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I never played WoW, am I lucky?


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WoW is massive overhyped game that while it has an original storyline.. Ha nothing else original about it. I gave WoW multiple tries and each time i stopped after painful amounts of boredom.


This is all my opinion from what i experienced. im sure theres a few WoW fans that would viciously disagree with me. I would say you were lucky to never waste your money, or more importantly your time on WoW.


I love SWTOR. yes it has bugs. yes its a work in progress. but its about 5x more playable and gamer friendly to me. Im not bored by the storyline or gameplay. Its not a huge grindfest. if you have the right guild it enhances the gameplay even more.


lol you bot wow to lvl 85 and experiance the end game, even though it sucks atm but at least the world is free and feels alive. can you fly around swooping down on lowbies and gank them for fun in this game, cant coz instanced

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I never played WoW, does that mean I am somehow "saved" from a preconceived notion about SWTOR? .. I did play SWG, and this game, SWTOR, is much much better ...


Every "review" post or "i quit" thread involves a comparison to WoW, and how great WoW is ..


Should I cancel my SWTOR sub and go play WoW?


Depends, are we talking Vanilla, TBC, WotLK or Cata? If it was Vanilla or TBC, yes, you missed out on a great game, any later and you would have been on the sinking ship with the rest of us.

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People need to stop with this excuse for SWTOR. For the record, I am loving TOR, BUT that doesn't mean you can excuse what it's lacking when comparing to WoW because WoW had 7 years to add content and polish the game.


In no other form of business do you give a new company a break against established competition simply because the other guys have been around longer. It's all about what they have and what you have RIGHT now.


Let's say I decide to manufacture my own new luxury car, but I fail to include some features like say an integrated MP3 system and voice activated navigation, etc. Do you think the average consumer is going to care that Mercedes or BMW didn't have those options 7 years ago? Heck no! The expectation is that I better make my car to stand up to all the features the other guys have right now.


The same applies in this case. It doesn't matter what WoW had or didn't have 7 years ago. That's not the game people are playing or the expectations of content and polish.


TOR has to stand up to what WoW offers RIGHT now, not 7 years ago!


THANK YOU! You are awesome!

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I agree with you. I'm having fun with TOR, but I also don't "see" the $200 million budget when I play the game.


200-300 million dollars is enough to make a AAA movie in hollywood


the upper management in bioware probably blew it all on a long vacation, big houses and fast cars.

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To the OP,


Yes you saved yourself a lot of headache, wasted money, wasted time, and a LOT more. WoW is pathetic, stupid, and the most useless hunk of crap on the planet. Even EverQuest AFTER SOE ruined it is better. I would be willing to pay your SWTOR monthly fee to save you from wanting to shoot yourself after buying WoW.


Have fun in SWTOR. Otherwise? Look at EverQuest. But whatever you do, avoid WoW like the black plague hell spawn it is.


For those that like WoW... I feel sorry for you. They have pills for your ailment/condition....

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200-300 million dollars is enough to make a AAA movie in hollywood


the upper management in bioware probably blew it all on a long vacation, big houses and fast cars.


umm k. Blizzard makes 300 MILLIONS DOLLARS every 3 months. Go ahead and explain to me why WoW sucks so bad then? In one quarter alone they voice over every single quest in WoW.


uhohh logic sucksss

Edited by Puremallace
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The "I quit" posts from WoW kids are just ranting posts about how they dont like something coz it isnt easy mode, or "ill stand here and the game can do it all for me" threads, as with Rift the game will either change to be exactly like WoW till everyone quits (including said cry babies because its too much like WoW) or they will adapt, or my personal favourite, they will **** off back to WoW and stop complaining
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umm k. Blizzard makes 300 MILLIONS DOLLARS every 3 months. Go ahead and explain to me why WoW sucks so bad then? In one quarter alone they voice over every single quest in WoW.


uhohh logic sucksss


so your telling me this game cost 200-300mil to make? for 200-300 million they better have a product better than wow since they have the technology.

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I think you are the Lucky one. I've played WoW for a year back in the day...tried to come back and vowed to never return.


If you want to be blinded by hideous, psychedelic colored armor + environments, be in a community filled with snot-nosed little brats, play a game that doesn't take it self seriously, kill 5 of this thing and 5 of that, then be my guest.

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I think you are the Lucky one. I've played WoW for a year back in the day...tried to come back and vowed to never return.


If you want to be blinded by hideous, psychedelic colored armor + environments, be in a community filled with snot-nosed little brats, play a game that doesn't take it self seriously, kill 5 of this thing and 5 of that, then be my guest.


To be fair, every single quest in this game is Kill XXX or collect/destroy XXX


if you have quested from lvl 1 - 2 you have seen every single quest this game offers up to lvl 50.

Edited by Anelitt
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Most MMOS are fun when you first start playing them its only when they get the hooks in that you realise they are all rather shallow when it comes to game play.


Most people play MMOs for the people they meet as a way of virtual socialisng (sad i know)


WOW is /was successful because when it was implemented a lot of the old school mmos had really bad time sinks things which got in the way of actually playing the game. Although they had excellent communities.


The thing with wow (and i suppose all mmos) is that its end game is very well laid out, the bad thing is that the end game gets rehashed every 3 to 6 months with a "new expansion" or whatever blizard call it and then thye move the goal posts on for this new content.


This has the problem that the 4 months previous you spent grinding the best gear in the game and you get yourself totally pimped out has just been totally made pointless and so you have to repeat it ALL over again.


The end game is one long conveyer of rince and repeat monsters to get the fat gear to compete at surprisingly end game.


The bad thing is that you will find that unless you follow THE cookie cutter builds that you must have set equipment and you must have researched every single instance and commited it to memory you will never see end game unless you are a really desired class and even then its risky because the people on the raids might be complete tools.


The issue i have with starwars at the moment is that it is primarily a single player experience yeah you can group up to do flash points and heroic missions but ultimatly you can solo through the entire game without grouping once.


The voice overs are nice but even i am finding myself mashing space bar because they talk so slowly and i have subtitles and can speed read. It was a nice idea for Bioware to try out voice overs but in the end its an expense that after the first month people will be skipping through incredibly quickly.

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It doesnt, thats just your subjective opinion.


Bring it on. I can list a 100 different ways Rift alone tears WoW to shreds. Don't even go there or try you will lose.


Stop deifying WoW. The game is on life support and has the D dev team working on it. Only reason the game is alive is because of terrible competition in the United States from terrible devs like NCSoft.


From the second Rift/LoL/TOR came on the seen WoW's population has gone into complete and utter free fall and you guys know it.


The game is sub par crap. The fact is the game makes Blizzard close to a billion dollars a year on WoW and gives at most 2 actual content patches a year. The entire Crapalysm expansion has been recycled trash.

Edited by Puremallace
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Bring it on. I can list a 100 different ways Rift alone tears WoW to shreds. Don't even go there or try you will lose.


Stop deifying WoW. The game is on life support and has the D dev team working on it. Only reason the game is alive is because of terrible competition in the United States from terrible devs like NCSoft.


From the second Rift/LoL/TOR came on the seen WoW's population has gone into complete and utter free fall and you guys know it.


The game is sub par crap. The fact is the game makes Blizzard close to a billion dollars a year on WoW and gives at most 2 actual content patches a year. The entire Crapalysm expansion has been recycled trash.


I dont need to bring it on sir, the MMO community has spoken by making it the game that crushes any competetion subscriberwise. And that despite being 7 years old.


Seriously, how do you see tor running in 7 years? My honest guess is a fraction of current servers and f2p.

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To be fair, every single quest in this game is Kill XXX or collect/destroy XXX


if you have quested from lvl 1 - 2 you have seen every single quest this game offers up to lvl 50.



yes, there are some kill ____ quests to that but there are other ways to get exp by doing datacrons, codex unlocks, disabling computer systems and stuff like that isn't like literally just killing 5 creatures or delivering items to npcs, which is the majority of quests in WoW.

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I pled wow free trial. Was boring as hell first 2 hrs. I quit lol. I dont play games to get bored. I got bored in wow not saying wow was bad but it just didnt catch me. On tge other hand i enjoyed this game right from lvl 1-50. Loved crafting questing wz and heroics and flashpoints and raids. Im loving this untill now dunno about after 6 months
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Just play what u enjoy. The games like 20 bucks to level 70 now so try that out or even just the free trial to level 20. If u enjoy it more than TOR play it if u enjoy TOR more play TOR.


I really hope this wasn't a well disguised troll post but wouldn't be surprised.


If you post here and then post same thing on WoW forums ull have some people like me saying play w.e u like more and then the Raging fanboys on each side saying XX games is the Black plague and This game is better!


GL with your mmo endeavors good sir. I vote just try many of them out. Doesn't matter how many players play one game just play w.e u enjoy mmos don't shut down easily

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WoW is a great game and if you ask me it has never been better in terms of gameplay and storytelling.


You should try the free download just to see some of the things people at talking about when they say "dead world" and unresponsive combat.


The requirements for WoW in terms of computer is low so they can't fill the game to the brim with bells and whistles instead they put a lot the "feel" of races and zones into the gameworld itself as shown trough the phasing mechanics and little things that happens, like a predator suddently going for a rodent critter and killing it before your very eyes or an npc vanishing because he died or had a reason to move along his own storyline.


If you download it I can recommend trying both a human and a night elf as you can get some pretty emotionally engaging questlines there before you reach lvl 20. Don't spend too long in Goldshire though. it's a cesspit that makes Mos Eisly look respectable.



I am sorry but the moment you said "storytelling" was good I couldn't take you seriously.

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Bring it on. I can list a 100 different ways Rift alone tears WoW to shreds. Don't even go there or try you will lose.


Stop deifying WoW. The game is on life support and has the D dev team working on it. Only reason the game is alive is because of terrible competition in the United States from terrible devs like NCSoft.


From the second Rift/LoL/TOR came on the seen WoW's population has gone into complete and utter free fall and you guys know it.


The game is sub par crap. The fact is the game makes Blizzard close to a billion dollars a year on WoW and gives at most 2 actual content patches a year. The entire Crapalysm expansion has been recycled trash.


You need to be a bit more subtle in your trolling. This was just way over the top and heavy-handed. Population in a free fall from RIFT, Lord of the Rings and TOR? SWTOR would LOVE To have the "Free fall" population that WoW has. LOL!

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Tho I myself am absolutely sick of WoW after having played it since launch it's till the best mmo experience I ever had. All the zones look great, questing is great. First 20 levels are free to play, why not give it a shot?


It's popular to hate on the game but noone can deny that it's not the biggest and most polished mmo out there.

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