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  1. I don't expect them to. However, if nobody actually gives Bioware feedback they can't make the game better.
  2. Nobody in this thread is hating on the game. If we hated the game we wouldn't say anything. No, we want it to succeed. That's why we're being vocal. Real haters don't want the game to succeed. You mention that everyone calls you ignorant. I think it's very telling about you and I find myself agreeing with that everyone.
  3. Warhammer Online has a very similar score on metacritic and look what happened to that game. It's on life support right now. Reviews don't mean a thing for MMOs.
  4. If there's anything about this forums that legitimately makes me angry it's when people do this. There are people on this board that will call ANYONE and EVERYONE who raises legitimate concern about the game (people who actually love the game) haters. I don't know how people can be this ignorant but there is a huge difference between the OP, people like myself and actual haters. The haters are the people who don't like this game at all and don't offer any constructive criticism as to how to better the game.
  5. I'm fairly certain he was referring to his responses after the OP, which I would agree, they're obvious trolling. I don't blame him either because you guys offered no rebuttals. Your entire argument was "you're wrong" with no supporting evidence.
  6. Great... another thread that brings up some good points is attacked and taken down by the rabid fanboys too worried about post-purchase rationalization rather than the actual well being of the game. Look, I want this game to succeed but every time someone posts a fair criticism of the game you guys leap at the topic to defend the game and dismiss any flaws that it has. Doing this is not going to help the game. The developers need to be aware of the flaws so that they can fix them and make the game better.
  7. The fighting game reference is too true. People just don't understand how important every single fraction of a second is. Currently what we have right now is equivalent to around 500ms of latency and that's just bad. All in all, great post. You address some serious issues albeit the main one is something that can't be fixed at this point (released too early) but it was still a good read. However, I don't expect this to go over well here on the forums as there is a very vocal group of people (fanboys) that like to go into threads and dismiss any constructive criticism because they think their "damage control" is going to help the game when really it's just hurting it.
  8. I completely agree. I'm playing both games currently as well. I love both too much to pick just one and both games do what they do well. SWTOR just needs the same amount of polish WoW has really but that will come with time.
  9. That's exactly the problem nowadays though. I'm not saying I agree with it, because I don't. It's just that people expect the same amount of polish and content that WoW has from newly released MMOs and it isn't even close to being realistic. If anything, I blame it on all the people that started WoW in one of the expansions instead of playing in vanilla. The only difference between vanilla and other newly released MMOs is Blizzard had a lot of grinds (yay, fire resist farming) for you to do that prevented you from seeing all of the content right away. Not to mention Majordomo being bugged so people couldn't even fight Ragnaros right away regardless.
  10. No. God no. How old are you? Have you never seen Carebears? http://www.pitch.com/binary/42f1/CareBears_Star.jpg
  11. I already said this thread doesn't belong here. I'm not being a fanboy. Also, yes, you are a child if you're so worried about looking mature and can't just ignore a race that you don't like and doesn't effect you in any way. Wanting them to look evil and dark only further reinforces the fact that you're a brooding, angst-filled teenager. Sorry, not everything can be DARK LIKE YOUR SOOOOUUUUUL! The fact that you play Empire is very telling really. Haha, I knew most Empire players were like this but I didn't think it was THIS bad. Glad I went Republic to avoid the infestation of children on this game.
  12. Pandaren pre-date Kung-Fu panda. Also, the fact that you seem to think they would be better if they were ferocious or evil really shows how mature you are. You're definitely a kid and there's no point arguing with you. Also, if Pandaren are stupid, especially the brewmasters then I guess Jackie Chan in Legend of the Drunken Master is stupid too. Oh wait, it isn't. It's awesome.
  13. There's really nothing wrong with Pandaren. WoW already has cow people, dog people and alien goat people. I don't see how panda people is any more stupid than those are. I'm fairly certain that the only people who hate Pandaren are children and people who weren't around in vanilla WoW. I remember back right before BC was going to come out how pretty much everyone wanted to see Pandaren, hence why they were almost the Alliance race instead of Draenei.
  14. Blizzard has already said that TItan isn't WoW competition. Also, OP, I would actually say you're rather unlucky because vanilla WoW and even a bit of BC was easily one of the best experiences I've had in my life. As for this thread... it doesn't really belong in general. Oh well.
  15. I don't want them to nerf the game. I just want my character to be stronger if I decide to not use a companion. My character doesn't act tough in the story bits either but that doesn't change the fact that she is the type of character that doesn't rely on others to get the job done.
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