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What secret areas have you found in the game?


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I'm still relatively new to the game, but one thing I love doing in MMORPGs is explore. One of the things that most of us know (and some don't strangely enough) is that on practically every planet, there are datacrons that you can find (that add to your attributes, like strength and endurance), plus specialized datacrons that add matrix cubes as well.


But what else have you been able to find? One thing I've noticed, and this is one of those things that people generally don't look for, is that in quite a few of the story areas I've entered, there's almost always a security chest. Sometimes, those are hidden pretty well, like when I was in a story area for a mission in one of the cantinas. I happened to notice that there was an elevator in the room where I had to kill through a bunch of bad guys (it's in the Black Sun area). So, after I finished the mission, I took the elevator, and it brought me to an empty balcony. That just didn't seem right. So I looked around and then realized that I could jump onto the ledge, and then jump onto a sign that was sticking out over near the ledge. That sign stretched to a balcony on the other side of the street.


And on that balcony (after I fell and hit the ground a few times, having to take the elevator back up again), was a hidden security chest with some pretty high gear in it (at the time I was level 13, and the gear was all 15-16 level).


So, what have you found so far, for those looking?

Edited by sarbonn
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I personally love the lore objects. They don't give me any real reward besides a small amount of xp, but it's always fun learning about the world, especially in such an established and beloved license as this one.


I wouldn't miss it if it wasn't there, but it's definitely a nice touch.

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Go the edge of the railing on the fleet and open your main menu (exit game, logout, preferences...) then jump!

Before your character dies from the fall log out. Then when you log back in you will be below the invisible black canopy and able to walk around the hidden area. There's nothing other than windows there though, but since there are windows clearly the devs expected people to do this.

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I want to say it's in the Foundry flashpoint, but I'm not 100% on it. There's a hidden room that's off the map. You come to a corner area with a few enemies in a lowered section, and off to one side of that lowered section there's a hole/gap/doorway kinda thing in the wall that shows as solid on the map. A short hallway later you come to a room with 3 or 4 enemies and a security chest sitting on a table in the middle of the room.


It's been a while since I ran any Flashpoints, so I'm not positive that it's Foundry, but it's one of the Rakata type architecture places.

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I found the space underneath one of the flashpoints.


When the mouse button bug that crashed the game was around, the game kept crashing for me in a flashpoint. Whenever I logged back in, I found myself falling through space.



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There's a secret area in the museum on the Ziost Shadow. Blew my effing mind.

Shouldn't there be two? At least on the Republic fleet there are two secret areas in the museum... of for the X and one for the Y, for which you need the X.

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I want to say it's in the Foundry flashpoint, but I'm not 100% on it. There's a hidden room that's off the map. You come to a corner area with a few enemies in a lowered section, and off to one side of that lowered section there's a hole/gap/doorway kinda thing in the wall that shows as solid on the map. A short hallway later you come to a room with 3 or 4 enemies and a security chest sitting on a table in the middle of the room.


It's been a while since I ran any Flashpoints, so I'm not positive that it's Foundry, but it's one of the Rakata type architecture places.


Yea thats in Foundry, it's the hallway that leads up to the last boss if you go to the opposite end and turn left there is a small passage way.

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Datacron locations are in secret locations.


However, other than some nice geography in the area and a datacron, the exploration is not really rewarded too well with off the path exploration since areas like the followers of Revan is a quest area that people are led to for example instead of running into.


So quest areas dont count as exploration but just as an example something like a revan camp that has its own transport, caves, interesting geography, and boss fights but are not lead to with quest givers would be something that could be off the path exploration.


However, since it would be content people could not find, having quests would be too much development but there should be more off the beaten path areas that are unique have their own lore, and a unique boss fight. Possibly the lore can introduce an area quest like there is a bounty on the special exploration boss. By special exploration boss I mean a boss that is hidden and is a special boss other than a gold elite, and unlocks entries for codex and exploration similar to datacrons.


Anyways, nice planets, good geography and the only off the beaten path exploration usually leads to a datacron. Some decent exploration in the game.

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Shouldn't there be two? At least on the Republic fleet there are two secret areas in the museum... of for the X and one for the Y, for which you need the X.


Yeah, there's two. One for the X, and one for the Y. And the stupid X was bugged for me :mad:

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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I found in the Sith Inquisitor class mission on Korriban, where you meet the Dashade - Khem Val for the first time, that with some judicial falling you can survive the descent to the bottom of the chasm where he is suspended. It was pure curiousity that drove me to try it and I was somewhat impressed that the Devs didn't just make it some throw away area. You'll only find some assorted k'lor'slugs down there, and eventually, a way back up top.
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i found a secret area in a voidstar warzone. i don't know how to replicate it, but i found myself teleported behind the doors we were supposed to attack. clearly a bioware admin was trying to show me a secret world, but instead of paying attention, i just planted the bomb. Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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On Taris Empire side, in the tunnel complex there is an overrun imperial command post. it was apparently cleaned by rep troops lead by a Jedi master. The troops and the Jedi leader became infected, and still roam the corridors, The final room contain a chest. to open it, you remove the shield to summon the infected Jedi master.:rak_03:
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I tried to explore when I first started, then I got kicked off my speeder and died of exhaustion before I could run back to safety. This game does not really promote exploring, everything is linear and flat, almost all of the elevation changes are barriers to force you to go a certain path.
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I found several planets that must have been secret....there wasnt another soul upon them......


Doom doom doom.


You couldn't keep your negativity out of one of the few fun, light-hearted threads on the forum. Bravo!

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lol.... exploration? this is the most linear mmo ever,there is no exploration


The linearity of a story has nothing to do with exploration. Just because you have a quest to do something somewhere doesn't mean you aren't allowed to see other areas of the map.


It seems to me like you're one of the people whining for exploration, yet have never bothered to do it themselves. In fact, you don't even want exploration, rather just an additional thing to complain about.


There's plenty more exploration in this game than the other game where flying mounts basically removed all sense of wonder and unknown.

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The linearity of a story has nothing to do with exploration. Just because you have a quest to do something somewhere doesn't mean you aren't allowed to see other areas of the map.


It seems to me like you're one of the people whining for exploration, yet have never bothered to do it themselves. In fact, you don't even want exploration, rather just an additional thing to complain about.


There's plenty more exploration in this game than the other game where flying mounts basically removed all sense of wonder and unknown.


I'm somewhere in the middle, I do think there's a bit more exploration stuff than people think, because I've sometimes been surprised.


But not often enough, not nearly often enough to counter-balance the linear, claustrophobic feeling.


It's a double edged sword because of course the VO-ed quests are hugely immersive, but the price you pay for that is a certain amount of linearity. I think the game needed a LOT more explorable content to counterbalance that - or random events, or something like that. SOMETHING. It's just not working to give me a feeling of a virtual place - it's like a bunch of stage sets with the odd surprising thing tucked away.

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