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Too many Elite mobs ingame..


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it all depends on your class.

i play imp. agent / smuggler (healer specced) and BH / trooper (tank specced) toons. my trooper / BH class quests have more difficult mobs than my imp agent / smuggler's but those "heavy" classes are so overpowered in PvE that i can blast thru the mobs without much tactic and effort while my agent/smuggler needs to use all tricks to get thru.


the big disadvantage of healer classes are the advanced bosses at later levels. you need to interrupt their specials while your dump tanking companion needs all your heals as he is not able to step out of the static area effects. so you need to constantly switch your focus between your companion and the boss with each miss on an interrupt or heal could result in a wipe.

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People actually think this game is hard....really?


Asking for nerfs to the only mobs that make you think was this a good idea?


And so what if you die, you repair and ask someone to help or come back in another level.

Edited by Amiracle
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I agree with the OP, this is especially true at level 50. I have a healing spec traited sage and if the pull isnt perfect its a wipe, I get sick of the repair bills. So sick I figured since I will die at least once between the boss and me I just run the gauntlet and die at the end to not have to fight throuigh the grey semi elite mobs. When we get a pather joining a fight, my companion usually (not always but usually) dies because I cant keep up the heals, esp if its a gold mob that we got flung to as well. I understand some fights should be challenging, but save it for the end, combat just takes way too long for my class who has no specs for dps. Nadia works good but again with light armour she can't take a beating. I got no prob with fighting 4 or 4 regular mobs at a time, its the gold and silver in every mob i pull that annoy me when I solo.


SWTOR could introduce a difficulty slider. but in some games i saw this in, while it made alot of people happy (those who love every fight to challenge them and make them sweat) it didnt seem to fix i all together. I have died so much in this game its not even funny. Yea sure some people may laugh cuz i am a healer not realizing my biggest heals have VERY long inductions, by the time i cast them, my companion is dead and me soon to follow.


For now I will run to the end, die and fight till they make it more enjoyable for us who dont prefer to spend an hour or more on a single mission because fighting so many mobs takes forever for certain classes . For *me* it ceases to be fun when every fight makes you work hard like that. Sometimes I just want to fight with my companion not heal us for our lives.


I am leveling my Trooper and smuggler next so we will see how those classes compare to my squishy sage. For not being level 50 doing solo missions make me hate my healer less and less each day, and i use to love her while leveling. Not so much now. My tropper I am loving, she heals, and has crazy dps. I love it. Healer? meh, needs work.


Have you considered that these two highlighted issues are related? You didn't clear the mobs before the boss and then you are surprised when you get an add while fighting the boss? Seriously?

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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


Keep them there, they're usually out of the way and won't aggro unless you're not careful. They're not that hard anyway if you pay attention to the fight - though there are some that are much trickier than others.


And yes please, I love fighting elites and bosses in the end :D Nice, climactic moment!


Please Bioware, for the love of god don't change this! Elites in my questing areas encourage me to play better and use all my abilities consistently, as well as long CD abilities which I would tend to forget in WoW.

Edited by archifikoss
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Too many Silver Elites in general grinding/questing areas, imo.


And do we really need almost every single quest to end with a Gold Elite(usually with multiple mobs around him)?


Here i will give you all epics for not doing anything so you can be quiet. WoW is that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Another WoW player who needs everything dumbed down so he can faceroll it while he watches Kardashians on TV.


I love elite mobs, this actually keeps me doing dailies and soloing group quests. One of the bigger reasons WoW failed was when they removed elite mobs from world.

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Please never make games easier. If player skill is too low, they have the option to come back later as a higher level to complete the content. For those who enjoy a challenge (which doesn't really exist anyway aside from a couple story-line bosses) the content will become extremely boring if it's too easy.
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My experience with this, as I posted on the previous page, is wildly different having played Gunslinger as my first character.

Up until level 40 there is no such thing as a Gunslinger companion suitable for fighting melee Elites. Ranged ones are even downright easy much of the time. Melee ones, however, are so ridiculously overpowered against Gunslingers there really needs to be something done either to improve melee defenses pre-40 or a healing companion given far, far earlier into the story. CC is insufficient to keep the mobs at bay since they hit like trucks while you're on cooldowns. Pre-40 companions go down in seconds and leave you exposed to die. Everyone I know that played Gunslinger has complained about this.


I've had to abandon a number of solo missions since they had you pitted exclusively against melee elite mobs, multiple ones, and I've been running with myself and my companions kitted out in the best crafted gear I've been able to make for the level with up-to-date skills. I pop all of my cooldowns and use every trick available. Still, 2 out of 3 times the melee elite will rip me into shreds if I'm not running with Guss.

At one point it goes beyond being a challenge and turns into frustration, and that's where it stops being fun. That's where I abandon the mission and do something else entirely. I doubt this is the reaction the game is intended to elicit.


Then ask friend or someone from general for help. This is MMO for heaven sake, you are supose to socialise. Having challenging leveling makes this game so refreshing.


Just think of it, your problem can be solved by having a partner to do those quests or just try harder, use medpacks etc. Nothing needs to be nerfed just because someone is having issues while many others are having fun, considering the guy that has issues can just group up with others.

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My experience with this, as I posted on the previous page, is wildly different having played Gunslinger as my first character.

Up until level 40 there is no such thing as a Gunslinger companion suitable for fighting melee Elites. Ranged ones are even downright easy much of the time. Melee ones, however, are so ridiculously overpowered against Gunslingers there really needs to be something done either to improve melee defenses pre-40 or a healing companion given far, far earlier into the story. CC is insufficient to keep the mobs at bay since they hit like trucks while you're on cooldowns. Pre-40 companions go down in seconds and leave you exposed to die. Everyone I know that played Gunslinger has complained about this.


I've had to abandon a number of solo missions since they had you pitted exclusively against melee elite mobs, multiple ones, and I've been running with myself and my companions kitted out in the best crafted gear I've been able to make for the level with up-to-date skills. I pop all of my cooldowns and use every trick available. Still, 2 out of 3 times the melee elite will rip me into shreds if I'm not running with Guss.

At one point it goes beyond being a challenge and turns into frustration, and that's where it stops being fun. That's where I abandon the mission and do something else entirely. I doubt this is the reaction the game is intended to elicit.


So far at lvl 30 on my Sniper I haven't had that much of a problem with melee elites. I think the only one that gave me a harder time so far was one on a class quest on Tatooine, who did far more damage than most - she kept stunning Kalyio and going after me, I ended up kite-tanking her quite a bit :p


Granted, I don't know how melee elites are at lvls 30-50 - so this could very well change for me.

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Yeah it does get a little annoying especially towards the end where it's 1 elite with 2 regulars almost always and sometimes even more than that. As an Infiltration shadow, I was gearing my tank (Lt Iresso) when soloing so I don't run with a healer and have to tank therefore losing all my backstab dps. Thus my healer wasn't geared and when I had these hard to kill mobs, I couldn't do it by myself.


oh, woe is you, woe is you!!!


gear your healer, man. qq less.

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Some of the later planets just overdo it with packs of strong/reg mobs though - a particualr Voss cave is a great example. To get through you have to fight a strong/2 reg group or 1 strong/1 reg group at about 10 foot intervals. And it's a loooong cave. :p


Was it hard? No. But it was reaaaally annoying, especially when it's the exact same group up of mobs everytime.


By the by, is it just me or do the strong mobs hit a heck of lot harder then the elites do? As far as I've seen, except for the odd elite that uses one big burst damage ability, the strong mobs hit like a ton of bricks compared to elites. :eek:

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I must admit I solo'd most elite quests on my healing-specced Operative and many world champions included. I remember the debates on General chat when I said I solo'd the full Assault on Fort Alde using Kaliyo for tanking. Nobody believed me even when I posted a screenshot, I would later Kaliyo tank formidable opponents including some crazy Jedi master champion (that was a real tough one, took me a while to master the disciplines to solo that one). And even parts of the quests with the many champions in a row in Voss I managed up until last boss which turned out to be a little too devastating even for my BiS-kitted Scorpio.

Actually the only things which I tend to interrupt are heals, armor-piercing casts and those deal real hard aoe damage such as Orbital Strike.


Now in the meantime I am playing Jedi Sentinel, Sith Juggernaught and Trooper and whilst I have to group a little bit more than before I can't get out of the "must beat this solo" mentality sometimes. I solo'd champions on my Juggernaught, I solo'd some 2-man quests on all of them with relative ease (dieing because you learn the fight is still included into "relative ease"). Otherwise I am happy to group as tank or dps on them.


Overall I hope they don't nerf anything but rather bring some mob debuffs and abilities in line as in: silver mobs should never be more tough than an equal elite. In Hoth you have this case of silver Talz Commandos hitting harder than Jedi Elites/Champions which is just wrong.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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My experience with this, as I posted on the previous page, is wildly different having played Gunslinger as my first character.

Up until level 40 there is no such thing as a Gunslinger companion suitable for fighting melee Elites. Ranged ones are even downright easy much of the time. Melee ones, however, are so ridiculously overpowered against Gunslingers there really needs to be something done either to improve melee defenses pre-40 or a healing companion given far, far earlier into the story. CC is insufficient to keep the mobs at bay since they hit like trucks while you're on cooldowns. Pre-40 companions go down in seconds and leave you exposed to die. Everyone I know that played Gunslinger has complained about this.


I've had to abandon a number of solo missions since they had you pitted exclusively against melee elite mobs, multiple ones, and I've been running with myself and my companions kitted out in the best crafted gear I've been able to make for the level with up-to-date skills. I pop all of my cooldowns and use every trick available. Still, 2 out of 3 times the melee elite will rip me into shreds if I'm not running with Guss.

At one point it goes beyond being a challenge and turns into frustration, and that's where it stops being fun. That's where I abandon the mission and do something else entirely. I doubt this is the reaction the game is intended to elicit.


Sorry your having trouble but this isn't the games fault, Just overlevel the content. I've been overleveled on my DPS Merc since Balmorra. Yep I leveled the sh*t out of Hutta and Dromund Kaas so much all the quests were green on Balmorra and with Smatterings of Space Mission Dailies and PvP dailies and the Odd Flashpoint (I've only done every flashpoint once and I don't do the dailies everyday.) I'm now Level only about 1 hours gaming away from 40 and I haven't finished Taris yet. I'm actually now in the opposite boat to you, with most groups of mobs been totally p*ss easy. Yea they can damage me but with a decently geared Mako for Bosses and Gault for everything else (And soon to be Torian full stop!).


Honestly try doing a few PvP battles it is actually quite fun now all the level 50's are off playing with one another on Ilum or their PvP Bracket.

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What's wrong with the elites in this game, I can't get it: it's part of the game, it's even affordable that sometimes you die trying to kill these mobs, what could be a game where you never die? I think it would be boring

Creating this kind of mobs so widely spread in heroic areas developers sponsored groups (so you can even know new friends), I suppose

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My lvl 41 Gunslinger actually enjoys the challenge.


Theres a wast aray of possible combinations vs. different opponents.


Droids are a piece of cake - Sith Sorceres my biggest gamble.


I cannot solo champions. Or at least, only very rarely. They have too many HP's for me to quickly tear them down. That aside? Combination of rolling around, kicking and aim+knockbacking deals just fine with melees. And yes ranged ones (apart from the sith's)? Cakewalk.


I play with my little space princess as companion, which is a rather DPS heavy combo.


I would like to hear which melee elites at lvl 40 are too tough? I might simply have missed them and would love to test them out.




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