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Another Insult to the EU


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They can have a 24-hour maintenance day every week for all I care, as long as this next patch is going to fix the EC9000, 2005 and 1003 issues.


If those issues aren't fixed, my "maintenance downtime" is all day, every day.

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They do have a ground team for Europe.... all the servers for the EU as well as EU maintenance staff are based in Ireland....


EA might just be cheap and not want to pay the night-time extra on that teams salaries.

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A lot do care and I suspect you would too if the downtime affected you so adversely. I see some are actually voting with their wallets too, that shows how strong the feelings must be.


Maybe, but clearly any purported lost subscriptions over this issue do not exceed the cost of adding a separate maintenance window for EU servers.

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So EU servers are down until 4pm GMT tomorrow, while for North America the servers are down while most are asleep, I really don't care, if it is an American Company, I couldn't care if America invited, computer gaming, electricity, the Internet, computers, life, man the planet earth or even the galaxy, I live in Europe, our servers are in Ireland why not take them down to suit Europe.


BioWare Sort out the stupid EU maintenance times.


+1 totaly true US are Christians... AND GOD IS AMERICAN! you know they could do what they want...refuges from europe FACE!

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Guys, you're kind of making me feel ashamed as europeans. We are getting content at the same time as the US instead of having to wait one extra day.


I really dont see any problems with that. Does anyone with a life actually manage to be online before 4pm? Honestly its not a huge issue.

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I haven't seen any confirmation or even an implication that is the case, do you know where this was stated?


CS is based in Ireland, never saw any mention that other staff was based there but its ofc possible.


I will point out that even game companies such as Funcom which are based in Europe do their maintenance during EU daytime. Also note that WOW doesnt allow EU players on NA servers and vice versa.

Edited by MrTijger
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Guys, you're kind of making me feel ashamed as europeans. We are getting content at the same time as the US instead of having to wait one extra day.


I really dont see any problems with that. Does anyone with a life actually manage to be online before 4pm? Honestly its not a huge issue.


You're making me feel ashamed as an European, no really.

Time zones plus extended maintenance.

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Guys, you're kind of making me feel ashamed as europeans. We are getting content at the same time as the US instead of having to wait one extra day.


I really dont see any problems with that. Does anyone with a life actually manage to be online before 4pm? Honestly its not a huge issue.


Not a huge issue for you does not mean it's not a huge issue for others. Personally it's not a huge issue for me either most week as I’ll be at work. However I understand that some people do shift work, some people work part time, some people have jobs with sporadic hours. The bottom line is that off peak in the EU is the middle of the night, not the middle of the day. Also as myself and many other have said, it’s 4pm GMT, not all of Europe runs on GMT. Think of the big picture.

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My Wife and i both just canceled oure account becaus of this very thing, we both work but when mainteness start at 11 and runs for 8 houres it means by the time we get any gametime on mainteness day it's done, and fyi we go to work at 06.00 and get off at around 13.00 depending on workload ect ect, ive read every post in this thred and i know you cant have mainteness that suites everyone, but to the people who are posting stuff like well duh get a job go to shool well guess what there arent alot of EU gamers that work till 19.00 in the evening. i really hope enough EU players cancel their account and make a strong statement against this poor service to a multitude of gameres across many contryes.


Start the Server mainteness at 00.00 or 01.00 for the EU and you would get alot less complaints, and yes i did read what BW posted last time and that was really more of an insult then an awnser to the problem.

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i haven't read the whole thread, but some stuff i must comment..


sounds good! would you like to pay for the extra maintenence shift, a TCG, or would you prefer they just cut into their profit margin to suit your needs.


we're already paying them, it's their job to manage the best availibily of servers to us. and yeah, they shold have already had all this covered when starting mmo buisiness in EU.


Does anyone with a life actually manage to be online before 4pm? Honestly its not a huge issue.


for example a college student? (on my faculty a lot of lecutres are afternoon ones, also with good planning you can get one or even two free days)






and it IS in prime-time (even in GMT 0). the prime-time is 13-23h, the maintenance is 8-16h. and one other thing, the maintenance period can be extended (last maintenance killed whole playing day in EU). they could have at least give 1 free day to EU customers, but now it realy looks like we're just some second grade customers so the quality of service doesn't bother them. with this attitude they could lost a lot of eu players in not so far future..


i'm sorry for my bad english, but it's not my native language.

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I live in the world where I work from 9am to 5pm. this is pretty much the standard working hours for most of us ( some will say it is not but it is). If you work nights then unlucky but you get paid extra for doing unsociable hours.


If you are a student, use this time to study a little more so you can free up other time to play.


If you are jobless then work on your CV, have a shave and what not.


If you’re on holiday and using this time to play star wars then its sods law and be thankful it will happen to us all at some point in our lives.

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So EU servers are down until 4pm GMT tomorrow, while for North America the servers are down while most are asleep, I really don't care, if it is an American Company, I couldn't care if America invited, computer gaming, electricity, the Internet, computers, life, man the planet earth or even the galaxy, I live in Europe, our servers are in Ireland why not take them down to suit Europe.


BioWare Sort out the stupid EU maintenance times.


You'll get over it.

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I live in the world where I work from 9am to 5pm. this is pretty much the standard working hours for most of us ( some will say it is not but it is). If you work nights then unlucky but you get paid extra for doing unsociable hours.


If you are a student, use this time to study a little more so you can free up other time to play.


If you are jobless then work on your CV, have a shave and what not.


If you’re on holiday and using this time to play star wars then its sods law and be thankful it will happen to us all at some point in our lives.


When did we start living in a world where encouraging bad customer service became something to aspire to? I’m not going to try and explain this simple concept to you because if you don’t understand at this point then I don’t think you ever will.

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I live in the world where I work from 9am to 5pm. this is pretty much the standard working hours for most of us ( some will say it is not but it is). If you work nights then unlucky but you get paid extra for doing unsociable hours.


If you are a student, use this time to study a little more so you can free up other time to play.


If you are jobless then work on your CV, have a shave and what not.


If you’re on holiday and using this time to play star wars then its sods law and be thankful it will happen to us all at some point in our lives.


wow, you are one arogant person, last statistics i've seen, atleast 40% of the working population works in either shift or irregular hours.


Outside of office workers, most people actually do NOT work 9-5. and many people who work in the service industry etc. work weekends and have midweeks off.

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How many mindless corporate droids (working 9-5)... Mindless corporate droids don't understand that most of stuff and services they use everyday is produced/maintained by people working in shifts, at night. Our whole civilization depends on this people, while most corporate droids produce NOTHING, they are just delusional if they consider themselves SO important to have the right to bash people who work in non standard times.


The middle of the day is off peak hours and interrupts the fewest number of people.

We have the right to have maintenance at the same LOCAL time as amercians. That is the point. Anything else is irrelevant.

Edited by Alexx_T
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How many mindless corporate droids (working 9-5)... Mindless corporate droids don't understand that most of stuff and services they use everyday is produced/maintained by people working in shifts, at night. Our whole civilization depends on this people, while most corporate droids produce NOTHING, they are just delusional if they consider themselves SO important to have the right to bash people who work in non standard times.


Thank you for this lovely generalisation. Now go back to living under whatever rock you crawled out from.



We have the right to have maintenance at the same LOCAL time as amercians. That is the point. Anything else is irrelevant.

In what law, constitution, declaration does it say that?


No, you don't have a right to anything in this game. It's a privilege. Even posting here is NOT your right. It's a privilege you pay for, a privilege BW can take from you for whatever reason they chose.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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So EU servers are down until 4pm GMT tomorrow, while for North America the servers are down while most are asleep, I really don't care, if it is an American Company, I couldn't care if America invited, computer gaming, electricity, the Internet, computers, life, man the planet earth or even the galaxy, I live in Europe, our servers are in Ireland why not take them down to suit Europe.


BioWare Sort out the stupid EU maintenance times.


You know, it's not BioWare's fault that you are awake while the other side of the world (where the company resides) sleeps.

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Thank you for this lovely generalisation. Now go back to living under whatever rock you crawled out from.



In fairness I don’t think he was saying that everyone who works 9-5 is a mindless corporate driods. I think he was saying that some are and they are currently being represented in the thread. Based on what he was responding to he has a very good point.

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I'm in a European country (note, I don't say "I'm in EU", cause that's not what I am, I'm not European, I'm my nationality) and I don't mind those times.


OMG! You have to wait for a while before you can play the game! Your lives are officially OVER because of this! Oh the noes! You're never going to survive even just 20 minutes without the game. An 8-odd hour maintenance is a reason for suicide!


Seriously, grow up.


Herr schmeiss Hirn vom Himmel! Oh Lord, let some brain fall from the Heavens!

Edited by Diefenbaker
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It doesn't matter if bioware is or is not an American company.


They sell and support the game in the EU, therefor, we should expect to get treated the same as the american users.


This should include real off-peak maintanance, not midday to evening maintanance.

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