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How do people level to 50 in 4-5 days?!?!?


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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?


Hey, I've played lots of MMO over the years, and never once have I ever gotten a character to 50. I just don't invest that much time in them.

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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?


They are talking about played time I think.


4-5 days is around 120 hours which is a pretty good chunk of time.


I believe bioware said it will take around 120 hours game time anyways to get to 50. Thats straight questing and leveling not stopping and afking for an hour inbetween to chill or whatever.

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They are talking about played time I think.


4-5 days is around 120 hours which is a pretty good chunk of time.


I believe bioware said it will take around 120 hours game time anyways to get to 50. Thats straight questing and leveling not stopping and afking for an hour inbetween to chill or whatever.


Well they were off roughly 45 hours for the fastest levelers they must be really slow at bioware. Skipping all the videos there is no way in hell there is 45 hours of video content to level from 1 to 50.

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They are talking about played time I think.


4-5 days is around 120 hours which is a pretty good chunk of time.


I believe bioware said it will take around 120 hours game time anyways to get to 50. Thats straight questing and leveling not stopping and afking for an hour inbetween to chill or whatever.


120 hours? God bless.

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Ihave two 50s already. A 50 BH merc and a 50 Inquisitor sorc. The BH took me a little over 5 days (hit 50 on launch day) and the Inquisitor took me about 4 days (started on Christmas and hit 50 on Tuesday last week).


I also have a level 30 Jedi Knight which I have been playing off and on since I completed my BH but have the Kira bug and have put on the back burner until they fix it.


I never skipped the cutscenes on either playthrough, I took frequent breaks for food and restroom time including showers and slept for a min of 6 hours each night. My strategy has to do with planning out my quest completion route to allow for the least amount of backtracking as well as using my quick travel efficiently to reduce travel time even more so.


Although after having played through the planet missions once I have the foresight now of what missions to expect and where to go to optimize my time more efficiently.


Really its all about constantly doing things to gain xp and spending as little time as possible in player hubs like the space station or captial city. Space missions are also a huge boon and usually net me about 1/2 a level all on their own each day (until I hit about lvl 40).

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Yeah I dunno...If you quest with a partner and you do everything on planet, all quests, all heroics, all datacrons, all non-bugged lore object you start getting over levelled for the planets, which just makes leveling faster and faster. Plus the heroics aren't very heroic, most heroic 4s can be done with 2 people if you know how to cc. So all of that + space and pvp/dailies + all the extra xp from doing bonus missions together...I just don't see 1-50 taking that long. Bioware did a really good job of sucking out the bloat that some other games have in the leveling system. Problem is there's not much to replace it except playing alts, which level even faster because now you've heard 90% of the blah blah.
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the people that take longest are the ones that mismanage their time they have to play each night wasting it on 1 or 2 things that net them very little XP that is where your problem lies and takes such a long time to lvl.


Say you want to do a dungeon so you are spamming in chat on the Fleet wasting time gaining No XP for very little XP say it takes 30 min to fill a group and 30-60 min to complete so half of your gaming time for the day is gone and you barely received 25% of your XP bar.


While i questing have almost finished a planet and gained 75% of a lvl.

YOU may think that not rushing through content is "mismanagement of time" (I know you weren't trying to be insulting but your statement is, and is also out-of-touch with where MMOs began) and is nothing more than a justification for burning out an MMO in 5 days.


Statistical outliers do not a player base make.

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YOU may think that not rushing through content is "mismanagement of time" (I know you weren't trying to be insulting but your statement is, and is also out-of-touch with where MMOs began) and is nothing more than a justification for burning out an MMO in 5 days.


Statistical outliers do not a player base make.


You were the one that was saying it unlikely for him clear a planet faster than you. I was just providing examples to you of how he might of did it because the items you listed were/are not required to Level to 50, or could be done while doing other things at max lvl which was a better use of the individuals time.


WE both play the same game differently i Play MMOs to raid competitively you may play MMO's and get your kicks from lvling, watching the story of x number of alts or something else.


you are right that i am on the small side of the bell curve but that is where i find enjoyment out of MMO's

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Ihave two 50s already. A 50 BH merc and a 50 Inquisitor sorc. The BH took me a little over 5 days (hit 50 on launch day) and the Inquisitor took me about 4 days (started on Christmas and hit 50 on Tuesday last week).


I also have a level 30 Jedi Knight which I have been playing off and on since I completed my BH but have the Kira bug and have put on the back burner until they fix it.


I never skipped the cutscenes on either playthrough, I took frequent breaks for food and restroom time including showers and slept for a min of 6 hours each night. My strategy has to do with planning out my quest completion route to allow for the least amount of backtracking as well as using my quick travel efficiently to reduce travel time even more so.


Although after having played through the planet missions once I have the foresight now of what missions to expect and where to go to optimize my time more efficiently.


Really its all about constantly doing things to gain xp and spending as little time as possible in player hubs like the space station or captial city. Space missions are also a huge boon and usually net me about 1/2 a level all on their own each day (until I hit about lvl 40).


No really, it's about the amount of hours you devote per day. You can't expect that the NORMAL SWTOR gamer can accomplish what you did, unless they are in the position to tune life out for a few days. Had this game launched after the Hoildays, you wouldn't see nearly as many 50s running around. Not there there won't always be people who are oblivious to this glaring irony of running around, rushing to max level only to complain about being there once they arrive...

Edited by KippTabor
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I hit 50 in 3 days 16 hours about played time. I didn't skip my cut scenes, AT ALL. I infact criticize my guildmates who do skip them. I don't know whats taking you so long to get to 50, stop standing around waiting to get into a heroic group and just do the next quest. Wanna know the trick? Always do space daily, warzone daily, and dont fail them. Dont stand around for heroic quests, dont bother waiting to form a group for a flashpoint, only do them if you dont have to stand around. There yah go noobs, go level
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I'm on holidays for another day. I have been pushing 3 levels a day since release, and still have time for gym, training, social and family commitments.


Its not hard at all. I stick with the story and just turn in crap loads of quests and do WZ and Space dailys

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You were the one that was saying it unlikely for him clear a planet faster than you. I was just providing examples to you of how he might of did it because the items you listed were/are not required to Level to 50, or could be done while doing other things at max lvl which was a better use of the individuals time.


WE both play the same game differently i Play MMOs to raid competitively you may play MMO's and get your kicks from lvling, watching the story of x number of alts or something else.


you are right that i am on the small side of the bell curve but that is where i find enjoyment out of MMO's


Never said anything about faster than me (though I am hardly a pokey player), I simply doubted the 4 hours claim, and was right. You can't do all the heroics, all the quests, and all the datacrons in 4 hours. I just don't think it's possible solo. I can guarantee that I'm going to see if I can do all the quests in 4 hours though, I have a scoundrel coming up who will test it for me. I have surgery on my leg next week (was shattered by a drunk driver) and I will have some time on my hands afterward).


Please don't assume I play the game "differently" just because I question (and rightly so) sketchy,anonymous internet claims. I've been a hardcore pvper since UO, so the shoe don't fit!


I'm just calling out yet another exaggeration. *shrug*

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Never said anything about faster than me (though I am hardly a pokey player), I simply doubted the 4 hours claim, and was right. You can't do all the heroics, all the quests, and all the datacrons in 4 hours. I just don't think it's possible solo. I can guarantee that I'm going to see if I can do all the quests in 4 hours though, I have a scoundrel coming up who will test it for me. I have surgery on my leg next week (was shattered by a drunk driver) and I will have some time on my hands afterward).


Please don't assume I play the game "differently" just because I question (and rightly so) sketchy,anonymous internet claims. I've been a hardcore pvper since UO, so the shoe don't fit!


I'm just calling out yet another exaggeration. *shrug*



I don't think the individual you were referring to said he did all the quests, all the datacrons, and all heroics. You brought that up saying that is what was required to complete the zone which it is not.


edit: he Also said he was in a group of 3 people.

Edited by Tinymonky
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Here is a few tips:


Find a friend, go skype together or something..


Both make a character, that could be a Bounty-Hunter and Imperial Agent..


You group up from level 1..


Suddenly you're very fast a levelling, because you kill faster (the amount of EXP is nearly the same) and you don't have to wait for groups, in fact you can even do Heroic 4 because both of you got companions along.


I tryed that in beta, with my friend.. By the end of the day we were standing at Nar Shaddaa as level 25..

Edited by nitan
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Got to 50 in about 5 days game time. I didn't skip very much content, I just focused on making sure the quests I was doing were worth the time. I'd drop some greens and move to the next area with yellows, so on and so fourth, prioritizing based on proximity as any speed leveler would.


I would skip through side quests that didn't interest me, which isn't unreasonable--even a fully voiced MMO can't make EVERYTHING interesting enough to sit through all of it. Still, I did most of it. I made sure I did daily space missions every day--got me tons of extra XP.


Didn't PVP hardly at all and did no group quests after the 30's or so, as sometimes there were as little as 3 people in the zone. Surprising that my realm was queuing at the time, but I digress. I simply love powerleveling, and in the case of this game it didn't subtract from my experience in the least.


Now I've got a 50, a 31, two 17's and the rest of my characters are 1-10 as I try them out in their starting zones.


TL;DR: I had fun while keeping a fast pace and maximized my time on the game, drawing from 6 years MMO experience.


PS, I know I have no life... I got fourteen 85's on WoW. One of every class Horde then working on the same for Alliance. >_<;

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No really, it's about the amount of hours you devote per day. You can't expect that the NORMAL SWTOR gamer can accomplish what you did, unless they are in the position to tune life out for a few days. Had this game launched after the Hoildays, you wouldn't see nearly as many 50s running around. Not there there won't always be people who are oblivious to this glaring irony of running around, rushing to max level only to complain about being there once they arrive...


I don't expect anyone to be able to do what I did although if they wanted to do it, it certainly is feasible. As far as people capping 50 fast and complaining, that's their right I suppose but personally I'm having a blast. That's all anyone can ask from a game anyway wouldn't you say? I'm a little over 30% done with the game from a leveling perspective but that still leaves another 70% or so to go...that's A LOT of content and fun times ahead. As far as I'm concerned there's plenty of content to keep me busy even if I continued to level characters at my current pace (which probably won't happen since my college classes resumed last week and other single player RPGs on the horizon that I want to play).

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Here is a few tips:


Find a friend, go skype together or something..


Both make a character, that could be a Bounty-Hunter and Imperial Agent..


You group up from level 1..


Suddenly you're very fast a levelling, because you kill faster (the amount of EXP is nearly the same) and you don't have to wait for groups, in fact you can even do Heroic 4 because both of you got companions along.


I tryed that in beta, with my friend.. By the end of the day we were standing at Nar Shaddaa as level 25..


You can do some Heroic 4's, not all, but yes, get together with a friend and level up it is both a lot of fun, and your always in a group or at least half a group. Its pretty cool, my friend and I are leveling 2 Bounty Hunters, powertech and mercenary, good fun!

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I've heard of people levelling to 50 in 4-5 day?




I am now level 26. I find i can get one level a day if i play 3-4 hours/day


How did people get to 50 so fast?


The only way to do it is if you had an IQ of like 180. All these people are superior intelligence and ability. They are superhuman, way beyond you and me. They are all rich and have like 2 or 3 supermodel girlfriends each, and they have read all of Shakespeare's plays and have them memorized. Most of them are chess Grandmasters and play SWTOR via satellite from their Mediterranean yachts while they solve physics equations for the fun of it. They eat nothing but caviar and drink champagne for breakfast. They never grow old, get sick, or die. They are immortal. Like the gods, but even better. Fear them!


Do you really think these people will tell you, a mere mortal, the secret of their success?

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I don't think the individual you were referring to said he did all the quests, all the datacrons, and all heroics. You brought that up saying that is what was required to complete the zone which it is not.


edit: he Also said he was in a group of 3 people.


Thanks for clarifying that and unintentionally (I think?) reinforcing my viewpoint.


There is no way someone can finish the Whole of Taris solo in 4 hrs (without moving the goalposts, i.e, skipping heroics and datacrons and being in a group). I hardly see the point about bragging about how quickly you (not you but the poster in question) finish a planet while grouped the entire time and skipping content and then hit max and then complain that it's "too easy". More or less seems like e-peening to me.


Sorry for the confusion but I refuse to give a free pass to people who rush to max out and then turn around and complain that the "game sucks. I've seen the same complaints for over ten years, about every MMO I've played, including WoW, the holy grail of pwnzorkids.


The power levelers in question made their own choices via personal prioritization and have no one to blame but themselves if the game feels empty now after having raced through it.


So tired of these adhd kids who think that their extremist opinions are statistically relevant.

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The only way to do it is if you had an IQ of like 180. All these people are superior intelligence and ability. They are superhuman, way beyond you and me. They are all rich and have like 2 or 3 supermodel girlfriends each, and they have read all of Shakespeare's plays and have them memorized. Most of them are chess Grandmasters and play SWTOR via satellite from their Mediterranean yachts while they solve physics equations for the fun of it. They eat nothing but caviar and drink champagne for breakfast. They never grow old, get sick, or die. They are immortal. Like the gods, but even better. Fear them!


Do you really think these people will tell you, a mere mortal, the secret of their success?


Why would they have to TELL us when the answer is obvious? They shunned life for a couple of weeks, they know it isn't the socially acceptable thing to do, and in the process ruined the game for themselves. So they take their self-loathing angst out on anonymous people on the internet. Because it's safe to be a liar and/or a sociopathic moron online. Very few consequences, if any... Which is a coward's game.


The poor souls. Victims of their own hyperactive minds.

Edited by KippTabor
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According to you. Usually I find that the leveling phase in MMOs is the less enjoyable one.


People that say they never hit space bar a single time are either full of S, or have the reading comprehension of a 6 yr old. Sometimes there are huge delays in conversations that it would be stupid not to hit space bar. I read every conversation for the most part but I use space bar a LOT because I choose to read the conversation instead of listening...


I really don't think there is a single person in this game that never used space bar once during conversations all the way to 50.

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