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  1. Aren't one or both heroics repeatable and gets you commendations as reward? Should be the easiest way to get commendations, unless of course you don't have time to wait for it to reset..
  2. Very good answers people, thanks! On the playing a melee or not question, it's not that I didn't want to play another melee per se, it was more a question of not going through the exact same story again, and just having a different class to explore. I just thought I'd try a caster, but that doesn't have to be the case. You're saying an assasin would probably be more advanced than a sorc?
  3. Hi guys. This question has probably been asked in one form or another, but I couldn't really find anything usefull when I did some searching, so here goes: I'm rerolling on a new server, since my old one is pretty much a ghosttown by now Anyway, I played a marauder back then, and I found it quite fun, due to the complexity of the class. It had so many usefull skills, and alot of them were on short CDs, which you had to manage properly to perform well. Now I don't fell like rolling the same class and story again, so I was thinking about a sorcerer. What I would like to ask you guys then, is whether you feel this class is more of a button masher than the marauder? Like fewer usefull skills, fewer CDs that has to be managed, not really worried about positioning, and such.. What's your general feel for the class? Obviously answers from people that have played both classes are most usefull, but feel free to chime in even if you haven't
  4. Haha, that's pretty funny actually Can't say that I noticed..
  5. I'm also nowhere near 50 yet. Been trying out different classes and stories. I got: 26 SW 20 BH 19 JS 21 JK So I guess I could probably have been close to 50 if I had stayed on one char
  6. /agree The story so far haven't really done anything for me, it's definitely not why I keep playing. The fact that I have around 10-15 skills right now, that all seem efficient in the right moment, is what makes this game better than WoW or whatever competition you want to compare it to. Remember in WoW, where all you ever did when grinding was spam your ONE most damage efficient skill? Yeah, those days are definitely gone in TOR..
  7. I agree, if you do find some moddable gear you like, then synthweaving is gonna be less usefull. So far the only orange pieces I have though are chest and leggings, so all the other parts are always upgradable through synth. What I also like is that you get to change your look every now and so often if you use synth items. I like that part. Plus, RE'ing synth items is way more rewarding than RE'ing mods, because you can get different kind of upgrades, AND you can proc the advanced/superior augment on crafting. Which then again makes synth more rewarding money making wise I should think, since that specific epic boots schematic with the exact stats you want, plus the augment slot, is much much rarer than your average epic reflex mod. Of course it could take some time to discover and craft that perfect item, but it does feel more rewarding I think.. Again, I should note that I am only lvl 25 and my synthweaving is currently at lvl 200 if I remember correctly. My experience with crafting mods is very limited, but as far as I can see from torhead, you don't discover different kind of schematics when RE'ing mods.
  8. I'm only lvl 25, so I can't say anything about late game, but synthweaving keeps you well geared all the way up, saving you money by not having to buy gear, and the blue/epic discoveries sells pretty good as well. You'd still have to buy mods though, if you get any modable item you want to keep, but you could buy those from commendations, that's what I do. Biochem might be good for making money later on, I don't know, but I don't find myself using a lot of med packs or stims..
  9. Why would you want armormech? That's for BH's and agents.. If you want to craft armor for jugg's, you need synthweaving.
  10. Yes, this is definitely a problem. It's playable at lowest setting, but sometimes it still flips out on you when you try to scroll around for a target behind you, and then you loose all control, and maybe run off a cliff or something. Very annoying indeed, needs to be fixed ASAP. It's embarrassing really, that this "bug" made it to the final version.. And while we're at it, please remove auto-facing as well. I want to be able to look over my shoulder when moving forward, without the camera forcing me back the standard view. Again, basic feature that really should've been in the game from the get-go. I don't really know if the camera spinning has anything to do with hardware, but I have a logitech G5 mouse, running Win7 on a laptop, definitely with subpar performance (texture medium, shadows/AA/bloom off = ~ 40 fps).
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