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Swg vs swotr


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I spent 15,000 dollars on SWG. Spent over 10,000 hours on my main toon. Logged in nearly everyday for close to 7 years.


I'd love TOR to have more SWG elements, sure. The thing is though that even with a vastly inferior crafting and space game TOR is still very addictive.


If I had to choose I'd ask for SWG's crafting system to be added into TOR.

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SWG was murdered a year after launch otherwise it could have been something special. SWTOR 100x better though a different style game.


This. Galaxies was great at the beginning, but one bad decision after another completely changed it into something that was truly sad. I love TOR, and I have great hopes for it continuing to be great.

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I'm enjoying SWTOR, but I don't know if I'll ever enjoy an MMO as much as I enjoyed SWG, pre-CU/NGE of course. It truly was like having an alternate life in the star wars universe. I don't think I ever ran a "quest" outside of quenker missions in a solo group. I didn't have to. I had fun grouping up with friends and killing stormtrooper NPCs at random IMP outposts and taking down random AT-ST spawns. Or there was the Geo cave and Death Watch Bunker to mow through. Hunting down and killing NightSister elders was fun. A few weeks of doing that and I had mastered rifleman and doctor. I created a merchant/armorsmith alt who did all my surveying and crafting and sold my doctor buffs and stims. It was alot of work, but I had a very successful business selling armor and buff packs. It really was alot of fun just hanging out with people in that game. Seeing other people's houses and stores they had set up and decorated was great. Rose colored glasses? Yeah probably....but I had a good time for 2 years or so.
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Be honest was this as good as swg or was this as expected after swg?


They are so different, you can't really compare them. However that being said, just before the Jedi Village was released (so Pre-Jedi Village, Pre-CU, and Pre-NGE), SWG was at it's peak and was an amazing game. I loved SWG at that point, and I'm really enjoying TOR so far. Though they could stand to increase the quality of their ingame customer service...and by increase the quality I mean actually have some semblance of quality.

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I think too many people look at pre-nge with rose colored glasses. A change was bound to happen. You don't throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars by scrapping a system that just needed some tweaking. It's core design was flawed, or the very least not focused enough. The only reason it stayed around was because it was the only SW ip out there.....and that's also why they shut down right before TOR came out.
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Wanted to like SWG. Gave it several opportunities (alpha, beta, release, right before CU, right after CU, right before NGE, right after NGE), and just could not get into it to a level of any significant enjoyment.


When the best thing about a game is not the game but rather the people you play with in the game....I have to question the actual game. At least for me in particular.


But as said earlier by several people: two entirely different games directed at two entirely different audiences.

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I love everybody claiming it was a "sandbox."


In reality, it just had so little direction and content that the players stepped up and created content for it.


The game was fun, it had more heart and soul than most MMO's, but it was far from a good game. The launch was atrociously bad. Entire professions were broke and armor didn't actually work.


Then they revealed that in order to play a jedi you had to grind through a series of randomly chosen professions just to unlock it :rolleyes: That would be fine of course if the professions were actually fun, but 50% of the professions were unbelievably boring.


People tend to forget that the CU and NGU were intended to fix the game because it was so horribly broken. They needed to completely re-design some aspects of the game to fix it, it just went horribly wrong and made things even worse.


It was fun, but it can't even remotely compare to SWTOR if you take off your rose colored glasses.

Edited by VicSkimmr
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I love everybody claiming it was a "sandbox."


In reality, it just had so little direction and content that the players stepped up and created content for it.



That IS what sandbox means...a provided plain playing field where YOU make the fun.


Other people call it lazy game making especially when you combine it with the other things they did. Entire planet with randomly generated ground. No true X/Y axis leading to not only not being able to jump but being able to shoot THROUGH the ground/buildings...your mount coming to a COMPLETE stop if you happen to try to go over a teeny tiny little rock...lol. poor game making.

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Player housing and cities were the best and worst things in SWG. The potential of what could be done with cities would never be realized due too the lack of tools for city management. Plus Player housing was all over the damn place messing up mission way points. Most of the cities were dead cities and people didn't want to hang out in the middle of no where 15 km from the nears't cantina or starport, where all the social interaction happen with the afk dancers (lol).


I always thought that player housing should have been stack-able like legos to save space and have a central interaction area at the center of the city. There were just so many empty buildings that never got used like the medcenter that it seemed like a waste of time and space. Add all the stuff in the buildings it was such a resource hog on the servers and client side.


SWG tried to be everything to everyone and it ended being good at none of them. It was a game where you had alot of freedom but what the hell were you going to do with that freedom?


NOW, if SWTOR ever has a Sandbox planet, which I highly doubt, it's going to be more structured. The item database is going to be tuned down with preset places you can place a few pieces of furniture and trophies.

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SWG definitely had some really interesting mechanics. Crafting was the best I've seen in any MMO, and the player housing/cities was really cool. That said SWG felt more like work sometimes than entertainment. I have to say that overall I have more fun playing TOR, and it definitely gives me more of a SW feeling.




I couldn't have said it better myself. I played SWG for 6 years, and I loved the game for what it was. Not perfect. Plenty of bad to go along with the good. But I still enjoyed it, and I enjoyed the community there. I agree that SOE mishandled it (to put it mildly), but that is the past. I never expected, or wanted, this game to be SWG2, anymore than I would have expected any other game (Star Wars or not) that I've played to be SWG2.

SWTOR was meant to be just that....SWTOR. That's it. Nothing else. If you like it, play it. If you don't, then don't. I like it, so I am playing it. Simple as that.

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Considering the number of people working on SWTOR who were at SOE and worked on SWG, I think this thread is rather pointless. Think about it, kids, it was developed in the same town even - Austin, Tx. - so it isn't a surprise. It was a revolving door from SWG to SWTOR, including the producer of SWG at the time of the CU and NGE fiascos, who is now the guy in charge of SWTOR development - Dallas Dickinson.


is this true? if so, we are all doomed! now that you mention it, it does feel a bit like SWG.

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I spent 15,000 dollars on SWG. Spent over 10,000 hours on my main toon. Logged in nearly everyday for close to 7 years.


I'd love TOR to have more SWG elements, sure. The thing is though that even with a vastly inferior crafting and space game TOR is still very addictive.


If I had to choose I'd ask for SWG's crafting system to be added into TOR.


woah dude, dont waste your life on a video game .. just saying .. there are real houses and cities outside .. and trees too ..

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SWG was my first MMO.... So, I have fond memories of it. I did enjoy the crafting and space aspect of it, but over all, I know that my memories of the game provide the rose coloring of looking back.


SW:TOR is not SWG:2 and I'm happy for that. It is a great game and I can't wait to see what new things come in the future.

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As other people have said, I'm not sure you can really compare them. Or, alternatively, it depends on what you mean by 'better'.


Imagine, if you will, a long nostalgic rant here... But rather than that, I'll just say this.


In my opinion, SWTOR is, objectively, a far better game.


But if I could have Pre-CU SWG back instead... I actually would.


I miss it to this day.

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What BW fails to understand is that SWG provided a social environment that SWTOR will never have. I know of folks who never even engaged in Pvp or Pve but who immersed themselves as crafters and entertainers. People spent hours just decorating their houses. Edited by Adeptt
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Be honest was this as good as swg or was this as expected after swg?


SWG had a good sandbox once you got to endgame. The crafting was beyond excellent. Attacking bases was extremely fun.


it also had more than it's share of problems. it had horrible worlds with basically painted textures. Simply Awful. The levlling system was pathetic, those mission terminals took the immersion right out of the game.

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But if I could have Pre-CU SWG back instead... I actually would.


I miss it to this day.


Aye, me too. I like this game but TOR feels like a single player game with other people getting in the way or there to help me out on quests.


My guild buddies aren't very interested in PvP and we're all different levels/on a different times so staying along the same quest lines is next to impossible. He rarely see each one another and only seem to meet up to do the flashpoints and such. Seems a bit of a shame tbh.


At least with SWG you could get a group together and go hunting (read: grinding) to level.


I miss the player driven economy, all player made items.

The housing, that was so great and the decorations people did to there houses/shops was utterly fantastic. I remember spending hours putting junk around my house as war-trophies and such - hours wasted but it never seemed dull.


SWG had so many issues and the devs never seemed all that bothered in fixing half of them. My memory is dull and muddled about the facts now but my 2nd character (gotten when I got my character to Jedi) was a droid engineer and shipwright - I loved crafting the ships and components. I loved making the droids too...even though the were mostly bugged/useless and in dire need of some dev work that never came.


The housing issue was slightly cleared up just before SOE/Lucas Arts wrecked it (I'm pretty sure that Torres guy was actually Lucas Arts!). Problem was houses stayed in the world even long after the upkeep money had ran out but I remember they fixed that and houses did get packaged up and shoved into your inventory - you could unpackage your house with all the belongings in the same place at a different location. The Devs also never paid much attention to the whole mayorship/township issues, I remember we spent two months in our town with a bugged mayor problem, unable to do anything!


I'm pretty sure Bioware will bring in decent space combat, I just hope they do it right and this time you'll be able to board enemy ships and have a fight inside the ship.


Anyway if SWG was re-release (pre-NGE) I'd be very tempted but I had just made fully levelled dark jedi when the NGE destroyed the game - I don't fancy that grind again! :p


It's still early days for TOR, it's done very well IMO, probably the best release of an MMO I've witnessed I just hope they bring in the expansions quickly and improve/jazz-up the crafting system a bit more (btw I wasn't keen on that asteroid mining rubbish they put into SWG).

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