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Why this game will end up like rift.


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Oh joy... someone who cant read :)


Read again... you only replied to the second part of my argument.

they ALSO cleared WotLK and all its content in a weekend... ALSO!!! <--- and a weekend isnt 15 days... not in the universe i live in anyway.



You talk about professions as if you NEED them to finish end content.

I made clear that you DONT need them.

Professions are basicly about earning gold, which you then can use to buy stuff on the AH/GTN... be those player made items or loot content.

You very rarely NEED profession based items besides potions/stimms.



So you are saying games that are made in 2011 should be flaweless?

wow... you dont play many games then i bet.



Skyrim??.. sorry what?... skyrim didnt have problems you mean?... MW3??, serious?.. you are saying MW3 was NEW and ORIGINAL??...

I'll grant you that Batman Arkham City was/is awesome... but its no comparison for an MMO this size..


Bioware could have done something great instead they went the easy road and smashed it out just in time for Christmas, shame it's not 2001 where no games have AA.

Easy road?.. you really have no grasp of reality do you?


anyway... fail arguments. try again.

Fail arguments? No where did i say anything about WotLK in my first post, you added that in.


You claim professions were only good for making gold, Belt of Blasting anyone?

**** even Boots of Blasting if you were the tailor, not to mention all of the Blacksmith's weapons, Stormherald? Ask any priest what profession he wanted to arena with back when Rocket Boots where usable.


Jewelcrafting was taken by almost every single top level arena player, coincedence?


If by fail arguments you were doing some revision on your post then yes. Fail argument.


Don't even get me started on the so called "WoW's content was finished in 15 days when it first came out." **** either.

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What really bothers me with these game forums is not the people who whine about the game being crap. It's the people who go on these threads and read the whining and then post that they hate whiners and hope they just go without saying anything.
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meh, go back to wow lol.


i like the part where you said one wow xpac had more content than this whole game.


thats not content my lad, thats justice/valor/conquest/honor caps that force you to play only limited amounts of time on one toon each day/week and take months to gear it up. that is really what makes you think that your getting more content than you actually do.


also, cataclysm called and said it almost had enough content to match tatooine.


Ok, seeing as everyone and their bloody brother wants to wander down this content path (Hint: It's not really the content that is the problem with the game) I'll bite.


I'm only going to list off points with Cata as that seems the expansion that everyone hates. I personally was disappointed with the amount of content compared to previous expansions.


Zone quests: I'm only including the amount of quests to get the zone achievement. There are more.


Mount Hyjal 115 quests

Vashj'ir 130 quests

Deepholm 110 quests

Uldum 105 quests

Twighlight Highlands 95 quests


So that's 555 quests just in the 5 zones to get the Loremaster of Cataclysm. That's not to bad coming from an expansion that I thought was very poorly done in terms of questing. It's also, not including and quests that take you past the number needed for the achievement. Let me quote Eurogamer in an interview with Blizzard.


"Wrath of the Lich King shipped with about 1000 quests, a little over," lead world designer Alex Afrasiabi told Eurogamer. "Cataclysm will ship with - we're tracking to ship with over 3000 new quests."


Around 1000 of these quests will be in the zones taking players from level 80 up to the new level cap of 85, while the remaining 2000 will be in the redesigned "old world" from levels 1 to 60.


That's a lot of content anyway you slice it.


As for gearing up. I stopped playing back in October. I was give a time-card for christmas. I started playing again last Tuesday on my alt shaman that was nowhere near geared for the new raid or raid finder. He was in mostly 353 ZA/ZG gear with a couple of crafted 359. I was able to enter the 3 new instances and be completely geared to enter the raid finder (372) on this past Monday. So, how's that taking forever to gear? I'm pretty sure I could take a fresh 85 and have him geared for raiding in under 2 weeks if I wanted to. That's pretty damn alt friendly to me. Maybe I should try that with my mage that is in mostly 333 and 346 gear...


The questing in this game seems like you're doing a lot more only because you are sitting through some voice acting content.

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ADDED (edited):

9- No macroing: I'm already at a stage where I have only 3 or 4 empty slots in the quickbar, and still did not reach lvl 50, not to mention that not all of them are bound to a key, oh and i'm talking about my 4 quickbars.

(finished Editing)

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I want to add one little thing.

Bioware actually managed to do a quite awesome thing, about wich I dreamed all the time playing WoW and a few MMO's before it. They brought the R-P-G feel.

Not just Diablo-style grind2win, but the feel of involvement into the game world. Its not EVE, wich I still think has the most deep immersion into the game world, but still SWToR makes it more personal.

And that is awesome.


The very case of NOT LIKING something, doesnt mean that its crap. Its just your personal expectations that dont meet with what this game has to offer.


I hope that you will find the game that suits you. And I also hope you will learn to understand that your opinion is not the only one. Even more, its not the only right one.

Its just yours.

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To the OP.. you do realize that there are 8 different, unique story lines in this game... right? Getting one player to max level is not all there is to this game. Yes it has bugs and yes it needs work, but they ARE working on it.


I love the voice acting, I love the stories so far and I am really enjoying the game over all. Yes, I want them to fix the responsiveness of your character and yes I want them to make the game less buggy/run smoother over all, but again, they are working on it.


It would be different if this was a single player game and you knew patches were not going to come quickly.

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Fail arguments? No where did i say anything about WotLK in my first post, you added that in.


You claim professions were only good for making gold, Belt of Blasting anyone?

**** even Boots of Blasting if you were the tailor, not to mention all of the Blacksmith's weapons, Stormherald? Ask any priest what profession he wanted to arena with back when Rocket Boots where usable.


Jewelcrafting was taken by almost every single top level arena player, coincedence?


If by fail arguments you were doing some revision on your post then yes. Fail argument.


Don't even get me started on the so called "WoW's content was finished in 15 days when it first came out." **** either.

its staggering how you only read what you want to read so you can respond incoherently...


anyway, was fun talking to ya...

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Rift is better than WoW right now, IMO.


Rift has a vastly superior character development while WoW is dumbing things down more and more with every xpac.


Trion has produced more content post launch than any MMORPG company ever, nobody has ever been close and I don't see how anybody ever could.


Rift's raiding is just as engaging as WoW's, and maybe even moreso since you get multiple raids per tier instead of...one.


Rift has more diverse content (ie, offers stuff that doesn't exist in WoW at all and has everything that WoW does have for content).


So, saying a game will end up like Rift is a compliment, IMO.


Blizzard is flushing WoW down a toilet. They're just lucky they have a lot of addicts, people who have never played other PC games, and people who have never played another MMORPG, who are slow to bail on a sinking ship.

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To answer the question it is because it is to casual. Casual games are never successful except at launch. Of course EA doesn't care as long as they make money but from a gamers perspective it is a fail if it doesn't retrain mass numbers for yrs to come.
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I want to add one little thing.

Bioware actually managed to do a quite awesome thing, about wich I dreamed all the time playing WoW and a few MMO's before it. They brought the R-P-G feel.

Not just Diablo-style grind2win, but the feel of involvement into the game world. Its not EVE, wich I still think has the most deep immersion into the game world, but still SWToR makes it more personal.

And that is awesome.


The very case of NOT LIKING something, doesnt mean that its crap. Its just your personal expectations that dont meet with what this game has to offer.


I hope that you will find the game that suits you. And I also hope you will learn to understand that your opinion is not the only one. Even more, its not the only right one.

Its just yours.


Thank you.

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You said there was nothing to Professions other than gold.


You were wrong.



If you want to talk about incoherent, go read one of your broken *** posts with barely fathomable english.



Give me some sort of proof that Professions were put into WoW for the sole reason of making gold. I bet you can't.

Edited by Bigdazz
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Rift really does suck sausage. From the boring almost plagueristic quests to the uninspired drab/dull armor. From the recycled models beginning at level 1 haunting you through the ridden on rails experience to 48. I would say 50 but you have to grind out 2 levels in Rift.


Ember Isles was the only thing they've done right and even that was wrong on many levels.


If you're into grinding Rift is fantastic... Every aspect of progression revolves around grinding. Not only grinding but grinds that take literally months-years to finish.


The main thing about Rift is their security or lack there of. They've been hacked twice. The first time it took a player going public with a news site to get Trion to respond/acknowledge it. Recently they had their entire password, email, account, CC, etc... database stolen. So now all our info is in the hands of many hackers posted on websites worldwide.

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Hate to break it to everyone but RIFT started out better on patching and fixing broken stuff.


Just look at everything that was fixed in the first 8 days.




Here here!


It may not be "all that' these days in the wake of TOr, but RIFT is a "smaller" company and to this day still works hard on improving the game.




IMHO, while their spec/class system is cool, I still think they shot themselves in the foot. Everyone is at endgame and there is little incentive to 'start over' . The game's namesake features fall apart if nobody is there, i.e newbie zones.


So now, their efforts must focus on the players at endgame.




The main thing about Rift is their security or lack there of. They've been hacked twice. The first time it took a player going public with a news site to get Trion to respond/acknowledge it. Recently they had their entire password, email, account, CC, etc... database stolen. So now all our info is in the hands of many hackers posted on websites worldwide.



it's a shame sure,..but RIFT is just one in a series of Hacks,..PSN, Lotro,...etc,..TOR WILL be hacked one day too,...it's only a matter of time,....the biggest trees always attract those with axes. :D

Edited by WelbyWars
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@op : I mostly agree with you points except 2 (wasn't aware of it) and 7 (there is a LOT of content. Sure you can rush it but it's still heaps of content anyway).


Don't let people enamoured with swtor because it's the shiny new thing discourage you.

Most will realize how valid your points are soon enough.


In fact the problems you listed are not so much annoying as the lack of understanding from BW. That's why I'm beginning to doubt they'll ever fix these issues.

Ex. : Georg Zeller talking about dual spec and saying they don't want to allow people to change spec during a flashpoint or operation... ***??!!


Having played Mass Effect 1 & 2 recently (and greatly enjoying it, though ME1 UI was a pain that they fixed in ME2) I feel SWTOR is Mass Effect with the Star wars IP and pieces of multiplayer here and there.

It's not an MMO right from the start and I don't know if they'll be able to ever overcome the single player bias.

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First I'd like to make it clear that my intention of this post is not to bash the game, but to state the obvious, and maybe things that players are not aware of.


If your stating the obvious, then by definition you're not stating things that players are unaware of. And if what your stating is obvious, why clutter the forum with it?

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