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Best MMO PvP you ever played?


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UO. You could loot every single item off your victims, chop up the body and leave the parts strewn over the landscape. Full inventory looting was harsh, but it sure got the adrenaline pumping. Looting also wasen't flagged to specific players. Anyone could loot any corpse immediately, no matter how the player died. Oh the joy of coming across another players corpse who died from PvE decced out in full plate and a nice stack of gold coins in his backpack. Edited by -Singularity-
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I have to say it was definitely Asheron's Call...


Dropping items on death meant it was so unforgiving, which also meant it was a real achievment to lvl, most people gave up from all the constant ganking and the frustration of being attackable by everyone.


It was real PvP, run and hide and survive like a rat. Somehow make it to 40, then the whole guild v guild politics and KoS lists. Trades across guilds were like drug deals... You brought high lvl backup as do they, anything goes wrong and the fallout lasts for months with the respective guilds hunting each other down.


Best MMO PvP game I've ever played, and I've played most of them except UO and GW.


I thought SWG's force user being perma-killed and free to kill by all was really cool also.


hahaha yes this brought back memorys. no auction house in this game to make a trade you have to walk up to the other charcter and trade with him and in a pvp game like this things can go wrong real fast ( once again no safe place on the map ).


man back in those days how you acted and what monarchy you were in really meant somthing.

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Thidranki was arguably the best time I have ever had in an instanced BG and you were only 19-24...


I mentioned the industry's inability to copy and improve on DAOC in another post, I mean just how hard would that be? But it was obviously lightening in a bottle (that sadly was past over by a great many self appointed hardcore PvP'rs), they broke their own game with TOA/Relics and hell even the leftovers that were on the WAR team didn't get it right...


The biggest problem I think is that the current PvP playstyle is the waste/byproduct of PvE, it has been that way since EQ - Just give them a server or a few BGs, some ranks and gear, they'll be fine.


The feeling of a running with a few groups in the frontiers and knowing your class has a real reason to be there and that you are there with a purpose, capturing keeps and relics for global bonuses AND a PvP Dungeon all the while looking forward to mass player battles was amazing.


Technically thid wasnt instanced... there was only one instance and everyone joined the same battleground. Thats part of what makes for fun pvp... and the one keep (main objective) with a satellite objective (tower) each realm expected to hold or retake as a start, was all you really need to set the stage for months of fun. Why cant they just do something like this in swtor?

Edited by salamanderx
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DAOC is best no questions the MMO population has spoken 1000 times over and said that DAOC is the best PVP ever in an MMO.


Best part is that this game could capture the same thing (accept the 3 sides) with the way the game has planets set up. Make a planet or 2 that when you land your PVP flagged. Make these planets on both PVP and PvE servers. one of the best things about DAOC was that you could PVE on the same server that PVP was thriving on, and you only had to partake in the open world PVP when you wanted too. Also it was not a PVP flag system, when you went to the frontier you knew everyone you saw could be killed or could kill you. these planets should eb the same way.

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top three:


1. DAoC

2. UO

3. EVE




DAoC had the best, factional, PvP by far. Note, it was factional, not FFA (well, except for the 'dreds). It's the only game I know of where the PvP drove the community. If your realm had all 3 of one of the relic types, people would do just about anything when the RK came under attack. Drop groups, suicide out of dungeons, anything. Being a Hib, we usually had all 3 Power relics, and at the first guard spam of anything greater than 10 people alliance chat would light up and groups would begin forming at DC/DL. Hell, you would call your friends/guildmates who might not be on to tell them to get their asses in game now.


You don't see this in any other game (well, maybe in Eve but the communities there are corp/alliance based and not factional).

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DaoC as well. Only game I've played where a group of 8 people could drop a group of 40 if they positioned and coordinated themselves well. Wiping zergs was epic, as was gank groups vs each other. People would talk to each other all the time in forums and if your group encountered another group in the room and had an epic fight it wasn't uncommon for your group to shift to their vent for some friendly banter about the fight. Best memories I have with pvp by far.


Lol at this from the wiki entry.




The leetspeak expression QQ, an emoticon for a pair of crying eyes used to mock people for complaining, originated on Dark Age of Camelot's message boards and spread through the gaming community.



RIP Kaardis RR7 BM of Guinivere SotG

RIP Kilowynn RR6 Heretic of Classic

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Ultima online when it first came out had a great pvp. I don't know how it is now a days. It had high risk high return due to the fact you could lose/gain other players gear and main pvp areas were involved pve areas so there was a good mix that allowed people to choose to after bigger pve gains to almost be forced into pvp. I really liked the variety because a smart player all ways seemed to have an advantage over a better geared player.



Classic WoW had good pvp because pvp was pointless and I don't even know why people ever raide:Dd TM and SS but it was fun because anyone could get involved because there was enough people a level 30 could blend in and still participate. It turned into a **** fest of terrible c.c. and I still feel that classic wow had a great system. Even when bgs were first implemented skilled players were more important then better geared players

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Easily DAOC.


Nothings else comes close.


It had the most coordinated and skilled groups I've played with and played against. None of this ranked battlegrounds BS which is a joke system. Open world PvP with rewards for killing players and objectives. Best years of gaming ever for sure.


Plus 3 factions was win to keep balance.

Edited by ianhatcher
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1. DAoC - Hands down.

<fondly remembers days of stalking Emain as an Infiltrator>

And as the counter, I would put a caster hat on my Friar and smile when a stealther popped on me thinking I was a free kill. Ooops, sucks to be you, little stealther. My Friar eats you guys for breakfast.


2. DAoC - UI didn't tell you what class you targeted, only the name. You figured out what class. You also didn't see level, just a color scale.


3. DAoC - Open World PvP at it's finest. Take castles to open a PvP dungeon.


4. DAoC - Persistent Battlegrounds with keeps to take.


5. Asheron's Call - no classes, no CC, just kill or be killed


If you were on Gwaine, I probably hate you...just saying :)

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DAOC is best no questions the MMO population has spoken 1000 times over and said that DAOC is the best PVP ever in an MMO.


Best part is that this game could capture the same thing (accept the 3 sides) with the way the game has planets set up. Make a planet or 2 that when you land your PVP flagged. Make these planets on both PVP and PvE servers. one of the best things about DAOC was that you could PVE on the same server that PVP was thriving on, and you only had to partake in the open world PVP when you wanted too. Also it was not a PVP flag system, when you went to the frontier you knew everyone you saw could be killed or could kill you. these planets should eb the same way.



Unless you played on Mordred like me and you were fair game the second you left Camelot. I was a Scout.

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Hundreds of players crashing together in between castles or storming castles. Changed my focus from PVE to PVP endgame. Amazing experience.


Oh, they eliminated low level ganking. I guess ganking isn't crucial for good pvp.

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a mixture of the freedom you had in Ultima Online back in the glory days 97-99 (prior to stat loss) and then mix in the ground taking mechanics (taking Keeps etc... and having it claimed by your guild) in DAOC.





Someone please make DAOCUO!

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