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Everything posted by Sniper-Agent

  1. I'm inclined to agree with you, OP. I think a lot of it has to do with the general direction games are heading. Over the past few years we've seen a huge push for profits. I'm not saying that developers and publishers don't deserve to make money, it just seems that the quality of games has taken a back step to monetising every aspect of gaming. We see constant recycling of ideas and game design with the mentality of "Well it made money last year so let's just do the same thing again". Even with the release of current generation systems (XBone & PS4) we saw developers trying to charge upwards of $150 for high end cars in Gran Turismo and Forza. How many people remember when EA stood for Electronic Artists. That meant something. A group of people so passionate and dedicated to the industry they worked in that they saw what they where doing as art. Now we're left with Electronic Arts, a powerhouse of stripped down studios who's job it is to maximise profit and meet neigh impossible deadlines regardless of the fact that the quality of a game may suffer. I think Boware is a prime example of this. Once a studio who could turn anything they touched into gold, now all we see rushed, lacklustre games often with disappointing endings to what once where amazing Bioware written stories. Day one DLC has become almost mandatory if you want to see how things should have ended.
  2. I think that many of these issues could be fixed with a simple cockpit view. In SWG I always used the cockpit view, It's much less dissorientating and hyper mouse sensability doesn't seem as bad.
  3. I don't think those people who bought thE collectors edition, who might I add where promised frequent updates to the shop, are being self entitled for asking Eaware to follow through on their promise. I'm just glad I stuck with the DD edition...
  4. It's a sad day indeed when something that was so central to this game (Class story arcs) is looked down upon by so many members of the community. I remember pre-launch when class stories where the major selling point of Swtor... Not everyone likes the endgame grind. Some of us are here for the vast RP opportunities Star Wars can bring. While I understand that voice acting and story writing costs a hell of a lot of money, it's a shame it's had to be set on the back burner...
  5. This month I spent all of mine on other people, either legacy name unlocks or weekly passes and what-not.
  6. Boom!! How long have you been waiting for that one?!
  7. Holy ****, I read this out loud and had a huge coughing fit from loling
  8. Like many of you I have been an active poster on these forums for a number of years. I was here during the great OT purge in which many people (including myself) lost their accounts to perma-bans. I was here during the Sarlacc Enforcer talks. I was here when the Devs where in fire. I have been thinking a lot about the forums back then, about the excitement, the different directions people wanted SWTOR's development to take. Even though we *****ed and moaned at each other we all shared one thing. Hope. Hope for a StarWars MMO that we could waste many a year playing. We had discussions, not arguments. Ideas where either agreed with or debated, they weren't labeled as self entitlement. Look at us now...... General Discussion has become nothing more than a cesspit. A place filled with anger and hatred. Do you think we can ever go back to the way things were?
  9. Possitive: Double-bladed Sabers! Negative: having to duel wield as a JK in order to put out reasonable damage.
  10. I hope this means my Pub character can finally wear Imp armour and visa vera
  11. Thank you for the welcome back messages, guys.
  12. The month was January. The year, 2012. That was the day I cancelled my subscription to Star Wars: The Old Republic. The poor engine performance coupled with the buggy and unresponsive user interface where enough to force me away from this game. But now... I HAVE RETURNED! Upon my return to this game I have found many of the bugs that irked my during the first few weeks of this games life have been squashed. The engine feels more stable and my abilities actually work when I hit the required keybind. I decided to make a fresh go of it by rolling onto a new server, A "standard" populated one (That's about as good as it gets EU side) where in the space of a week I have found my place within a guild and met a few people I an already call friends. With the planned server merges/Character transfers the future is looking bright for players of SWTOR. Anyway, I thought I would share my experience with the rest of the community and those people who may be on the fence about joining or rejoining our ranks. It's not all doom and gloom. This game is what you make of it. I implore to make the effort to get to know the handful of people that are dotted around your server. Actively seek out groups to help with content and if you see some one looking for a group then take the time to give them a hand, even if their objective is of no use to you. Well, That's about all I have to say for now. I hope to see many of you in game and I look forward to having many a debate with you all.
  13. Thank you, I'd like to say it's good to be back but......well...yeah.....
  14. Yeah, that's more orange than red. If you look at the Sith Inquisitor Twi'lek options there is a very deep red. This is the same red that was present for republic characters.
  15. Re-posting from another thread :- Just re-subscribed only to find the option to create a Red skinned (Lethan) Twi'lek on the republic side has been removed. Please don't tell me this is to accommodate that ridiculous "Legacy System" thingy! It seems every time I think of a character I want to create I find out I first have to level a character I have no interest in playing in order to "unlock" the option to create one I might actually like, The removal of already existing features in order to justify what can only be described as a poor substitute for "end game" is never a good thing.
  16. Thanks for the heads-up on that. It still means leveling another character to the appropriate legacy level though. I came back to find my old server pretty much empty so I decided I would re-roll to a new one rather than wait for the server transfer (Still waiting on those rated WZ's too).
  17. Only to find the option to create a Red skinned (Lethan) Twi'lek on the republic side has been removed. Please don't tell me this is to accommodate that ridiculous "Legacy System" thingy! It seems every time I think of a character I want to create I find out I first have to level a character I have no interest in playing in order to "unlock" the option to create one I might actually like, The removal of already existing features in order to justify what can only be described as a poor substitute for "end game" is never a good thing.
  18. It would take a much better game than this one for me to purchase a lifetime subscription. I'm happy paying month by month for now.
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