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Why this game will end up like rift.


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Pretty much the way I look at it. I understand people want something they buy to be 100% what they like and with 0 faults. Unfortunately that's not always the case with video games.


I've played a large number of the MMOs that have been released, and all launches are similar it seems. It all looks like this:


Kids whine because they can't get or didn't get what they want


Kids flame and troll the forums once they are gone


Game finally finds its player base 3 months or so after launch


Community plays the MMO and are better off without all the whiners


We just have to wait out the spergy WoW kiddies and all will be well.


Yep i played WOW for 3 or 4 years and i really enjoy this game more that my opinion on it i been saying since SWTKOR that it would be an awesome mmo but stargate sg1 and mass effect would have too lol

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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


I've been playing the game for like 7 days now, my character is level 36 at the moment. having finished all quests of Darmund Kaas, Tatooine, and many quests here and there, completed my legacy quest line and going further with the story quest line.


Having said this, it is clear that I have played the game, and my judgement is not out of nothing.


Secondly, I would like to mention what is good about this game, and why this good part turns really bad later on:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


And this concludes my whining.

In these 27 pages, I am sure that these have been answered. I was hoping to find another logical assessment of improvements instead of complaining about features of the game. Rift is still a great game, just lacks innovations to the genre. Which, I was hoping you would point out, will be what happens to SWTOR. Rift would not have lost so many subs if they had added some more engaging quests. However, I do see some underlining legitimate concerns in your rant that should be pointed out.


1. You can turn this off if you want, its in options. This is a feature of the game and thus why would SWTOR make this optional. The point is to engage you the best way they can in any quest or have no quests at all.


Concern- It can be boring at times. I do wish that they would have had more than voice acting and incorporated special effects and cut scenes in some of them.


2. Concern - This is because the game lacks a LFG tool. In such a tool, they could create a flag for a character that has completed the quest or create an option for players who like to read the story or who don't care.


1 (again?) Yeah, this game needs the ability to have multiple specs. Thats listed in my rant about the type of innovations SWTOR will need to compete with the innovations of Guild Wars 2. I have a problem with that entire system, in that it doesnt realy allow for distinct characters. Rift superceeds SWTOR in the customization of class show.


2. This feels like a bug. Still, the unique loot will seem Archaic once the new crop of MMOs come out.


5. Love Crafting, its the biggest innovation of this game. Hoping GW2 looks at this and revives its traditional craft system, especially if they are toating that people should be adventuring when they are playing.


6. I agree, this isn't exploration, this is tedious. It takes too long to get to common places. I am okay with star trek tech, beam me to my ship, common areas.


9. i'm fine with no macros.

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Rift is a lot better than this game, they just didn't have a popular IP to push a million boxes


This game will be a bigger failure than Rift in the end, since it didn't cost nearly as much to make, and won't lose nearly as many subs in as short a period of time as SWTOR is poised to do (most of that however is by virtue of selling more copies on day 1, but still)

Edited by horseworld
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Yeah, I played Rift since it came out, put tons of hours into it. Reached max gear in the game on 2 different toons. Played on 4 or 5 different PvP servers. Got all the warfront achieves, etc. I know Rift inside and out, and it is nowhere as good as this game on so many levels.


SWTOR is massive in comparison to Rift's small zones. One planet in this game will literally be the size of IPP, Stillmoor, and Shimmersand in Rift. In other words, 2 planets in this game are about the size of the entire Rift world map. And there's, what, 15 planets in this game?


The ONLY thing Rift has that TOR doesn't is a much better UI. It also has macros (a hot topic I admit -- I don't want this game having Rift macros -- they are way too easy mode). Lastly, it has 5 role specs you can buy. That's it. Those are the things Rift has that I like better. But as for the game and its sheer scope, Rift can't compete with SWTOR. Period.


I played Rift too. I think you're exagerrating a bit on the world size difference. Also, Rift definitely does game systems better than TOR. By that I mean the alternate leveling system (planar attunement vs datacrons) and accessibility to multiplayer content and rewards to casual players as well (Rift Invasions, solo/duo instances, Instant Adventures).


Rift is really a good game. Where it primarily lacks is in it's IP and story and as a result can get boring. If you could combine the Rift game engine, UI, and game systems with the Bioware Star Wars IP and storytelling, you'd have an absolutely incredible MMO.

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ROFL @ Thread Title.


I can't help but laugh when a lot of fruitbats then to ask for this game to end up like Rift as some attempt to improve it. :D


Oh well, I guess there's always an opinion. :)


Because at least Trions CS was better than what swtors is, yeh sure at release there was delays on getting tickets answered, but the one thing that their CS did do even if it was slower (until they took on more staff, take note BW) was to understand English and the problem you are reporting


If Trion had the IP to starwars, this game would be 10x better imo, BW don't have a clue when it comes to mmo's and they certainly haven't learnt from the last 15+ years of mmo's being about.



Sorry but nothing wrong with defending the game, but stop defending the company, that's where the problem is.

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all in all its a good game.is it an mmo? no. its a single player console game. its still a good game. but has no long term value past beating it 3 times and then moving on.


Has to be the most unsensible post I've read in this thread, TOR is in no way a single-player console game in any degree. It is a PC exclusive MMO, period.

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1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


Agreed, Dual Spec is a must, infact I dont know why talent trees exist anymore, they are pointless.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


Wrong, you must of released, or had an unlucky bug, eitherway an incredible easy thing to solve, if thats your idea of a major problem then thats sad.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


Inate PvP Balance whining at LOW LEVEL with only playing 7 days .... oh please... stop talking crap you know nothing about.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


Ummm good? this is KOTOR, KOTOR you had 2-3 companions with you .... companions are an intergrated part of your character, welcome to a NEW CONCEPT... if you dont like it, tough ****?


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


Wrong on so many levels. But hey, most of your points have been.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


I kinda agree, but then its meant to be a role-playing game, and again, this is something that happened in KOTOR....


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


Soon to be 13 flashpoints, 3 warzones, 2 operations, an intense ammount of story, decent spaceship battles, a world PVP planet and a world FFA PvP zone is lacking content? are you just trolling? YOUR NOT EVEN 50 TO COMMENT! Audio takes alot of space.... imagine how much audio this game has, if you dont understand files, then dont bloody comment on it.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


Latency is being adressed this month CONFIRMED ON THE FRONT PAGE. lag is YOU, I dont get lag. "Super bugs" hahahahah whatever... like what? cancel then, your talking about peices of the game your not even at yet. go back to your Dragon Soul 6 rehashed bosses WoW then.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)


A legit concern, but not gamebreaking, dont pretend you use all those abilities to the extent that they need macroing or even are not clickable.


All of this sums up at how bad this game really is, story lines? good finished in 15 days...then what?


A very similar endgame to WoW... I guess WoW isnt worth playing either ... since you know, it has nowhere near the story involvement.


Bioware could have done something better with this game, but no. I believe they should have made this a single player game, in fact, this game is an exact copy of Knights of the old Republic games, it is just that now you have other people playing around you, and you can see them and play with them.


Now let me ask a final question...What is an MMO? a massive multiplayer online game right? where on earth does SWTOR fit that description if groups are made out of 4 players, PVP of 8, and the biggest raid is only 16 players...how can this be massively multiplayer online game? where's the massive in a maximum of 16 players playing together? and of 4 questing together? and of 8 PVPing together? where? even battlefield has more player count than this...this is just the biggest joke on earth.


MMO... it has 1000s on 1 server.... 16 isnt ALOT less than 25 ... I guess WoW isnt an MMO anymore because its not 40 man anymore.


Your warzone excuse is pathetic, I want to see your crystal ball stateing there wont be bigger than 8 vs 8 warzones in the future... gimme the lottery numbers while your at it.


And this concludes my whining.


Whining about the majority of the game you havnt played because your easy lead by forum hatred and hearsay... well done.

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Probably in vain, but I'll bother sharing my 2 cents about OP's complaints:


1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


Your opinion. Im 40+ and haven't skipped a single dialogue. It's not for everyone though. Maybe you'd rather just click "Accept" and check quest tracker for objectives like in other MMO's. Maybe it's just not your thing


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


I've done 90% of the quests in party (Yes, even solo ones). This has never bothered me, then again I also wasn't the one screaming "GOGOGO" in instances. It's minor time loss and I'm not in any hurry


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


Dual spec is not standard. I enjoy immensively that people actually now dedicate to their roles like in old days. It actually means something to play a tank now, and with taunts and guard playing tank isn't useless in PvP either. Sure, the downside is that it's harder to find a tank or healer for flashpoint.. but would you rather take seasoned tank/healer than someone who just quickly swaps to offspec in DD gear.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


You obviously encountered a bug, never seen that. Flashpoints are strong? The tactics are very simple pre-50, you just have to figure out 1-2 things. About the noob tank comment.. I shouldn't take the bait but I doubt you were the awesomesest gamer when you first started playing something new. Also, check your dual spec point, how many "noob tanks" are you going to have with dualspec?


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


PvP is getting worked on. This game is pretty mild on CC. Every class has a CC breaker and there is Resolve. Only thing that needs majorly fixing is healing frames. Also, on objective based gameplay there is ALWAYS going to be class with ability Y that excels as a carrier (Feral Druid in WSG anyone?). Do your role, if you can't carry then support.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


You don't need to gear 5 companions. Figure what you need. Are you a melee DD? Maybe pick healer, works like prime. Are you caster DD? Pick tank. Are you tank? Pick DD. Personally as SA I use Ashara, my friend uses Quinn since she's Mara. Or go with less optimized gameplay and use the one you like most, you can easily quest even with 2 healers :p


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


Game economy, like in every MMO release is borked. I agree that crafting _AT 50_ will need more recipes. However I haven't found my crafts useless while leveling (Artifice, TH). TH Brings in companion gifts, with Artifice I've been updating my own, friends, and many alts gear. It just takes money.


Crafting ain't ready for huge moneymaking sure, but I'm sure that'll change. Then again making money is dirty easy just by questing.. if you didn't expect to have full bagslots, all speeders, fully upgraded ship and so forth when you hit 25,40,50.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


Doesn't bother me, the less instant travel the better. The scenery is nice. There's already QT to every discovered bindpoint and once / day instant teleport to fleet. Spaceports, spacestations and whatnot add immersion to myself. But then again, I'm not in any hurry..


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


People who spacebared through quests and hit lev50 before christmas maybe. Everyone knew this would happen. And since you mention WoW expansions.. what content? Another daily grind for badges and one or two easymode raids that got cleared within a week of expansions release? ;)


MMO's aren't just about the content at 50. Go hunting codexes, socialise with people, explore, enjoy the scenery, chat with guildies, do warzones. Although, I figured you aren't lev50 yet so I don't know if you are basing this opinion on forum whine or actual facts


TL;DR I disagree with most of your points, but they are your opinion. I respect that. The game is just not for you.

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1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


I disagree, I still find the dialogue interesting (I have a level 30 Marauder and 27 Trooper). For me it adds to immersion and makes the game feel like less of a grind.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.


Again, I don't really mind listening to the same conversation, especially if each could have different outcomes (like in flashpoints). Although to be fair I can see why this would be annoying to some people.


Lastly, what really is very bad about this game:


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


BW said they will be adding dual spec in a future patch. As someone who mainly enjoys healing, I do share your frustration here and I hope they add this feature sooner rather than later. Having to respec every time you want to switch from questing to warfronts/flashpoints is pretty annoying.


2- Flashpoints: Flashpoints are a joke, once you die at a boss fight, you do not get to loot anything. Of course now some boss fights are rediculously strong for a same-level group, especially if you get a noob tank.


3-PVP: PVP in swotr is only 8v8 in all battlegrounds, all classes have 5 kinds of crowd control abilities, so basically the team that uses their CCs last wins. Not to mention in the ball arena, Jedi and Sith are completely ridiculous with their push backs, and they're the only ones who carry the ball anyway.


I agree there is a lot of CC, and not a lot of ways to break it. I enjoy PvP in this game, but not as much as I have in other games. Idk, no real feedback here, but I can see where you're coming from.


4- companions: useless at level 50 and in flashpoints. Can't do quests without them, so you have to keep at least one companion with you. Having five companions that you need to gear, work on their affection, just to turn out useless end game is kinda of...useless I say.


I agree it is damn hard to quest without a companion, which I find to be annoying.


5- Crafting (Crew-Skill): super, duper useless, the epics you craft are bound on pickup, you basically cannot sell anything useful. Non-profitable crafting, recipes drop rate is very rare, missions take too long to finish beyond 260 points of skill. So far I've sold only one crafted item out of like 10, so I didn't bother at all, since all crafted gear is literally useless even when leveling up, since you can get really better gear just by doing quests.


Definitely agree with this- Crafting in this game is pretty much useless. I could see biochem being cool but I haven't tried it yet.


6- Walking: all the unnecessary walking this game has, from spaceport to ship, from ship to ship controls, then back out of the ship, to the elevator to the spaceport to outside, not to mention all the useless uninteresting cut scenes that pop every time the ship flies. Why can't we just hit one button from the spaceport and enter the ship? why do I have to WALK, not even use the mount to do it?


I don't mind having to walk in this game. The scenery is nice/cool enough that it doesn't bother me. Also if you hit the space bar when you enter your ship you can skip this cutscene.


7- Content: the content is a joke, people have already finished everything in 15 days of game play, one WoW expansion has more content than this entire game, not to mention the file size difference.


I'm sure as time goes on the amount of endgame content will increase. BW is already releasing a new planet with a new warfront and several new flashpoints and I think a new raid. Idk, time will tell I suppose.


8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs: all of these just sway the players from continueing to play the game, in my opinion I should not continue subscribing to this game anymore, in fact I'm going to cancel now.


I haven't had any lag/targeting issues yet, so I'm not sure what you mean. And yes, I agree this game does have some annoying bugs.


ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)




Hey OP, i have added my thoughts to each of your points. Hope you don't take this as a flame/fanboy reply or anything, but these are just my opinions.

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another useless thread.

you are level 36 and say that people finished everything (EVERYTHING) in 15 days.

How many people? A 100 nerds?

you are level 36 and say there is no use in crew skills at level 50. biochem is strong in force, darling.

you are level 36 and say that fps are a joke. wait till hard modes. the bugs will be fixed.


you say rift introduced lots of specs. yeah, right. the mechanics copied each other with just a different name and description.

and last i saw rift is coping well.


you are as useless as your opinion.

level to 50, play EVERYTHING at least once. then bark.

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Good thing that it will end like rift/aion/eve/DDO/Lotro/sto/whatever.


They still rock and are even better than they would be now if they had followed peoples like you suggestions.


You are just that democracy of players who never will be satisfied to any game and hop from game to game while playing same wow raids year adter year thinking it really has some point to it.

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1- NPC conversations in quests: this starts as a nice feature where a player would enjoy the story and feel part of the game, however, after level 20 it gets tedious, uninteresting and very tiring to skip though, especially after the 100th quest you do, bioware shouldn't have put a conversation in every quest, just the important ones.


2- Waiting for players in quest conversations: again the same thing, it gets nice in the beginning, but then really really tiring later on. not that social items are any good, but when you quest with people and you do want to do that part, and then someone wants to listen to everything the NPC says...it burns my nerves.

And this concludes my whining.


For the sake of your argument: If, as you say, conversations get unintersting and you (which means us, the other players, i presume) skip it. Why do you say on your point 2 that you have to wait for players to finish their conversation?


Instead you can say that it is your point of view and not a "state of obvious"


1- No Dual Spec: when Rift was released, we could have 4 different character specs, then they added the 5th. When this game was released we have only one character spec, this has got to be the biggest joke from bio-ware, even a free to play games have dual specs now.


BW stated that is is highly complicated for the classquests and story evolvement, at least in the AdvancedClass you have the possibility to respecc.


i would like to know what you meant with "8- Targetting issues, Lag, super bugs" i can't see any bugs here, or at least i haven't noticed/experienced them.

Edited by Amaradaichi
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I ran the Rift betas and enjoyed it as I was bored with WoW so I subscribed but I always new I'd end up here. I really enjoyed Rift to the point that I'd still be playing it if SW hadn't come along.

However, SW isn't Rift. Different companies make different games and the biggest laugh of all is the OP insistent that this is a single player game!!! At present the numbers are restricted but who's to say that won't be expanded later, (whether that is for the better or worst remains to be seen.) I have two mains, one I play alongside my wife and the other with the guild or pugs. You don't seem to actually be able to comprehend the term MMO so I suggest you look it up.


I enjoy the storyline and have yet to hit the spacebar during a conversation. Perhaps the OP doesn't believe that the your characters should be able to talk! :p

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I have noticed a trend with these complaining, whining doomsday posts. You seem to be the type who like to rush to end game. You don't wanna stop to enjoy things. You want things handed to you and yet cry when it's not EXACTLY what you wanted.


If you would just calm down and give it a bit longer than 2 weeks before you declare the game a failure, you might just have a bit a fun. Roll an alt, try a different class.

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