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Farewell and a message to the players here.


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I'm not so worried about population, as I mainly play the game as single play. But what has saddened me is that after the second planet you visit, the story becomes near non existent, and as a result becomes boring for me.
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After tatt, the players drop substantially

When you go to alderan, there will be hardly anyone around. And even going to hoth and such, you will have a 0000.1% chance of being in the same questing area as another player


Is there any chance that this is related to the fact that most people play at a fairly slow pace of some 10-20 hours a week, and will take probably a month or so to reach level 40?


The amount of derp here is astonishing.


I can envision the thread:


"Bioware, do something!


I was the first player to reach level 50 on my server, and I can tell you the last 10-15 levels are a complete disaster. Finding people to do heroic quests was a complete pain if not impossible - the game is a wasteland. Now I'm in Illum, and there's literally no one else to play with.


You failed."




We're sort of there already.

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The game is bad.


Im not sure ill see out my remaining 14 days either.


Im bored to tears already.


Yet another example of someone spewing poison without an Avatar. I find this very interesting.


Did you make your forum account just to make venomous posts? Are you that shallow?

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Hopefully you find another game to keep your attention :) good luck to ya. Check back in a couple of months, maybe there will be something for you here to come back to, once some of these post launch issues get resolved.


I've been part of many a mmo launch and this is all standard fare post launch stuff. So check back in a few months, and i'm pretty sure some of your concerns if not all will be addressed.

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I have same issue im on a HEAVY POPULATED server i have to wait in ques sometimes yet when i play there are like 50-100 people on each planet, i never see anyone and its divided into Tat (1) and tat (2). Feels like im so alone in the galaxy atm and im not liking it i hope they take away the district type thing and maybe double, or triple the server cap.
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Ok look, I don't mean to yell but...




If this was the first post like this I would be out of line yelling...but man I'm tired of this sad sad chorus. The game is excellent. It's fun, the worlds look cool, the talent trees and classes are well thought out...room for improvement? Of course! That's what an MMO is. It's an always evolving, living breathing world. If you're not patient enough to wait a month or two to see what improvements are done then so be it. I don't know what you were expecting with a brand new game, but hey if it aint for you then fine...


But why do we care? Go back to WoW or Minecraft or whatever floats your boat. I'm going to be loving every minute of destroying Republic scum.

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These "Goodbye and this is why I cancelled" threads are never respectful, they encourage trolling on both sides; in fact the topic itself is effectively a troll.


If someone needs to tell strangers they left the game then it just looks like a cry for attention.


OP needs to tell his guildmates and any contacts he's made ingame, and write a little blurb in the "Why did you leave our game" questionnaire SWTOR will probably send him, and that's that.


Not really, I think it's players expressing their disappointment at a game a lot of people have been eagerly waiting for for a long time now.


People are entitled to their opinions, especially when they PAY to use this forum. Do you expect people to just meekly tip toe away if they feel they haven't received the product they expected? Do you think Bioware corporation/EA Games are fragile little cherubs who should be shielded from criticism? If a company doesn't get honest feedback from people and their reasons for leaving, then they won't improve.


It actually makes you sound like a whiner by complaining about people saying anything negative. The OP didn't request any responses, so why do you feel compelled to post? Trying to reassure yourself that your money is well spent? Trying to convince yourself that people are only leaving out of spite? This is a GAME - its purpose is to entertain. If people are not being entertained they'll move on to find something else to occupy their leisure time. It's nothing personal. Don't feel personally offended - just enjoy the game if you want to, and don't expect everyone else to think the same way you do, or to like the same things you do - that's a childish view of the world.


I'll add that I hardly saw any players as I levelled on a "heavily" populated server. It was actually a shock at times when I realised that something near me wasn't an NPC or MOB. From level 1-30 I'd guess I saw a total of 20 other people outside of the imperial fleet hub.

Edited by Scerion
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Not even close to that anymore, logged on last night at prime time and never saw a server queue at all.


Wow.....so a server queue is a lithmus for determining server population? Give me a break, people whine about queues and Bio ups the capacity to make them happy, and then they whine about not having a queue.

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Is there any chance that this is related to the fact that most people play at a fairly slow pace of some 10-20 hours a week, and will take probably a month or so to reach level 40?


The amount of derp here is astonishing.


I can envision the thread:


"Bioware, do something!


I was the first player to reach level 50 on my server, and I can tell you the last 10-15 levels are a complete disaster. Finding people to do heroic quests was a complete pain if not impossible - the game is a wasteland. Now I'm in Illum, and there's literally no one else to play with.


You failed."




We're sort of there already.


Holy crap, you must be one of those retarded people.

Is there any chance that this is related to the fact that most people quit after lvl 30, considering thats when you hit the grind and biggest bore of the game?


Why then, were servers full or heavy the first week of release, then now, its all light and standard population?

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I find it kinda odd. I was just playing one of my characters and was in a corner of Dromund Kaas and still kept encountering other players all over the place, and it was still afternoon, not even prime time on the server I played.

Today wasn't even special or so, wherever I go I see players all the time.



To get an impression:

- 'heavy' SWTOR servers rate among like 1800-2500 players logged in in total.

- 'very heavy' like 2500 to 3100 in total

- Rift had a 2000 population cap, high populated servers in other MMO's on average have something like 1500-2000 simultaneously logged in at peak times (sometimes more, sometimes less)

- LotrO had right after the F2P move at peak time population numbers that hovered between 1500-2000 on its highest populated servers.

Edited by dyves
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I am happy to be taking my time. I was Vanilla wow player and got to rank Field Marshal. I never want to be that excited and obsessed again. I play mostly as single player due to the terrible group experiences on that other game. Here in TOR I can join a Heroic 4 and am under no pressure . I do the best I can and so does everyone else. It's fun.



It's allowed you know, to just have fun.

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OP I'd recommend you don't join any more MMO's at launch in the furture ... if you dont want to be out there by yourself dont get there quick ... give it a month or so next time and things may be better. I'm pottering my way and never have an issue with groups... MMOs are better in smaller doeses ... stops burn out (in my opinion of course.)


Good luck with your next game though :)

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Holy crap, you must be one of those retarded people.

Is there any chance that this is related to the fact that most people quit after lvl 30, considering thats when you hit the grind and biggest bore of the game?


Why then, were servers full or heavy the first week of release, then now, its all light and standard population?


Or it could be simply the fact that A) companies lower the server caps during release as all players would concentrate in one area (since they're all the same level) while later on as the players spread over multiple areas due to leveling they can allow more people to flow into the game at the same time and B) players tend to be more active in the first days of a game's release as it's "new" and exciting, and activity slows down naturally as even the most hardcore player drop their play time significantly.


So yeah, it's either of these 2 phenomenons that happened in every single MMO release in history, or that I'm retarded. Can't really say what.

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now there is a word associated with every piece of trash i have ever played


Ehhh..... no..... there are plenty of games out there without any potential 'for me' what so ever. The Sims for instance.... every sports game in existence.... they can even be popular games without any potential.


This one genually has it. If it doesn't for you, then that's absolutely fine of course, but I'm very much enjoying my time here. For the time being. Any MMO has to progress of course.

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I am beginning to believe that the generation that commonly plays MMO's needs to be the called the "entitled" generation. It seems to me that every game Ive played, players will play a game and complain about it constantly. The common theme being it doesnt meet their high standards. My problem with this is there is no product, no software, no car, no house no music or movie that has ever appealed to every person of every culture at all times. The fact is this player never had any intention of accepting this game. Why do I know this, Ive played with this type of player before on other games. All they ever do is constantly complain and basically nitpick until they become so dissatisifed they decide their only option is too quit. This is their right and it is my right as a satisfied player and customer to say I do not find the complaints valid and to say with Bioware banning gold farmers, warning players not to exploit, constant updates on their maintenance and basically very miniscule queues and a great game, I am a very very satisfied customer. Now I do have some issues with the game but rather than complain in forums, Ive submitted tickets and give feedback since being an adult I understand the development process takes time and that as a player I cant stomp my feet, stick out my lip and demand my bottle "right this minute". Keep up the good work Bioware and be aware my guild mates, all long term MMO players, feel the same way.
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OP made a respectful post - why do you feel the need to respond so rudely?


Agreed, why do people feel the need to post that they're leaving. It's their right to bail, whatever floats your boat, but nobody knows who you are, and nobody cares. Just go.

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I wonder why all players that cancel and quit have to post in the forum before they do? Is it a call for "please talk me over to stay and play"? Im just curious...


attention w****s propable..




We do not care that you left


you do not find this game enjoyable to your likings and i respect that

but the whole "i post thread that i quit" is an anomaly for any customer with an IQ > 10.


you do not like you do not pay story ends there

the rest is drama queen and attention w****e

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Canceled my sub last night and lost the motivation to finish up my last 7 levels before my sub ends in 17 days. I literally hadn't seen another person running around since I left Dromund Kass on my "standard population" server. Game just doesn't have a MMO feel, and simply isn't up to modern standards when it comes to personal requirements for a monthly charge.


To the fans - don't belittle players that complain and ask for changes. They're paying customers just like you are and without them there aren't enough of you to keep the game going.

To the players asking for changes and complaining about bugs - don't belittle the fans. They're just having knee jerk reactions to all of the anger and frustration directed towards a product they happen to enjoy and without them there aren't enough of you to keep the game going.


To the irritating brat that will ask - no you can't have my stuff because I deleted the toon last night prior to uninstalling.


Good luck to those that stick with it, I hope Bioware can keep enough players happy to keep the servers up (I think they mentioned they needed 500k consistent subscribers for profit).



I "belittle" you Sir for not liking this game that I like and for stating reasons that I do not agree with for not liking it.


You are now officially belittled. Your move.

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