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The Expertise stat has to go...


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That's right, it discourages new people trying pvp the longer it stays in the game.


If you are smart, you would get 6 bags when you reach level 50...


1 which you can store and then save up 1000/1000 for the other five. Then you get to start to do dailies.


I don't think anyone should have pve gear, because it discourages people who are just starting to pve.


BTW you can stack about 12% expertise, so that is 12% more healing, 12% more defense, and 12% more damage to other players...


Please just grind your toon, I did, and so did every other person who has pvp gear.


If you don't want to earn your pvp gear, then don't pvp... there are plenty of quests to do.

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Thank you,


look i played 17 hours a day for 3 months to get to rank 14 in WoW. The gear i got was semi equal to the last gear tier, somewhat worse. It was the same thing back then, the raiders ran around 2 shotting people and i did the same.


When they introduced Arena i still played, 6 times glad with 2 chars. I had to hardcore raid to stay competitive (rank 1-3)


They implemented the resilience stat, didnt change a thing except that pve'ers were better at pve and pvp'ers were better at pvp.


Atleast its easier to get PvP gear than it is to get PvE. Yet ppl still complain about PvP gear? Anyone who wants can get geared for PvP. Not everyone has a top end raid guild or has the perfect work hours to raid.

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The bold is proof that none PvPers are making an argument to remove expertise. A majority of PvPers do not care about vanity items or worthless incentives. They just want gear that keeps them competitive and creates a gap that needs to be closed by newcomers.


So the competitive pvp'ers here don't give a rats *** about rated warzones?


You might be some pug hero who actually WANTS to facemelt random noobs with zero challenge all day long like a mindless robot (even more so with a premade), but the real pvp'ers are all for vanity and challenge (because that's what rated warzones are all about, or ANY rated pvp in general).

Edited by wixxkruppel
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Not having expertise would not all of a sudden make it so that it was really easy for people to get into pvp. It would make it so instead of battlemasters destroying everyone top tier raiders would destroy everyone. That then forces people who like to pvp to raid if they actually want gear.


Expertise is a good stat.

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If I grind out 10-20 wzs a day to get pvp gear and you do 3 a day for you daily and go on to HMs or whatever, I SHOULD BEAT YOU LIKE A RED HEADED STEP CHILD WITHOUT IT EVEN FEELING LIKE A FIGHT!


This is the time invested vs skill quote. This person is a prime example of "I puy my time in, so I should be able to win." For every one of these people, there are others that want a more even playing field where who wins is purely based on skill. Now, the only question that remains is if this game is going to be skill based (like an FPS) or if it will played like a traditional MMO where people are rewarded for their time investments.

Edited by Dogfatherxx
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My main problem is that pvp gear can be used for 98% of the pve content with any problems where as pve gear is gimped in all pvp situations. Full battlemaster tank has no problem on any of the HM's and healers get a bonus to heal players in pve.


See? PvP shouldnt either be as successful as PvE gear. Same way around

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Solved in this thread. Please read it take a minute to the about it then decide wether you want a niche pvp game or a fun game with a healthy playerbase and future investment.


This is a good idea that has come out in several similar threads.


Unfortunately, I realized a while back that there are people who don't have the same goal as people like us. We identify with people that PvP for fun, and not for gear. We want the PvP player-base to grow above all else. We recognize what encourages PvP growth, and what discourages it.


Other people want the gaps. They PvP more for the gear, not the gameplay. They are entitled to roll people because they have invested more time and should be rewarded. Whether the PvP player-base grows or shrinks beyond that is Bioware's problem.


So the only consequences of these types of changes that matters to them is how it would impact their current hard-earned advantage, and their prospects for spending future time grinding for newer, better items in the easiest way possible (what their game is all about).


When you realize that, you will realize that we're not really arguing about what's best for PvP itself. If people don't agree on why they are there to PvP in the first place, they'll never agree on the gear system for it.

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My take on it was that pvp gear was suspose to be horribad in pve but in reality it isnt even close to bad where my pve content gear cant compete on the pvp field of play.


Exactly, it should be crap for pve, same way around. As it is now, it isnt.

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Well no matter if expertise is a "problem" or not...


...what most people want is a more level playing field in WZ's - gearwise. If it's the early 50 gear that needs buff, expertise that needs nerf, WZ's needing gear bolster....that's all academic.


Even PvP = more fun PvP


The philosophy that "i spent more time than you online therefore I have the right to a reverse handicap against new players" is imo bs.


Skilled players however, deserve to win...but then again they would on a level playingfield.



in open world it is seldom even fights anyway so I think "PvP-stats" and gear scaling have a bit different meaning there.


But WZ's should be almost even gearscale wise.

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As a healer i picked up the battlemaster set took awhile but since at the time not many groups were running pve stuff all i had was pvp. Now i can easily heal just as much as some of the players that managed to knock out pve end game content. I might not have as much dmg resist but if the healer is taking dmg in pve your doin it wrong. Edited by Cynan_Ski
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Expertise is in the game for 1 reason to stop people who raid from dominating pvp its not a hard thing to understand.



and for all those who are gonna say then make the pvp gear the same stats at pve gear im going to say, then there would be no reason to raid people would just get pvp gear cause its alot easier to join a wz then to get a group together and when they were all decked out they would run the last raid and finish it easily thats why the dont make pvp gear the same...

Edited by ChaoslegionX
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See? PvP shouldnt either be as successful as PvE gear. Same way around


Making it so someone in full PvP gear can do well in T1 raids but will need better PvE gear to progress in PvE is ok because it encourages linear progression. There is no linear progression in 3 war zones and Illum. No one would object to expertise if it was like an FPS ranking system where better players fight better opponents as they progress. It's simply a grind war. Why should I be able to faceroll someone because they spent time with the wife/kids/gf rather than grinding for a stat advantage, you don't even need to win the war zones you fight in to get this gear just put in the hours.

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83 pages later...and the point is still:


"I raid, and want to make that why I pwn at pvp...not my time spent as a pvp'er."





Whether you have expertise or not, you will still get obliterated as a new 50. B/C if you leave the pvp'ers no choice but to raid in order to up their game GUESS WHAT: THEY WILL!


So, quit QQing about something that let's people enjoy the game as they see fit. If you chose to invest your time in a similar manner, you'd already be enjoying its benefits.



Edited by DarthDerpDerp
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We were told pre-release that skill would trump gear in this game, but it takes a ridiculous skill gap to trump the huge difference gear makes. All gear should be toned down, but unfortunately it may be too late for that.


No doubt lol - that was a bit of a stretch wasn't it...


Gear makes ALL the difference. 25% more health, 10-25% more damage/defense...

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It is there so that people can't farm pvp to get gear for pve and skip the half of the pve proggression (which still happens to a degree sadly).


And it is there to prevent players who farm pve gears to **** faces in pvp. It is an easy way to make a seperation between pve and pvp.


Btw in this game




There is no competetive gameplay here. If you really want a competetive pvp experience, you won'T find it in this contemporary MMOs. They all prioritize grind over skill.

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Making it so someone in full PvP gear can do well in T1 raids but will need better PvE gear to progress in PvE is ok because it encourages linear progression. There is no linear progression in 3 war zones and Illum. No one would object to expertise if it was like an FPS ranking system where better players fight better opponents as they progress. It's simply a grind war. Why should I be able to faceroll someone because they spent time with the wife/kids/gf rather than grinding for a stat advantage, you don't even need to win the war zones you fight in to get this gear just put in the hours.


A linear system for pvp isnt bad at all, but people dont like the rated system either. They hate arena and they hate ranked warzone.

I play a healer in pvp atm, i dont faceroll anyone. I really want a competitive style of play where i dont have to fight bad geared people when im decked out in pvp gear. (Which im not, rank 40 with 2 pieces and 20 bags opened)

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There is no competetive gameplay here. If you really want a competetive pvp experience, you won'T find it in this contemporary MMOs. They all prioritize grind over skill.


I'd say there wasn't any grind in WoW's arena. Only unbalanced setups :(

But atleast for some of us, the better you were...the more gear and faster you got it.

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