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Swg vs swotr


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Not clueless enough to know faction was capped at lower than 1 mil pre NGE... :rolleyes:


I am glad you can catch someone exadurate, want me to be more clear?I use to do an exploit in a rebel base where I could get infinite points easely and then spread it to rest of my guild, I don't think they ever fixed that glitch until NGE. Also I use to level up anything by doing theoldglitch with the macro and leave my game on all night and come back next day and have max in profession ;)


go away troll.

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Well to be honest SWG did have:


Larger planets to explore

Player housing

Very nice crafting system

Better character generation and customization


Then again it had dull questing system that was just plain bad. And it was killed by NGE.




Voice acting

Interesting story

Smooth leveling and questing

Better pvp


Very different type of games. I used to love SWG as a sandbox game for roleplaying purposes it worked wonderfully. When all roleplayers I knew left the game it became very boring.


I am actually hoping they would add some planets in future launches just for sandbox purposes like player housing and cities etc. that had minimal questing but just players to socialize in and create their own communities. Dont think thats going to happen though and I'm quite pleased with the game as it is currently.

Edited by Darth_Vala
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Oh i played WoW more in terms of time investment no doubt. Did i enjoy it as much when i was playing? Hell no. I spent 4 hours a night face palming at idiots in vent and in game while raiding 4-5 nights a week. WoW was a time sink and a very shallow investment of that time. I literally, for the last 4 years of that game only logged in to raid and even then it was often a joyless endeavor. But if you want to equate time spent between the games to enjoyment then by all means.


That is the point though, SWG had toomany problems to ever really enjoyed, I stoppedcounting the times serverscrash and I had to do something else, this way a year into its release...

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I am glad you can catch someone exadurate, want me to be more clear?I use to do an exploit in a rebel base where I could get infinite points easely and then spread it to rest of my guild, I don't think they ever fixed that glitch until NGE. Also I use to level up anything by doing theoldglitch with the macro and leave my game on all night and come back next day and have max in profession ;)


go away troll.


You astounded me to no end. Thanks for the page from yer diary. I am flabbergasted...to say the very least. Now, lets get back to the topic. :rolleyes:

Edited by Uben
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Well to be honest SWG did have:


Larger planets to explore

Player housing

Very nice crafting system

Better character generation and customization


Then again it had dull questing system that was just plain bad. And it was killed by NGE.




Voice acting

Interesting story

Smooth leveling and questing

Better pvp


Very different type of games. I used to love SWG as a sandbox game for roleplaying purposes it worked wonderfully. When all roleplayers I knew left the game it became very boring.


I got suspended for 1 month once for calling a wookie dirty furry animal while wearing full emp stormtrooper armor pretending to guard the starport... neither him nor the GM understood the word "roleplay" and took it as personal harrassment


I do miss myguilds cantina during that month when most played, afterwards it also became a ghost town, all pre nge.

Edited by TheHirogen
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You astounded me to no end. Thanks for the page from yer diary. I am flabbergasted...to say the very least. Now, lets get back to the topic. :rolleyes:


Why because you try convincing people my opinion is mute by saying I never played SWG? too bad I did and I love SWTOR more. But I am honest, some things I miss, and I rather have them put into this game than all other WoW fanboys things I readon these forums.

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You want player housing? me too, want guildhalls/cantinas? sure, do I have to have it or care?not really


PVP open space combat? yes and yes


warzones or player cities/sovereignity for guild and or faction? sure, on warzone YES


BH and smuggler missions? etc yes and yes


mini games? sure why not


Swimming? ok


the rest? no thanks lol


What do we get that SWG did not have? Better PVE, bestof the best, better PVP, good crafting system just as SWG had a good one. Companions, easier to do a lot of things, better graphics, more immersive world, better company behind it + alotof other things such as more enjoyable space mechanics and gameplay to name a few.

Edited by TheHirogen
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There are just 2 things i miss from SWG:


1- Open space, freedom, the ability to get lost in a remote planet


2- Economy System, it was far mor than just a craft system, you could really devote yourself to it, there were true gatherers, ppl whos only purpose was to find best spots for havestors, then there were crafters like myself, i was tailor, had a beatiful shop in corelia, with all my creations on show, ppl came from all over the galaxy to buy me clothes for that wedding or for just a modifier that never worked, but who cares, its the feeling of uniqueness what matters.


Themeparks are like actual society, everyone looks the same, everyone thinks same, everyone does same things.

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it's horses for courses, some people love a game, others hate it with a passion.


I played through all the changes in SWG and I miss the game now. It was innovative, no one else has attempted to create a sandbox on the scope of SWG.


Crafting was amazing and a very fulfilling time sink, unlike SWTOR. Having to keep track of which resources were spawning and where was enough to satisfy quite a few people. Decorating houses kept another tranche of players entertained for hours at a time, including this one.


Sadly, it was already losing subs a few months after launch, because many people just didn't get the idea of having to make their own content. Hence the CU, then the NGE. But a year after the NGE, the game began to improve dramatically and many who returned when all accounts were unlocked, following the hacking, for a free 90 days, couldn't believe how much better the game was.


SWG was, and will probably remain, the most supportive and immersive game world for RP. Storyteller allowed us to create the most amazing sets. One of our guild GMs even built a corvette out of props for an event. It could be argued that it was the Rpers who were the fiercest supporters of the game and many of us would still be playing now if the (alleged) exclusivity clause hadn't forced it's closure.


I would have continued playing if the servers had been reduced to just three or four, in total. My characters' stories were far from over and drawing them to a hasty conclusion was a sad day.


TL: DR - Some hated the game, others loved it, the two sides will probably never agree. I loved it. Remember, Lucas Arts are still the boss of this game, just as it was over SWG.

Edited by Jeia
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cover shooting in a mmo is a huge new twist among other things.


Not really. Cover in the end actually is nothing more than a combat stance that enables you to perform attacks you wouldn't be able to use if the stance weren't activated. In that aspect it's not a good one either; Move and most of your abilities becomes unusable.

Not really a revolutionary new feature imho...

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I am glad you can catch someone exadurate, want me to be more clear?I use to do an exploit in a rebel base where I could get infinite points easely and then spread it to rest of my guild, I don't think they ever fixed that glitch until NGE. Also I use to level up anything by doing theoldglitch with the macro and leave my game on all night and come back next day and have max in profession ;)


go away troll.


Admitting to exploiting and being proud of it to? You sir are a pathetic gamer!:rolleyes:

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SWG was designed as a sandbox. You cannot compare it with a quest grinder like TOR.


I keep seeing this and have to chuckle :)


SWG WAS designed as a sandbox but they realised thier mistake quite early on. They were trying to get away from sandbox for years, making themeparks etc. What was great about lots of badly rendered open spaces populated by awful NPC's?


SWTOR is NOT SWG, it was not meant to be so dont compare it. SWG was a good game in its time but not great, SWTOR has launched quite well and for a game this young is looking to be stellar. The only thing lacking in SWTOR is community, thats the only thing SWG had better....but I guess that will come with time when all the quick-fix wow-kiddies slink back to thier holes.

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I have to disagree with the TOR is better pvp. Just my personal opinion but i would take Restuss over hutt ball any day.


I felt more in control over my toons actions and more so targeting in swg TBH. Not that TOR is a bad game or the pvp is bad but just personal preference.

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Be honest was this as good as swg or was this as expected after swg?


It’s hard to make the comparison. Though I would say that regardless of what people say theme park and sandbox game styles are not mutually exclusive. I’d love to see a lot more sandbox in SWTOR.


As for the comparison. (assume I’m talking pre-NGE unless I say otherwise) I think a lot of people do have a rose tinted view of SWG. SWTOR was released with in my opinion far too many bugs, but SWG still had massive bugs when I stopped playing around the time of the NGE (both before and after NGE’s deployment) SWG had a complexity and depth that I don’t think we’re ever going to see again outside EVE Online. SWG Shepparded (but didn’t force) a community feeling, I never joined a guild but I still felt like part of a community and would often play with the same people over and over again. I was a creature hander and would often get messages from people I’d never met, saying I’d been recommended to them and asking if I could get a specific mount. I couldn’t really define what made SWG great apart from the level of freedom it game you. I’m enjoying TOR but it doesn’t have the same indefinable magic.

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SWG was designed as a sandbox. You cannot compare it with a quest grinder like TOR.

With TOR's storyline, quests didn't feel as repetitive and grindy as they were in SWG. In that respect, TOR is WAY better. If you holo-grinded to get your Jedi before the CU, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

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Admitting to exploiting and being proud of it to? You sir are a pathetic gamer!:rolleyes:


Space bar! oh and back then SOE had no enforcment against exploiters at all so everyone did it, no one cared about ingame economy either. Am I proud of it? no,but it was like EvE Online, everyone scams so you end up scamming a few people yourselfover time and steal and whatnot, since it is allowed and done toyou. In WoW I never cheated, nor in SWTOR or FF11 etc. Back then was different times, in the end I got suspended for roleplaying and not exploiting faction points.


By the way, I never knew the word gamer came with honor, just for the record. I could not care less, I followrules if they exist.

Edited by TheHirogen
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Not even close. This game is immeasurably better than SWG.


This man speaks true. Look, I liked SWG at launch. It had it's moments of entertainment, but it certainly holds no candle to many titles developed after it. We're also talking about a huge leap in funding, and developmental shift of what an MMO can be.


You would do more service to compare swg to other sandbox mmo titles. But as far as I've seen, there's not many out there these days that have people clamoring. One day. :)

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I was in the SWG beta (still have the cds in fact) and I never liked the game. Granted it was a vastly different play style. Having much more fun in TOR than I did with SWG. If I could suggest, i'd really like TOR to take their space game in the SWG direction. Not clone it, but try to take some ideas from there.
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Be honest was this as good as swg or was this as expected after swg?


This game is great where SWG was weak and SWG was great where this game is weak.


SWG had a great community and crafting system...this game has a better everything else.


You should have asked people to compare Sony to Bioware for the lulz...cause somehow Bioware has managed to look worse than Sony, thier communication is near the worst ive seen with Anarchy Onlines and Horizons releases being the only worst ive seen...at least SWG had Raph Koster going around calling players stupid for asking for specific content and outright lying to peoples faces about bugs and issues.

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I miss the sand box setting and the space combat. The questing in SWG was very boring to me compared to SWTOR. I think SWTOR has much better questing, but like I said, no sand box and the space combat is straight out of the mid 90's at best.


A rail shooter? really? I seriously wish they put resources into other parts of this game instead of making such a boring mess that is SWTOR's space setting.


Space is half of Star Wars. Its not something you put minimal effort into, especially in massive games like SWTOR.



PVP also seems to me like it was better in SWG, but that could change if they adjust it.

Edited by -Dench
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