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10 Good
  1. SWTOR is a wonderful game, but alas it is also becomes terribly,terribly boring. And for this reason only, I don't think that I will be carrying on.
  2. As I see it a year from today. 8/10
  3. Is this the end of everything as we know it?
  4. I think all MMO's are basically dead/stagnant, until someone comes up with a new format, new idea's, something that is truly different.
  5. I'm not so worried about population, as I mainly play the game as single play. But what has saddened me is that after the second planet you visit, the story becomes near non existent, and as a result becomes boring for me.
  6. The developers seem to be very ignorant. They refuse to give us a answer, they can't even be bothered feeding us with some sorry and extremely lame excuse. This can only mean one thing, and that is that they know they are in the wrong and are in hiding from the EU community.
  7. Boiware are sending a message to all of it's EU customers, and that is..... We are all scum and not worthy of any consideration, and that we can stick our subscription where the sun no longer shines.
  8. It's nearly WOW, look. sWtOr All that is neaded is one more 'W' and Blizzard have a plug and play lawsuit.
  9. /signed I think it was extremely uncaring of Bioware to have this downtime on a public holiday.
  10. The space combat what-sit, doesn't seem to fit into the game at all, and I don't have anything to do with it. Hopefully the future will bring space missions that bring meaning to the plot, or at least feel like they are part of the same game.
  11. I also would like to know if they plans to add some way to alter a characters appearance in future updates. And please allow the service to be paid for with-in game money, and not real money as that would just be plain greedy.
  12. I think the last game to be finished on release was back in 1969.
  13. I think that the nodes are always there, it's just sometimes they are funny little rocks.
  14. I lot of people have invested years into other MMO's so they are very reluctant to leave, and defiantly would prefer if their friends didn't leave either. They will come around eventually.
  15. Space missions are the only, and I mean the only thing I dislike about the game. It feels misplaced somehow and I feel it could have been done a lot better.
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