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This week's patch is horrific.


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I wish you guys finally decide to fix...oh, i don't know, broken multi-core rendering that isn't working on huge amount of machines and people having one loaded core out of eight because of? I know, it's not as easy as fixing these emotes, but seriously, when i can't play your game on my 3k dollar rig, having all the stuttering, low fps, unplayable warzones (because of said issues) and stuff, seeing THIS "fix" is kinda, you know, infuriates me. A lot. No kidding. That third iteration of "Horrid FPS" thread is a good proof of that.


Fixes are put in as they are finished. I highly doubt their most qualified programmers were spending time fixing mount emotes. It was likely done by one of the lowest ranking programmers.

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The problem is that the major issues such as ability lag, UI issues, performance problems were reported early in beta and completely ignored by bioware. Now all we get is "we are working on it" and a new huge content patch. Get real people the game has been in dev 6 years and loads of beta feedback was plain ignored over the last year. The "this game has only been out X days" argument does not hold up.


Couldn't have put it better myself

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To be perfectly honest, Stephen, this post really doesn't cut it.


You're talking to a group of players that have largely migrated from games - even games such as World of Warcraft - where developer-player interaction flows quite nicely.blah blah blah blah


oh lordy. hahaha


A typical fanboi response to valid claims.

I say : " Beware what you wish for "


Everyone needs a reality check:


THIS IS A GAME AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH, Its not a cool kid club that you need 50 million people to watch you run around in all your 1337 loot. Yeah, Youll be so cool then.


Dont like it, dont play. Its so easy, yet your intelligence is stopping you.

Edited by Duhakalock
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Bioware is clueless


Actually most players are clueless.



Some bugs can be changed with a couple lines of code.


Other bugs interact with the game that any minor change to one little aspect of that class/method/object requires extensive testing and coding to isolate any additional or new bugs that change might take place.



There is an actual process for maintaining and patching software and in my experience most forum posters and mmo whiners have 0 clue.


I personally would like to see the bug on Alderaan with the wisdom Datacron fixed so I can get through the door but I'm not going to cry if it doesn't make it into the next patch.


Honestly hope most of the people like this don't re-sub, I quit wow to get away from kids like this.

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It is painfully clear that the majority of the forum base hasn't the slightest clue how game development, patching and fixing bugs occur.


It would behoove you that is you do not understand how these things are accomplished to simply NOT comment on them.


Here's a quick break down.



The game was officially launched just before a major holiday. Granted this might not have ben the best scenario in which to launch a highly anticipated MMO but a lot of folks at Bioware like developers and CS went home for the holdiays to spend with their familys. You know much like a lot of you heartless ****s did. I say heartless ****s because you seem to have excepted them to just skip the holidays and keep working on the game for you...




They still managed to put together a patch after the first week. They were some small fixes and admittedly some stupid ****, like baby names in the credits. That was last tuesday.


Certainly more people worked last week than the week before and they have a lot of data to crunch. Some things like space combat crashes or attempted fixes at performance issues indoors were able top be solved while some bigger issues might still need more time. Those easier issues are in this patch this week.


After new years most people are back to work. and ready to get into work mode again for Bioware that means addressing the major issues on this particular game. That was TODAY by the way that almost everyone should be back into work mode.



See the thing is major problems takes more than just a week or two at less than full staff to accomplish.


fixing a bug/glitch goes like this.


Gathering data


Making sense of that data


Tracking the problem down


Figuring out how or why the problem occurs


Figuring out if multiple reasons exist why the problem occurs


Figuring out how to best fix the problem


Applying the fix


Testing the fix


And in some cases getting QA involved to make sure the fix is up to standard of the rest of the game.



THEN it gets patched into the live client IF it passed all of the above steps, and even then it might not work for everyone all the time.


All of this takes time. Some issues are harder to solve than other ones, which is why you see small fixes now and will seen bigger ones as time rolls on.


Maybe some of these things should have been fixed in beta but it's pretty clear that it seems EA rushed yet another MMO out the door. The good news is this one is much better, by a long shot, than the first one they rushed out.




Somebody sticky this...

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Maybe those bugs require more work and care than others?


Are you, and others, still not understanding?


These bugs should have been fixed 6 months ago in beta.

They were not.

They are now a problem.


It is their fault, for being LAZY.

Because there is no explanation for 6 months time and practically nothing fixed.

I'm not saying that they couldn't take the holidays to be with their families and whatnot, I'm saying that when you had 4ish-5 months time before that to get this done and you didn't?

Bad Bioware. Bad.



Also, if they're going to have a 'projected release date' EVER, they need to say it'll be out a week or two after they're planning it.

That way, if it takes that long, that's what we were expecting, but if it doesn't and they release the patch early? Makes them look like heroes.

Edited by Logiick
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Unfortunately, not every part of a game's development is an equal sized task, and we must prioritize fixes as best we can.


To speak to your example, while you may have never seen someone ask for emoting from a mount, it may still have been asked for (either in threads you've not seen, or in bug reports, for example). It's also possible this was a fix that was being worked on before launch, and has only just now made it into the game, or that fixing this bug clears the way for other bugs to be fixed, or that adding it allows other features to be implemented. And sometimes, it's just something we wanted to fix.


While we cannot acknowledge every single post and every single request made on these Forums, we're reading and passing on the desires to the development team. Every major request that's been made by players since launch is being discussed and prioritized. That doesn't mean every feature requested will make it into the game - we'd end up developing a very schizophrenic game if we did that. However many requested features will ultimately end up in the game.


While I'd suggest everyone does check the Dev Tracker from time to time, you should also keep an eye on our new Community Blog, which has already hosted a post from James Ohlen about some future features, and will have more insights as we go forward into additions to the game.


The team is hard at work on improving and where required fixing the game. Not every fix is easy and not every feature can be added overnight, but we'll continue to work to make the game even better.


Its time to start hot fixing things, this one patch a week is unacceptable, there are way to many broken little things that need to be sorted the hell out.

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Are you, and others, still not understanding?


These bugs should have been fixed 6 months ago in beta.

They were not.

They are now a problem.


It is their fault, for being LAZY.

Because there is no explanation for 6 months time and practically nothing fixed.



Also, if they're going to have a 'projected release date' EVER, they need to say it'll be out a week or two after they're planning it.

That way, if it takes that long, that's what we were expecting, but if it doesn't and they release the patch early? Makes them look like heroes.


Pretty much this, I am aware that it's difficult for them to fix all bugs with a eight hour work time.

But you know perhaps you should well not release the game if there are so many bugs?


That's why you got something called a beta to spot the bugs and fix them.

To put in that combat log to add high res textures and such.



But you know what, they have been using the beta to hype up their game.

It was a commercial stunt instead of a way to get people to test your game for free.

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Ok then...so what. You've voiced your frustration. I'm sure they're working. If they should have been before, oh well, whats the remedy? Free play time? Doubt it. If they were bugs in beta, is it laziness, or were they just fixing all the other bigger nastier bugs that were in beta? We'll never know. Bioware has no obligation to tell us.


Quit playing or grin and bear it.

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Are you, and others, still not understanding?


These bugs should have been fixed 6 months ago in beta.

They were not.

They are now a problem.




It's called prioritizing. No beta tester can presume to know what Bioware was working on in those months before release. Do you have any idea how their staff was structured, and how many people and work hours were allocated to bug fixing? What their timeframes, deadlines and schedules included? What they were forced, possibly by the publisher, to push back in favor of meeting the release date? What bugs they considered important enough to fix prior to release, and what they said "OK, we'll push this back a few weeks"?


It may very well be that their priorities turned out to be flat out wrong. But it's still too early to tell IMO.


I may look like I'm blindly defending Bioware, but I'm not. I'm simply saying that we don't have enough information to make a truly accurate assessment of what plan they are following (if they even have one, but I very much doubt that they don't), and that we can't say for sure how their decisions will affect the games future.

Edited by archifikoss
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Are you, and others, still not understanding?


These bugs should have been fixed 6 months ago in beta.

They were not.

They are now a problem.


It is their fault, for being LAZY.

Because there is no explanation for 6 months time and practically nothing fixed.

I'm not saying that they couldn't take the holidays to be with their families and whatnot, I'm saying that when you had 4ish-5 months time before that to get this done and you didn't?

Bad Bioware. Bad.



Also, if they're going to have a 'projected release date' EVER, they need to say it'll be out a week or two after they're planning it.

That way, if it takes that long, that's what we were expecting, but if it doesn't and they release the patch early? Makes them look like heroes.


You people need to start understanding that a beta is not intended to identify and fix every single bug out there.


Some will get through because they simply weren't found. The rest will be identified and prioritized and the critical ones will be fixed first.


You said it yourself, it was a 6 month beta. What if 6 months wasn't enough time to fix everything? Should they delay the release date another 6 months, a year? Two years? You'll be crying worse than you are now if you had to wait until June to play it.


Fire and brimstone QQing is pretty sad, by the way. Exaggerating things like"there was no explanation" and "practically nothing was fixed" just makes you look foolish. Just because you missed any posts they made on the topic or just because they didn't answer your questions they way you wanted it or just because they didn't answer every little worthless subscriber who asked for a response doesn't mean there was no explanation. Just because you can't see certain things that were fixed or your one specific "game breaking" texture bug wasn't critical enough to be fixed *yet* doesn't mean practically nothing was fixed.


P.S. You're not some genius with the idea of giving themselves an extra two weeks. I guarantee that there was some buffer time built into their schedule. Why? Because you're not so smart as to be the first one to think of this idea and because it's the standard practice for anything with a deadline. They obviously used their buffer time as best they could but there was still more work needed.

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Are you, and others, still not understanding?


These bugs should have been fixed 6 months ago in beta.

They were not.

They are now a problem.


It is their fault, for being LAZY.

Because there is no explanation for 6 months time and practically nothing fixed.

I'm not saying that they couldn't take the holidays to be with their families and whatnot, I'm saying that when you had 4ish-5 months time before that to get this done and you didn't?

Bad Bioware. Bad.



Also, if they're going to have a 'projected release date' EVER, they need to say it'll be out a week or two after they're planning it.

That way, if it takes that long, that's what we were expecting, but if it doesn't and they release the patch early? Makes them look like heroes.


Maybe you weren't in beta, or maybe you just didn't read the patch notes while there, but each and every build came with a massive amount of bug fixes.


Just because some bugs are still outstanding 6 months later does not mean that they're being lazy and trying to sweep them under the rug. It just means that they haven't finished implementing the fix yet.

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Ain't that the truth.

And a very painfully obvious one. :(


It was from the beginning which brings me to the next thing.

EA/BW might just have used this as a cash grab, there is no intention for them to be competitive.

Just see it as a single player game for which you sub with a few instances and a chatbox.


I hope I am wrong and as a gamer I wish this MMO to become successful.

But I just really doubt they have the intention to improve.


All I see is them making excuses and people making excuses for them.

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If they were following proper and good programming practice they wouldn't have so many bugs. Now that they do they're acting all high and mighty and making us wait for each small patch while dozens of bugs sit around.


For shame.


Oh this is good, now you people are accusing them of not following proper and good programming practices.


Hey, what other completely moronic, ignorant, 100% fabricated statements can we make? I know, let's say they're using child labor too! Yea, that'll make me look cool on the forums!

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Are you, and others, still not understanding?


These bugs should have been fixed 6 months ago in beta.

They were not.

They are now a problem.


It is their fault, for being LAZY.

Because there is no explanation for 6 months time and practically nothing fixed.

I'm not saying that they couldn't take the holidays to be with their families and whatnot, I'm saying that when you had 4ish-5 months time before that to get this done and you didn't?

Bad Bioware. Bad.



Also, if they're going to have a 'projected release date' EVER, they need to say it'll be out a week or two after they're planning it.

That way, if it takes that long, that's what we were expecting, but if it doesn't and they release the patch early? Makes them look like heroes.


Yeah, like they haven't done ANYTHING in that amount of time. There are a good amount of bugs that I saw even in the more recent weekend betas that are no longer present. They have a lot to work on, it takes time to fix bugs. Stop commenting if you are not going to listen to people who actually know what they're talking about.



Its time to start hot fixing things, this one patch a week is unacceptable, there are way to many broken little things that need to be sorted the hell out.


Do you have any idea what happens when they just throw in hotfixes for everything? The code turns to **** very quickly. Then you'll be complaining because a lot of new problems have come up that are now even harder to fix, because those very hotfixes you asked for have now made the code impossible to maintain.

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If they were following proper and good programming practice they wouldn't have so many bugs. Now that they do they're acting all high and mighty and making us wait for each small patch while dozens of bugs sit around.


For shame.


Okay Mr. Awesome, let me see you release a 4 year project without any bugs. I want all code and access to your bug tracker, and at least 6 months of testing by millions of people to ensure there are indeed no bugs.

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oh lordy. hahaha




Everyone needs a reality check:


THIS IS A GAME AND SHOULD BE TREATED AS SUCH, Its not a cool kid club that you need 50 million people to watch you run around in all your 1337 loot. Yeah, Youll be so cool then.


Dont like it, dont play. Its so easy, yet your intelligence is stopping you.


Who has said anything about cool kid club? MMO's stand for multi player.The more the players running around the better the MMO experience.This is also easy to understand but I guess your intelligence is stopping you the same way.

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Trying to make folks use 'common' sense when it comes to development or patches is futile. It is easier to believe that bugs shouldn't exist or that one can wave a magic wand to fix them than it is to take the realistic approach that bugs need time to be found and fixed.


They will prioritize fixing issues such as folks unable to load into a server over fixing a minute PvP lag issue. The firts is 'game breaking', the second only affects a minute portion of their player base.

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Look it's dead simple, you either release a semi bugged game and you work over times while patching it or you wait with the release.

Clearly this game wasn't done and needed another half year but x-mas and after the WOW patch was a smarter business move.


That doesn't take away that they know it and that this game is a mess.

I'm not even talking about the basic features it misses along with the promised features.



As a customer I shouldn't care about those details how hard coding is.

They decided to release a product and I expect it to work.

Sure MMO's have a lot of minor bugs and a few bigger once but this game has more than what I would call acceptable in 2012.

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People with no information or background on anything arbitrarily deciding that the game only had a few minor bugs that BW decided to ignore instead of fixing. Emphasis on the no information or background on anything and filling in the blanks with their own imagination.




People who understand that in life, you're not entitled to all information about everything in a private company, that video games have bugs, that bugs are not easy to fix, that bugs take time to fix, and that anything takes time and you're not entitled to everything you want NOWNOWNOW WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.

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