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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Since I ordered in August and got in a full day longer than the maximum of what was promised they get an A ++ for the staggered entry. Not only that when I was playing at lunch the servers were incredibly smooth and stable.


Sadly, many of the fine folks on the forums get an F for reading comprehension.






Alodar :)

Edited by Alodar
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I think it's safe to say after retail I'm going to be one of the percentage that avoids the forums. There's too many trolls, it's starting to remind me of barrens chat full of ******s just being mean to be mean, and no moderators to keep them from being *******es to everyone.



Not wanting a "Carebear" forum, just for people to actually realize insulting people makes you just as bad as the person whining.


Though insulting someone while telling them to grow up is the height if hypocritical hilarity.

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A. No lag, no crashes, no queues, and the game is absolutely fantastic. Having a lot of fun and so is everyone else in game. It seems like the people trolling here are just bitter about not getting picked for early access yet. Edited by Tommot
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Well I played WOW from day one and infact in the first 2 years I had played 263 days online, (how sad is that) the start was a mare, couldn't login, world server down a lot and gittery as hell. But in the end it attracted a huge following. I think the reason for that was the game mechanics, which I also think BIO have got right. You hit a button and it does what it says on the tin.


We will have to see what happens on Launch date to see if this pre-release will fix that, lets hope so.


As for the game I am very impressed, it's smooth, easy to get used to and I think the story line is great and the fact you can send your crew off to get you money stops that really boring grinding one had to do in WOW.


I do think that they could have announced the Early Game access waves by Date, so people knew where they stood without all the surmising.


So for me they get an A+


Love and kisses to the Dark side.

Edited by chasshadow
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The only people that would give an A, are the ones that are playing right now, and forked up the cash with there moms debit cards the first few days, months of preorder. Not only did they release cata in bulk sure it crashed, but after the crash things went smooth everyone got there way :\ Edited by ssluigipk
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I am told for months and months that it will be a staged early access starting on the 15th of Dec, I didn’t preorder till Oct 1st, and I am playing on the 14th with 6 days of early access and it is smooth sailing.


Best MMO launch I have ever seen, and I have seen most of them all the way back to the beta of UO


If someone wants to talk about a launch failure, ask about WW2OL now that was a launch failure!

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Average launch. Could care less about that.


F for failing with their insanely huge budget by spending 2/3 of it on voice work that just makes the game pretty without adding any significant depth to a fancy WoW in space clone.

They could have spent that on decent features, or making the game not a total WoW clone while still retaining the style.


Also, what major development company that makes its own engines would use HERO engine for an MMO of this scale?


What it ships as isnt what swtor will be. Stay tuned.

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Imma go with a solid C.


But, that C stands for Cataclysm.


The same Cataclysm that has WoW seeing a decline in a userbase.


Hah, a C-, because they can't even get the reliability of Blizzard.


You clearly did not play WOW when it first came out. When I started on its release date the game crashed every hour or so, they took the servers down on a daily basis for nearly a month, and there were more quest and mechanic bugs than they could report.


Wow is only stable because its been going for over HALF A DECADE


On that note I totally get why Bioware is doing launch this way. They explained in the beginning it was so they could avoid those kinds of issues and ensure a smoother launch date on the 20th.


As a player, I am ROYALLY pissed that I can't play the game when I have been faithfully following this game and been a member of the website for 3 years, but my feelings don't change the fact that they are doing the right thing.

Edited by Kwalruff
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The only people that would give an A, are the ones that are playing right now, and forked up the cash with there moms debit cards the first few days of preorder.


I gave an A+ (for the launch, not the game itself) and I'm still out in the cold waiting to get in too ;)

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The ones giving Bioware the F are the ones that Pre-ordered this last week.


Both F and A+ should not exist with regards to this launch. It is better then average but not "zomg amazing".


If everyone had gotten in the first day with no queue and no bugs then it could be A+. As it stands it is Bish like Rift was. I don't know if I have ever actually seen a launch that could be considered A quality.

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