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Everything posted by Sajuto

  1. Been happening to me as well since 4.0. Especially annoying when I'm always using Rocket Boost too.
  2. Perfect example here, the Sage is clearly getting a 800 heal then 2 HoT ticks on top of eachother. Need some looking into this plox
  3. To the people saying that we should judge TOR based on what WoW today you are all morons, TOR was in the process of development for over 5 years with several revamps and many UI and story changes, I guarantee the UI were seeing TOR have today is more similar to the UI WoW had in TBC (many unfinished and missing feateures). Give BioWare some time for crying out loud, the game hasn't even been released for a month and you're bashing it for a lack of endgame, do I need to point you to Obvious Street?
  4. Lightning Strike is a casted spell, Force Lightning is the channeled one, and since I shock right after Force Lightning so there's really no loss in it.
  5. Well since you're leveling it doesn't really matter whether you maximize your DPS or not, especially as a healer. Your rotation seems fine. For strong and elite mobs i open with popping a bubble on Khem then sending him in, and then cast Crushing Darkness then Affliction, Force Lightning -> Shock -> Lightning Strike, rinse and repeat until Affliction fades (Crushing Darkness' CD is 15 seconds and Affliction lasts for 15 seconds) if the mob(s) still have a nice bit of health left (rare but does happen) then I crushing darkness -> affliction then just keep repeating the rotation i mentioned earlier. Throw in heals to Khem (Andro in your case) when needed and we walk away near full life and hardly any Force problems. EDIT: Forgot to mention with packs of 3 or more I Force Storm them down with ease, Force Lightning any that aren't dead yet.
  6. 8/10 Right now. In a few months once things start settling out is when ratings will really matter.
  7. imtrick you are either insanely incompetent or trying to be a troll. You CANNOT get a purple lightsaber on Republic nor can you get a Cyan lightsaber for Empire, it's not a matter of restrictions it's a matter that they have NO ACCESS to them. The only purple lightsaber available on live is from Empire PvP vendor. And Cyan is only available from Republic PvP vendor. If you're going to try to prove otherwise post a screenshot, i'd love to see you prove me wrong, it would just make my day.
  8. This mission is ridiculously hard. The fighters attack before they're even on screen, that one capital ship that appears for a brief moment at the top left of your screen is able to just blast away off the screen, not to mention I typically damage the frigate when trying to destroy fighters even when i'm trying ever so carefully not to. BIOWARE TUNE THIS FREAKING MISSION. (Note I have grade 3 upgrades with a grade 4 beam charger and a power conversion module [which only lets me damage the frigate even more])
  9. Aha, indeed Daellia that was the case. As said though this is a definite force hog and doesn't seem very beneficial unless your tank is dangerously low
  10. I've tested it multiple times now and every time I've gotten on the seccond DI cast to be a 2.5 second cast with a 1.5 second castbar, I'm not sure how you're getting 1.5seconds back to back unless you think the 1.5 second castbar to actually be a 1.5second cast.
  11. There's not, so don't roll one. Herp derp
  12. Sorry for the 4-day thread-necro but I just wanted to give this thread some closure, as it lacks any right now and I'd hate for anyone to get the wrong information from this thread via google. Trying the back to back DI does in fact give you a 2.5 second cast on the second cast, however the castbar only shows it as a 1.5second (Just tested it seconds ago, there is still about a second of casting after the casting bar ends). Resurgence -> Innervate -> 1.5second DI (because of Innervate clipping) -> Consumption is the best rotation to use atm (unless Innervate tops off your heal-target then it's more efficient to not cast DI) at least until BW fixes the Innervate clipping with DI. Once again sorry for the necro but this thread was in NEED of closure.
  13. Let the selfish people be selfish and kick them from the group at the first sign. Inevitably they'll find another group to be kicked from at the first sign again, let the circle continue until these people learn their lesson. We won't be able to get through to them with words so it's pointless to try to argue with any of them. Let them make their responses with flavored crap so it appears as though their side of the argument seems logical, it wont make any difference. But oh well I guess that's what the MMO community is coming to.
  14. No one else would want to see this happen?
  15. Eldren, your selfishness doesn't cease to amaze me. You can try to hide behind walls of text all you want but the fact remains, and let me reiterate it in case you forgot: You are rolling need for your companion, while your companion will be able to do everything that you intend it to do wearing greens from drops and quests. You are rolling need for your companion, while your companion did nothing to benefit the Flashpoint. I don't care what type of fallacies I stated and I don't care what fallacies I will state. If you're able to see anything past yourself then you would know how pathetic YOUR argument is. The argument that your companion is part of your character is true, but the person you're taking that piece of gear away from IS a character, not a part, not an extension. I'm done with this thread and leaving you to grovel in your own thoughts, I do hope you have fun with the horrible reputation you will have on your server.
  16. Exactly!! and when you roll need on items that will help my character just so you can gear your companion that impinge on the system I have set for gearing my character just so you can gear your companion who did not benefit at all in said Flashpoint then how do you think I would feel? Put yourself in the other person's shoe Eldren. I think maybe then you'll start thinking logically. Also, if you're going to be rolling need for your companion you should start saying that beforehand. Since most people that invite you to a group would think that you're going to be rolling need on items that correspond to your character, not your companion. I can promise you that the amount of invites you get to Flashpoints will dwindle down into 0. Anything you have to reply to this comment and try to defend yourself is just ignorant.
  17. Wow, some people in here are ignorant as heck. Personally I only roll need on items for my companions if no one else in the group needs it (Reality check; this happens quite a bit) so I'm able to keep my companion geared up through hand-me-downs and quest rewards with a few flashpoint items mixed in. This assures that the flashpoint goes smoothly and that it will get done faster (Party member upgrading an item = more dps/heals/survivability = faster run) Some logical sense there right? But no, people like Eldren seem to think that needing on an item to help better their companions will be better for them in the long-run. (Another reality check) It won't, guarantee in a few levels you will find a better piece of gear for your companion that you can put in there without having to worry about loot drama, sure the argument can be said that so will that other party member in the flashpoint, but who are we to know? Stop being selfish greedy turds just because you want your companion to last a second longer, or do a few points extra damage. What will be more gratifying those few extra numbers of damage or the fact of knowing that you were the nice guy and didn't make several groups fall apart because of your selfishness? Implement a Companion Roll between Need and Greed so that Eldren can click that for every piece of loot that drops and the people that ACTUALLY need them will roll need and get them. Party Members > Your Companion /end thread.
  18. I'm not sure if this topic has been brought up in the forums previously but if it has and it's already been clarified then my apologies for this reiteration. Personally I detest the Voidstar warzone, and that's obviously based on opinion. So something that I would love to see implemented into the game after all the major bugs have been sorted out is a feature that allows players to queue for an individual warzone of their liking. I don't see this being too much trouble to be implemented into the game, like I said previously after all the bugs have been sorted out of course. Thanks for hearing me out
  19. Gosh darnit people, notafanboy is a troll and should not be fed anymore than he already has, i mean just look at his avatar he's the size of a Hutt for pete's sake. You CANNOT be banned for using the GTN to make money STOP BEING FOOLED
  20. Obviously a phishing e-mail, the website that is linked in that looks awfully suspicious and they mis-spelled permanent. And as we have no other evidence of you yourself being banned I end this with a good day. EDIT: Also take note how it says that no action has been taken against the account (if it were a real e-mail), and yet you're claiming you were banned? No sir, get off.
  21. Has to be the most unsensible post I've read in this thread, TOR is in no way a single-player console game in any degree. It is a PC exclusive MMO, period.
  22. The number of arrogant posters in this thread is remarkable. They're talking as if this game has been out for months. There hasn't even been a major patch yet and you guys are already complaining about the mass number of bugs. Every MMO launch to date has had bugs and problems and SWTOR is no exception. I feel a lot of people complaining about this game never played a MMO besides WoW and a bunch of f2p games, and probably NONE of them played EQ before it got overhauled. If they did then I see no reason as to why such comments are popping up about SWTOR. Stop showing your ages with such childish remarks. SWTOR will prosper once the bugs and problems are sorted out in time, and if you don't like the game as it is now then go back to your dying WoW, we wont miss you one bit.
  23. I got this bug once when I was doing heroic quests with a friend, not sure what's even causing it. He just re-logged and we were able to finish the rest of our heroics.
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