 50s have about 4-7k more health then everyone else, this is due to in large part of the pvp gear.

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Sounds great really! I am enjoying pvp in SWTOR even if we are losing the match I know I will be rewarded for my effort at least. And Glad to see you will add more medals in warzones...as a healer I would like to see more medals for healing two are not enough. Whats really great that we will be able to choose which warzone we want to play because I dont like huttball 99% of the time :)
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With the number of players who are actively participating in pvp warzones I think this area of the game needs a good portion of development time dedicated to releasing new maps on a regular basis. The game type can remain the same but just having 10 or so different maps can keep the game from feeling too monotonous or 'grindy'.


I realize that one map has been announced but I would like to put in my opinion that several new maps are needed. That said, if the ability to queue for a specific warzone is added, please add additional rewards for people who queue for a random map as to not make huttball a complete ghost town. I too am tired of huttball but don't wish to see it completely ignored. It would be great if there were say 3 different huttball arenas to fight on with different map layouts.


I would also like to see a larger warzone added for 16v16.

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Honestly the faction imbalance is both a pvp and pve issue. We really need some server transfer / faction change tools.


Alternate to having faction change tools (tools to turn a level 50 imperial into a 50 republic) they could, on select servers that are way unbalanced, give people a double exp bonus for rolling new characters on the side that needs more people.


Lots of people might be willing to switch sides but feel they would lose the time invested and this could be one way to get them to switch knowing they can get back to where they were quicker.

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Good lord! ive never seen a bigger bunch of arse kissers. They put out an idiotic pvp system that has chased a bunch of players off and you guys get all amped up at the PROMISE of a fix. How about their total ineptitude for the past 3 years during development. It took 3 yrs to make this crap and u think they can fix it in a month.




Another "i know better than anyone else post" Just go

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Some really awesome changes coming! =D


On another note. . I see all these people complaining about faction imbalance. .

But you know what? GET OVER IT! I'm from a WoW server horde 10 vs 1 alliance and you know what else? We alliance are top on raids AND PVP! SO BUCK UP! .. rofl *rant over* =^-^=

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LOL - they aren't listening to you or anyone.


ALL of these items were brought up by beta testers months ago. Bioware knew they could release the game and suck in your hard-earned dollars without fixing it, so they did just that.


Also - if you read the entire post, many of these updates are months away. Only a couple will happen in the near future. Some of them are at the "we're looking into ways" to do it. Which means they don't know how to do it and they aren't even working on it yet.


If Bioware cared about or even understood pvp, they would never have made a pvp quest for Ilum that requires you to NOT kill the enemy in order to get the rewards. They would've take the WAR part of Star WARS seriously and integrated pvp into the story and created meaningful pvp where players would reap rewards beyond gear... and where territory would be owned and fought for - and rewards would result for the victors.


They would've created a world that wasn't "phased", splitting up 40 players on the same planet to ensure that players rarely come into contact with one another as they quest.


I could go on... this is a band-aide, to cover a gushing artery. A lot of pvp'ers are killing time here while they wait for Guild Wars, Terra or Arche Age... the issues with this game are so ingrained into the game that it will never be a proper pvp game.


This will always be pvp light for casual gamers who like to do their pvp in game arenas, rather than risking being ganked or losing something as a consequence of being killed.


If any of the DAOC Mythic people are working on this, they must go to bed and cry at night... I'm confident they have/had lots of great ideas for making pvp fun and exciting... and i'm equally confident that EA/Bioware has nixed most if not all of those suggestions.


Welcome to the big business of gaming... fuel the mass market casual gamer and rake in the $$$... while the audience that really build this genre through their support and loyalty gets left with nothing to play that suits their preferences.


The pvp MMORPG is dead. Let's hope one of these upcoming developers locks in on a niche and makes something we can enjoy.


Have you people forgotten this game was officially released on the 24th? My God.


This major PvP update, About TWO WEEKS after official launch proves that Bioware is listening to our concerns. Simply stating your concerns is fine, ranting about how Bioware is failing really isn't at this point.. Too little Too Late? lol come on.

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