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Lost 1000 companion affection in two hours.


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as a smuggler, my companions are corso rigs or bowdaar. i mostly use my own judgment when desiding how to respond. both of my current compainion mostly agree with my desisitons but 2 times i shot and killed women after they lied to my face and/or tryed to have me killed both of those action got my darkside points and -1 each for corso rigs(or bowdaar) but over all i get high affection form ether of them and high lightside points for my actions


i like to pick what makes ME happy and ignore what my compainion or lightside/darkside thinks

Edited by delnorr
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Actually in character, you are doing things that piss off your companions. No wonder they have less affection to you. If you want to be liked by them, try picking options they might like.



Edited by Lankybrit
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use companions that are more like "you" (as Player character ofc)


i am a full evil sith and andronikos likes my way :p i can even imagine what ashara will be with me :p (-500 per word i say for sure:P)


if you need the companion tho and he handles things total different from you then there is only one solution


companion gifts :p sorry :p

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I love how people assume that companions fit into either Light, Dark or Grey. People have got to understand that all companions have MOTIVES and even though they seem to be "Dark" or "Light". For example


Andronikos Revel - generally a "dark" companion. On Tatooine he wants to kill his old friend who betrayed him (called Wilkes) so you and him find Wilkes' stronghold. Once you beat Wilkes you have the option to kill him (And with Andronikos being "dark", he'll surely approve, right? Wrong! Killing Wilkes causes you to lose 55 affection with Andronikos, because HE wanted to kill him.)


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Without spoilers, the BH story line can lose you THOUSANDS of points with certain companions. One of my companions is currently -1000 affection towards me.


It comes with the territory, some of your companions are goody some are evil. If you're opposite of them it only makes sense that they like you less for it...until you buy them off with gifts

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Each of these 219's were on conversation enders.


Even with conversation enders, you have time to see the affection change and cancel before it's too late.


I've never had a conversation end before I had a chance to cancel and redo.

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It doesn't matter if you are dark/light or your companion are dark/light. My wife's character is dark 3 but one of the Quinn's mission she decides go choose light path and got +156.


I think the -1 is a bug. It shouldn't that small.

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then pick another companion that is more suited to your personality...


I'm trying to decide about this myself. As a light-side Sniper (Imperial Agent), I'm rolling with Kaliyo still into level 30. She does NOT like my respect for authority and life. I know that my next companion will be more into what I'm doing conversationally, but he's also a light-armor wearing melee DPS companion. Kaliyo is a ranged tank. As a ranged top-tier DPS myself, I really need the tank, not the cardboard DPS.


Coming down to a decision between someone who shares my ideals but is no good to me in combat and someone who I can rely on in a fight, but doesn't like it when I won't shoot someone in the face for looking at me wrong is tough, but ultimately there's only one right answer.

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Wow... I honestly didn't know you could lose more than -1 at a time. I figured the game was designed to make it almost impossible to have low/negative affection, that your Companion would keep giving you +15 here and +40 there and only the occasional -1.


Is this a bug? Seriously, are you supposed to be able to lose that much at once? Is it is a factor of your level?

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Wow... I honestly didn't know you could lose more than -1 at a time. I figured the game was designed to make it almost impossible to have low/negative affection, that your Companion would keep giving you +15 here and +40 there and only the occasional -1.


Is this a bug? Seriously, are you supposed to be able to lose that much at once? Is it is a factor of your level?


Usually has to do with extreme choices, for example a character may be very lightside and all for protecting the innocent and helping the weak. If you decide to slaughter a bunch of innocent civilians all in the name of fun, they will likely give a lot more than -1.

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Lets see here.

I've done things my companion hates a hundred times or so.

90 of those got me a -1.

4 of them got me a -219.

6 of them got me -42.


(rough estimate on the -1's. probably alot more tbh.)


Thats just..ridiculous numbers.

I don't mind frustrating companions, but -219 is just..nuts.

See -219? Press escape, dismiss companion, select the same option, get rewarded in Light/Dark points and no negative affection, hurray!

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Had this happen near the end of my class quest too and given all companions take part in these its not possible to avoid. Luckily its one of those easy things to correct with companion gifts. Although I've just left one of them to hate me as I don't like him anyway. :p Edited by Aestel
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You have PLENTY of time to ESC out and dismiss your companion when you see a "-219" start to pop up, even on a conversation ender.


The ESC key is a perfectly valid solution to this complaint. BioWare has already fixed this "problem".

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These -219's are getting brutal.

Like seriously what the hell -.-


I told you to quit looking for affection out behind the outhouse.. It is the smell that gets 'em.. You need a nice romantic place, with flowers and chocolate.


/duck /run

Edited by Tahana
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Yeah I don't really see the complaint here, generally you can just hit "Esc" to end the conversation, you can then swap to a companion that agrees with the choices you make, if you know the one/have the one or you can just have no companion out and not suffer the loss at all. Or as others have said, either don't say the thing that loses you the affection or get gifts to make it up. The companion affection system is essentially just a meta-game for those that enjoy that type of thing. It is not difficult at all to manipulate it to get the results you want if it is at all important to you.
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