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Why did I, once again, get sucked into yet another themepark MMO?


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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!


/rant off

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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!


/rant off


HYBRID is the way to go, imgo.


That being said, you fell for it because your Star Wars fanboy heart wanted to. :(

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Well, as far as this is concerned you should have been able to clearly see that this was a theme-park MMO from the pre-release information.


I did, but for some reason I thought this one would be different - I was wrong.

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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!





/rant off



i will tell you why you got sucked into this.


You didnt bother to read ANY inf oon the game clearly saating a million times over its a theamparked linear (or ppl atleast call it, what ever) MMO.



And afaik, ther has never been a good succsess full sandbox MMO, and rose tinted glasses will never ever so much make it so it have been one, closest will be EvE, and that more or less for the specialy intrested, and can be claimed to as much of a MMO as SWTOR can be claimed to be a single player.



Bottom line, its you`re own foult, dont whine here, move along.

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Sandbox games don't do well for some reason and seem to struggle with a few hundred players...Players cry out for sandbox games, and dismiss them because they're not upto par.


ArcheAge seems to be a nice mix of themepark and sandbox, SWTOR simply offers the best kind of themepark though.

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Well it's simple: just accept your buyers remorse, uninstall, and unsubscribe.


I knew it was going to be themepark, but I was hoping for it to be good. Instead I got this mediocre trash.


With this game dies all hopes of a decent Star Wars game ever being released again (one of which has not been made for around 5 years). Instead of this hunk of junk, we could have had KotOR 3. Friggin KotOR 3.


Welp, just gonna carry out a bit of catharsis on the forums and then move on.

Edited by YooYooMa
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I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.



i guess you never read the forums since '08, nothing here is a surprise. You didnt get fooled, you kept yourself uninformed.

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And afaik, ther has never been a good succsess full sandbox MMO, and rose tinted glasses will never ever so much make it so it have been one, closest will be EvE, and that more or less for the specialy intrested, and can be claimed to as much of a MMO as SWTOR can be claimed to be a single player.



Name one themepark mmo other than wow that has a healthy playerbase. Themeparks mmos fail all the time.

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If you did product research like EVERY consumer should on EVERY purchase they make, you would have been fully aware this is a theme park MMO. Rather than coming and complaining about how bad of a consumer you are to the forum, maybe you should be looking in to the decisions you make on a daily basis to figure out how to improve your purchase satisfaction in the future.
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Everything I have ever seen or read about TOR basically told me it would be theme park. I accepted that. I did not come into this expecting SWG (I already had 8 years of that). If there IS a difference, it is that the stories are thoroughly voiced over, which to me is a benefit, not a detriment.


I'll take this theme park and enjoy the ride. Guild Wars 2 is probably going to be a bit of a hybrid, with heavy leanings to theme park.

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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!


/rant off


2008... and you didn't know this was going to be a themepark game?.......


I am shocked sir, truly and utterly, outrageously shocked. :o

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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!


/rant off


BioWare have been saying for years that this is a theme park. You really must pay more attention to the games you buy....

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I'm with the OP. Cancelled my sub. You can redress the graphics all you wants, and the cut scenes are nice, but once you take off the "shiny new" coating and look under the hood it's just Yet Another WoW Clone inside.


Look like my short break from http://www.swgemu.com/forums/index.php is ending soon. Hopefully they'll get JTL working someday and then it's back to the real Star Wars experience as it was meant to be.

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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!


/rant off




And yet you bought the game knowing that it was a Theme Park.



Bioware thanks you for your purchase of their product.



Now go back and play SWG...............oh......that's right.

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I'm with the OP. Cancelled my sub. You can redress the graphics all you wants, and the cut scenes are nice, but once you take off the "shiny new" coating and look under the hood it's just Yet Another WoW Clone inside.


Look like my short break from http://www.swgemu.com/forums/index.php is ending soon. Hopefully they'll get JTL working someday and then it's back to the real Star Wars experience as it was meant to be.




They'll never get JTL working.



They have a hard enough time pretending they know how to code well enough to get the base game working.

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Sandbox games don't do well for some reason and seem to struggle with a few hundred players...Players cry out for sandbox games, and dismiss them because they're not upto par.


ArcheAge seems to be a nice mix of themepark and sandbox, SWTOR simply offers the best kind of themepark though.


Not true in the slightest. The problem is that the recent sandbox games have been very poorly made.


EQ1 was a sandbox game that was hugely successful in its time and is still alive today.

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Personally, I love it. I'm always clear; i always feel driven. I'm not running a pest killing service for six different NPC's with the plot for those quests amounting to: 'I'm too lazy, here adventurer, you go do it.' Everything feels purposeful, and I love it.


Everybodies been going all ape over Skyrim, but personally, I played an Elder Scrolls game before, and spent the better part of an hour and then promptly pitched it.


The problem I have with sandboxes is they get too...ridiculous.


I saw people when a new map got released for a game (bearing in mind that all the maps for this game are closed; if you wander around long enough, you'll find the way through) and hundreds of people were complaining it was too complicated. I made it through the first try.


But there were two things I hated about the Elder Scrolls.


A. I felt like I had no direction. It dropped me in and said: 'Okay, go do stuff.' ...Erm...okay...like what? You just want me to like...steal some stuff? kill some things? Cause I could do that on minecraft, and have more fun doin' it... There might've been a plot in there somewhere...but it was lost somewhere between the 'Hey, its your sandbox!....do stuff!'




B. They get to be too big. I'm sorry, I like closed maps. I know that eventually, im going to get where i need to go. Preferably, within an hour. Now, unfortunately, My first encounter with Elder scrolls sandbox involved me being dropped into an area, told to go elsewhere. I travelled east, as they told me, and came to a town. Is it the one i need to be in? Nope. Keep movin.


Alright, keep going. This it? no. This it? no. When i finally got my bearings, I realized it was trying to send me halfway across the continent.


So, Tl;dr, Themepark < sandbox everyday. I don't wanna have to rely on players to give me content. It's not their job.

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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better.


Do you even know what those terms mean? Sandbox MMO. Name one please. If your answer isnt Second Life (which is horrible), then I doubt you know what a sandbox MMO is. Thre isnt many out there, and the very very few that are, don't typically fare well at all.

Edited by Klarick
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I hate themepark MMOs, sandbox MMOs are far better. With themeparks the game is all about gear and not about the players. Is the story in swtor cool? Sure. You can get story from lots of places though, like: single player games, movies, books, etc...


Sandbox games are about the players, and the enviorment they exist in. They have more meaning and more attachment as well.


I was fooled by the starwars setting and the promise of change - but all I got was another themepark, gear driven MMO.


This is star wars, it should be about the strugle betwen the empire and the republic, and the strugle between good and evil. Not, hey buddy go kill 25 jawas and return back to me for a reward.


There should be no levels, no gear, no grind, no multiple characters per account. Just give me 1 toon, and the ability to use weapons and increase my skill with those weapons. Give me a player driven economy, player crafted items that decay... oh hell - just give me SWG2!


/rant off


There are few sandbox MMOs left. This is it if you want to play an MMO with money for the budget, hardware for the servers, and man power for the coding. Otherwise you get to try and play games like Earthrise...

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