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Everything posted by Emucruxes

  1. You think this is abuse? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get during peak traffic? Get mad!
  2. Keep laughin' pal, they're all after the same thing. You can't play in the man's game, you can't get the traffic - go home and tell your wife your troubles. Because only one thing counts in this life: Get them to sign in and start buying. A-B-O. Always be online. Get out there - you got the prospects logging in. You think they came in to get out of the rain? A guy don't log in lest he wants to buy. They're sitting out there waiting to give you their money. Are you gonna take it? Are you man enough to take it? What's the problem, pal?
  3. Bioware, EA. I'm here from downtown. And I'm here on a mission of mercy. Let's talk about something important. Put that coffee down. Coffee's for uptime only. Do you have any idea how fortunate you are that gamers put up with these maintenance ripoffs? Let me tell you a little somethin' about e-commerce. You think Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, or Google would be stupid enough to take their services offline for hours at a time? Even if by some miracle they went down, do you think any of them would have the gall to extend their downtimes on a whim? No, they don't do this 'downtime' nonesense. It's an archaic malpractice relegated to the dustbin of failure. Only the most inept troglodytes would perpetuate this farce. I've seen Silk Road 'entrepreneurs' running secondhand racks outta some garage in Tijuana keep better uptime than your farce. Downtime is loss, pure and simple. A-B-O. A-always, B-be, O-online. You don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight with the servers you've got and make $150,000. Tonight! In two hours! Can you? CAN YOU? Go and do likewise. A-B-O. Get mad. You know what it takes to sell e-commerce? It takes brass balls to sell e-commerce. Go and do likewise gents. Money's out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I got no sympathy for you. You wanna go over to those racks tonight, start them up and STAY UP. It's yours. If not, you're gonna be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying; a bunch of losers sittin' around in a bar. "Oh yeah. I used to be a server admin. It's a tough racket." I'd wish you good luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it.
  4. Bioware, EA. I'm here on a mission of mercy. Let's talk about something important. Put that coffee down. Coffee's for uptime only. Do you have any idea how fortunate you are that gamers put up with these maintenance ripoffs? Let me tell you a little somethin' about e-commerce. You think Amazon, Ebay, Paypal, or Google would be stupid enough to take their services offline for hours at a time? Even if by some miracle they went down, do you think any of them would have the gall to extend their downtimes on a whim? No, they don't do this 'downtime' nonesense. It's an archaic malpractice relegated to the dustbin of failure. Only the most inept troglodytes would perpetuate this farce. I've seen Silk Road 'entrepreneurs' running secondhand racks outta some garage in Tijuana keep better uptime than your farce. Downtime is loss, pure and simple. A-B-O. A-always, B-be, O-online. You don't like it, leave. I can go out there tonight with the servers you've got and make $150,000. Tonight! In two hours! Can you? CAN YOU? Go and do likewise. A-B-O. Get mad. You know what it takes to sell e-commerce? It takes brass balls to sell e-commerce. Go and do likewise gents. Money's out there. You pick it up, it's yours. You don't, I got no sympathy for you. You wanna go over to those racks tonight, start them up and STAY UP. It's yours. If not, you're gonna be shining my shoes. And you know what you'll be saying; a bunch of losers sittin' around in a bar. 'Oh yeah. I used to be a server admin. It's a tough racket.' I'd wish you good luck but you wouldn't know what to do with it if you got it.
  5. Just another lightning fairy showing off their moves, nothing to see here Want to see this firsthand? Queue a wz, they're everywhere
  6. When you charge into a group of normal enemies, and use Force Sweep or whatever the sw equivalent move is, use this on one of the mobs while they're stunned. Does tons of damage (i've seen mine crit for 4k at level 50) and costs no focus. Easy instakill of a mob.
  7. Is it possible? Is there any way to get the crystal without pulling it out of a weapon?
  8. hop on top and plop a /sit who cares if it doesn't look natural?
  9. hey, if fashion in real life can make body parts appear smaller, video games should be able to too, right?
  10. If you're really dedicated to getting these, there are [imperial Pilot's Pants] which is a black set of pants (goes well with most other black SI gear) that I just finished helping my gf get for her little lightning fairy. Erm, inquisitor. It costs 225 fleet commendations and requires social 3. No level requirements that I know of. Light armor obviously and fully upgradable. Edit: purchased from the fleet commendations vendor, in case that wasn't obvious
  11. Color crystals. You've made most of them available now, how about the black-red and black-blue crystals? Are they faction-restricted?
  12. That 'other game' really incentivized being in a guild with guild perks, a guild leveling system, guild ACHIEVEMENTS, etc. Are there any plans to implement things such as this?
  13. Clearly you have never seen a sentinel/marauder do force leap onto one of your teammates and gain an immense advantage. Or, ever seen how they can run straight through a fire trap if they press their -50%hp for -99% damage button? That particular melee class has to be the best ball carrier class I've seen.
  14. Seriously? If you're seriously that uncreative, just type asdfasdfasdfadsfas or something and make it hidden. Boom. No more pop-ups.
  15. Can't argue much with that. If Bioware can actually change how the stat works without destroying PVP further, then more power to 'em. You're also right about the ticking off of other players... Wish I could do something about that =\
  16. I agree that in Warzones it imbalances the game far too much. World PVP and Arena, not so much. See my post for an idea of how to fix Expertise: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=230862
  17. You must have missed a line in the post, read the part of the FAQ (edit) 2 paragraphs above the TLDR
  18. My solution: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=230862
  19. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=230862 Expertise, fixed. Check it out.
  20. People who want to get rid of expertise are tired of getting their face handed to them, I get it. I feel you. The fact that you're getting destroyed all the time makes it take forever to catch up. Not really fair to be held back, is it? People who have freakin' tons of expertise want it to stay around cause they love killing people who have no chance to fight back, I get it. I feel you, too. Only way to win. Not really fair to remove your reward for being awesome, is it? Besides, it's obvious that expertise is far too rooted into the system as it is. Removing it would be a re-balancing nightmare, and it's not necessary, because: I've got a solution that will make neither of you happy, but rather level the playing field. Literally. Simply debuff a team when it's ridiculously overgeared! If you failed algebra 1, scroll past this part... x = total expertise points of Overgeared Facerollers (team with advantage) y = total expertise points of Undergeared Tryhards (team at disadvantage) Overgeared Facerollers will receive a debuff decreasing x to meet y. Now, how do you do that, when everyone's expertise is at different levels? Obviously we don't want to completely erase the advantage a geared player has over an undergeared player, that'd make gear pointless. Instead; n = ( y / x ) Multiply all Overgeared Facerollers' individual expertise levels by "n" Boom. The teams now have the same total of expertise. Let's have an example to see how it works, shall we? Overgeared Facerollers Player 1: 552 expertise Player 2: 552 expertise Player 3: 552 expertise Player 4: 484 expertise Player 5: 362 expertise Player 6: 108 expertise Player 7: 55 expertise Player 8: 0 expertise So in this case, x = 2665 Undergeared Tryhards Player 1: 434 expertise Player 2: 174 expertise Player 3: 96 expertise Player 4: 55 expertise Player 5: 55 expertise Player 6: 0 expertise Player 7: 0 expertise Player 8: 0 expertise And in this case, y = 814 Nasty difference isn't it? Overgeared Facerollers WITH DEBUFF Player 1: 169 expertise Player 2: 169 expertise Player 3: 169 expertise Player 4: 148 expertise Player 5: 111 expertise Player 6: 33 expertise Player 7: 17 expertise Player 8: 0 expertise Whoa, look at that! The new x = 816 I figured it'd be best to round up instead of simply truncating the massive decimals; that way x is within a point or two of y but still slightly higher--after all, the goal is to LEVEL the playing field, not tip it out of favor. And now, because I know it'll be asked: Herp: "But now, the Tryhards have someone whose more than twice as powerful than anyone on the Facerollers!" So? The rest of the Tryhards are still rock bottom, while the majority of the Facerollers still have SOMETHIN goin on. Besides, that was just in this example. The formula would scale properly with differing situations. The point is, if everyone in each team gets into one big brawl, one side shouldn't emerge victorious just because of gear. Derp: "But teamwork should be rewarded! If a bunch of overgeared people get together and make a premade, they should win for being so smart!" You were right about the second part. They SHOULD win for being smart. Being smart involves tactics & teamwork. You don't have to be smart to farm a ton of gear, anyone can enter and lose a hundred warzones to get some gear. Herp: "Expertise doesn't matter, if the Tryhards were smart and used teamwork, they could beat the Facerollers easily!" Not when a Faceroller can kill a Tryhard in 3 or 4 shots, while a bunch of Tryhards have to focus fire on a Faceroller just to down one at a time. When expertise makes such a ridiculously high gap between teams, Facerollers don't even need teamwork, they just need to 3-shot everybody in sight. Someone intelligent: "Okay, so expertise is leveled. What about the boatload of other stats on the PVP gear? And the PVE gear--now raiders are going to dominate PVP because they aren't having their damage nerfed by expertise!" Well, that's a bit of a pickle. You're right--if a group of nothing but Rakata-geared players face a group of nothing but Champion-geared players, the above equations remove expertise entirely! And suddenly the Rakata-geared players are the Faceroll and win team. The solution? Put dummy expertise on the PVE epic gear. Dummy expertise meaning it doesn't show up, it doesn't give the advantages, but it adds towards your team's total expertise. Base it off of the PVP equivalent of that item--for example--armor rating 126 PVE epic gloves has the same amount of "dummy" expertise as the actual expertise on the PVP armor rating 126 epic gloves. So the Rakata-geared players would see little to no nerf to their enemy's expertise. Have this rule only apply to rakata, columni, and tionese gear--that way, raiders can't just jump in with their epics and snag a win. Remember: I'm visioning this ONLY happening in Warzones. World PVP is world PVP, there are no objectives and no rules, just people killing people. Arena, if it's implemented, wouldn't have that big an issue with expertise--those with the best gear go to higher ranks and don't sit there and smash the newbies in the lower ranks, unlike Warzones, where it's all just the luck of the draw. Unless you want to implement ranked Warzones? ...Forget I said that. TL; DR: Go away, ADD kids. I'm not going to sit here and say that this one solution will fix all of the other issues, like faction imbalance and lag. That's what Huttball and patches are for. Bioware has some smart people, hopefully they see this and its potential. And hopefully it'll stop scaring new PVPers away because they can't beat geared people for that reason alone. Constructive criticism is welcome.
  21. Which is why I ask for guesses. What does the playerbase expect to see? Perhaps we'll assume that major fixes (ability responsiveness, guild ships, legacy system) will be reserved for 1.1 or another patch enumerated by the tenth.
  22. 15 bucks a month. That's 50 cents a day, assuming a 30-day month. Assuming also that maintenance actually takes as long as they say it will, that means I'm losing 12 and a half cents. I ask, what will my twelve and a half cents buy this time? More baby names at the end of the credits? Or maybe it will fix the game responsiveness that is so widely complained about? It would be nice to know that these 6 hours are going to accomplish something worth the time. I see no official patch notes, so I can only guess. Anyone got some guesses of what to expect?
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