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10 Good
  1. Casual Scum? So people whom have lives outside of a pointless, non-self progressing virtual world are scum? I will now thank whatever divine being there may be that I am NOT you every day of my life.
  2. Every single thing you posted is complete win, ESPECIALLY player housing, ever since SWG ive been looking for a game that I could immerse myself in housing wise and make a small piece of the game my own. Having your own ship doesnt even compete with this idea.
  3. Hey lets buy a game thats based entirely around the storyline and skip the storyline the complain on the forums!
  4. I love the glorious lack of those people in this thread as of yet. I guess when you present reason to the unreasonable they just simply ignore you. This is definitely the wrong game to choose to speed through and get to endgame, as its all about the story and the lore. Why else would they have 3 different dialogue sequences per race, per faction, per conversation?
  5. Above posters, thank you No one should ever fall in to a form of hype, as you begin to gain unrealistic expectations of the end-product in which you're receiving, which will ALWAYS lead to disappointment. I belong to the instant-gratification generation but somehow I escaped the grip of idiocy in which most of my peers have not. If you hype yourself up for a game, you most likely be disappointed. Wait patiently, live your life, and have fun with everything you can.
  6. If you have no interest in Star Wars lore, have never seen the movies, and dont want a game with a story line? I just dont understand how you can purchase a product that is quite obviously a theme park, story based MMO based on the lore of Star Wars, and then have the gumption to come and complain about this on these forums. Seriously, someone enlighten me on how consumers have become so retarded.
  7. If you did product research like EVERY consumer should on EVERY purchase they make, you would have been fully aware this is a theme park MMO. Rather than coming and complaining about how bad of a consumer you are to the forum, maybe you should be looking in to the decisions you make on a daily basis to figure out how to improve your purchase satisfaction in the future.
  8. People seem to forget that bugfixes arent something that take 20 minutes and you release a patch. People seem to forget that releasing new ingame features takes a good amount of work and time. Give it time, no MMO I have ever seen has launched in a perfectly satisfactory state. Hell, Im having a blast ingame right now, and have no problem waiting on things to be fixed. Get off your computer for once and go do something productive with your life. Youll appreciate the small things far more.
  9. Go back to WoW please, your opinion means absolutely nothing to anyone.
  10. Only level 12 still and having an AMAZING time in both PVE and PVP. Yes, I said it, even at 12 Im having a blast in PVP.
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