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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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1. Planetside


3. EVE



Wow, we just keep seeing the same ones get named, yet nobody learns from them.


WAR was a big dissapointment for me.... It was great, good world pvp integrated into the leveling and questing and awesome instanced pvp... right up till level cap.

Great game to level in via PVP, but once you were done leveling the endgame pvp was trash in comparison to the greatness of DAOC's three way realm war or even the lower level pvp in WAR...


I'm enjoying huttball in SWTOR, but I have very little hope that the game's pvp will hold me past the first month or two, I'm pretty sure I'll hit level cap and leave due to the lack of world pvp. I actually complained over /gu last night that I had spent two hours in "contested territory" and not gotten ganked... pathetic excuse for a pvp server.



Waiting on Planetside 2...

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Asherons Call hands down.


ill admit I wasn't man enough to live on the Darkfall server, the only true PvP server I have seen any any sense of the word. But I did go red a lot on my own server, Solclaim.


How do you kids fancy having every single item you own looted by someone when you die?




As your gear tended to belong to someone else in a few days time, the game wasn't about finding the best gear, but about finding stuff crap enough not to get looted when you died.



AC also wins hands down the best loot system ever designed in a MMORPG.

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Asherons Call hands down.


ill admit I wasn't man enough to live on the Darkfall server, the only true PvP server I have seen any any sense of the word. But I did go red a lot on my own server, Solclaim.


How do you kids fancy having every single item you own looted by someone when you die?




As your gear tended to belong to someone else in a few days time, the game wasn't about finding the best gear, but about finding stuff crap enough not to get looted when you died.



AC also wins hands down the best loot system ever designed in a MMORPG.


Asherons Call DT was kick ***, free for all PvP make for some really interesting politics.

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1. Warhammer Online - World PvP was so awesome so many of us put up with buggy game for far too long


2. EvE - Wormhole PvP especially was really novel and unlike anything else. The adrenaline rush when engaging with what usually involves unknown variables were quite intense. Good odds for fights to escalate due to very high value ships and resources at stake. High barrier to entry for the technical portions ( scanning / collapsing wormholes ) in the early days for wormhole exploration.



3. WoW / SWTOR - Despite the tears on the forum, TOR classes feel way more balanced at this stage of the game's lifespan. WoW when it had early open world PvP was lotsa fun. Still waiting on something substantial for SWTOR open world related :D

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Haven't really had the chance to play DAoC, but from what I'm reading it sounds pretty epic.


I really enjoyed PvP in Warhammer Online though, especially if there are people around who are ACTUALLY interested in fighting. Sometimes, people would just let the keeps fall so that they can capture them again later on, working a semi-rotation with the other faction.


Eve Online was pretty great too, though I didn't spend too much time in PvP there. But what I did experience WAS adrenaline pumping. The possibility of REAL risk in fights makes for a very tense and exhilirating experience.


I'm actually enjoying PvP in SWTOR now too, except for when our team gets steamrolled because of premade 50s in the opposing team. If it's a normal pug vs another normal pug, with just a rare 50 thrown in, it makes for a pretty good game, IMO. Being able to beat down players solo up to 10 levels above you because of good use of interrupts and CCs : priceless.


EDIT : Haven't made it to 50 yet, delaying getting there by making an alt. Things might change once I experience what open world PvP is / isn't. If things on that front are too bad though I could always just experience another storyline :D

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There will mever be anything close to AC ever again. Its too unforgiving for people to play now a days.


Best MMO I have ever been involved in, in EVERY ASPECT. Played it for about 10 years, starting on Thistledown with Kilowatts crew then merging with Deva Jones. Then switch to Darktide with the Bloods.


Never played anything as hard or frustrating in my life...best gaming experience ever.

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ultima online to age of conan to darkfall, thats it for mmo pvp that required skill and had a combat system that allowed the person at the keyboard to to control the outcome of fights and not gear or abilities.


if you don't know about ultima online, its too late now lol. age of conan was too complex for wow kiddies which right off the bat make it better than most listed on this thread. pre 1.04 age of conan is pretty much hands down considered the best mmo pvp by real pvpers since ultima online. mainly because it required movement, no targting, and the ability to land melee combo was a tangible skill to rate players. this was replaced by darkfall not because it made a better combat system than age of conan but because it had a ruthless ruleset that provided reasons to pvp and it was sandbox. having a great server community is also needed to have great mmo pvp, and darkfall had epic forums and with a sandbox world it left no place to hide.


any game that has a tab target system for combat in pvp is not a pvp game so it can not be considered mmo pvp. fischer-price my first combat system that is WoW is not a pvp game, warhammer, aion, rift and many others are gear and consumable based. the only game you can stretch to put in there is pre-cu swg because it was sandbox and the cooldown system was unique.


the future of pvp in mmo is gw2 and tera. swtor is a great game and they have always sold it as a story-mmo. and the pvp here is just icing on the cake and really fun, but this game still uses the brain dead wow system because that the largest % of the mmo market.

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RvR: Warhammer

The actual combat mechanics and play style in the game were some of my favorites to date. PvP combat was not about the best macros, the fastest reaction times or anything of the sort, there was an actual strategy to fighting an opponent. Battles could be long (some might even say slow) and a good player knew the opposing classes and how to capitalize on enemy mistakes.

Note however that I never really played DAoC.


FFA: Shadowbane

Ultimately an open world game focusing on PvP really has to have corpse looting. It comes with a great number of drawbacks and the game can pretty much never expect to be "popular" but for those who love these types of games there are few things better in MMOing.

Note however that I never really played Ultima Online

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"Never played anything as hard or frustrating in my life...best gaming experience ever."


Asherons Call is still the holy grail of MMORPGs for me.


I keep searching for something like it, but doubt ill ever find it. Even turbine couldn't do it with AC2



The player politics made the game, something which the new breed of games didn't understand.


(by new breeds, I mean anything from Anarchy Online onwards)

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No contest, DAOC.


Everyone told the Devs to just copy DAOC, been doing it for years. Somehow we ended up with the same mechanic from RIFT and WoW which very current pvpers enjoy. That is why people game hop so much. Inevitably when GW2 becomes the next big thing everyone will go their, be unhappy with it, and then go back to an old game or find a new one again.

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Best one i ever played was Asherons Call.


It had a dynamic engine that allowed players to dodge incomeing magic and missle attacks from players and mobs. and im not talking a system like Darkfall were you have to aim the game aimed your attacks for you kind of like a aimbot in a shooter but the projectiles wernt instant you could see them coming and move out of the way it actually took skill.


also it had NO CC, so a skilled player could fight and win against multiple enemys, just because you were fighting 2 guys didnt mean you lost because you stand there stuned or rooted for ever, they still had to actually hit you so it gave you a chance.


plus it was a skill based game with no classes, you could be a fire ball throwing sword guy with cooking trained if you wanted, you earned XP by killing stuff but you also earned what was called unasigned XP that you saved up and spent on what skill YOU want to level up.


the pvp server was savage, there was not a single place on the entire map that was safe from pvp. when you went out hunting there was pvp, when you were in town selling there was pvp. there was huge epic wars over dungeons that guilds tried to control to level up, there was huge epic wars over towns that guilds tried to hold to sell items and call home.


YOU WERE NEVER SAFE it was real pvp.



AC was crazy. I remember playing on the PVP server for a bit and it was scary fun.

We had a group of people that teamed up, total strangers. 5 of us decided to quest together and watch each other backs. We did this for about 2 weeks. Then one day a guy didnt show up. He had a long weekend and that Monday he was just missing from our nightly group. So we are out questing and then one of us gets one shot from behind. We freak and somebody yells SHIGGLES (his name) and he is coming hardcore at us he gained like 6 levels over the weekend on us and was taking us out. In hindsight if we had of keep it cool we could have taken him, but we freaked and got too complacent and he picked us apart. Good times.

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The player politics made the game, something which the new breed of games didn't understand.


(by new breeds, I mean anything from Anarchy Online onwards)

I think this is something that lots of folks who don't enjoy about PvP don't get. There is a prevalent attitude that PvPers are at our core douche bags and gankers, while of course that is part of PvPing I've also found a good PvP game to have some of the strongest "community" in an MMO. Having PvP actually matter pretty much forces players to work together toward goals. Players develop meaningful reputations and guilds/people develop lasting conflicts and friendships.


The trouble with quality PvP (or what I'd define as quality PvP) is that it really sucks when you lose. In fact it sucks more than many (probably most) players can tolerate, which means these games end up catering only to a really small community.

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Honorable mention to Shadowbane, pre-server merge. Am I the only one that loved that game?


I tried to, but the click to move killed it for me.


I use a very unique key-binding set up and any game that I can't use that set up just doesn't hold me for very long.

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I think this is something that lots of folks who don't enjoy about PvP don't get. There is a prevalent attitude that PvPers are at our core douche bags and gankers, while of course that is part of PvPing I've also found a good PvP game to have some of the strongest "community" in an MMO. Having PvP actually matter pretty much forces players to work together toward goals. Players develop meaningful reputations and guilds/people develop lasting conflicts and friendships.


The trouble with quality PvP (or what I'd define as quality PvP) is that it really sucks when you lose. In fact it sucks more than many (probably most) players can tolerate, which means these games end up catering only to a really small community.


It's because for every 1 of us (the PvPer who wants good PvP, who knows that it's not always "red equals dead") there are 20 idiots who think "hardcore PvP" means ganking people mid-mob and camping their corpse.


The popularization of MMOs not only flooded the place with "carebears", but it also flooded the place with anti-social sociopaths and, unfortunately, since the anti-social ones outnumber us, they're the "face of PvP".


The good old days are gone.

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Shadowbane BY FAR!


I was a guild leader there where we had the third largest city state on a server dominated by ebonlore (pretty sure that was the guild name)


It took months for an alliance of 3 guilds/states to even come close to bringing them down with the entire server living under a cloud of not being able to train skills unless they paid extortion prices at the ebonlore town.


Putting Bane scroll's on their Empire and watching it go down = Pricelesss...


Even more priceless


Watching them retaliate against the number 2 guild and then last minute ditching our allies to become the #1 guild on the server - simply priceless.


No game will ever come close to Shadowbane in my mind when it comes to morality choices... lol lightside/darkside is for babies:P

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3) Meridian 59- pvp meant something you lost skill points and could lose all your gear if looted, if you didn't bank your money that was gone too, battles in the streets of ToS lasting hours, wars lasting months or even years, evil guilds trying to take over a server, Hunter's looking for RPK's (random player killers)


2) DAoC- mass warfare, teaming up with one enemy to fight a larger enemy, roaming with a group as *****-jamming people taking a keep wrecking them. battles that lasted for hours defending a keep, no crappy hook points for siege


3)warhammer by default, was not that good of a game they should have taken more from DAoC but still had fun moments

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