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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A year from now SWTOR will be known for...


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Maybe your space bar because you just wanna rush to end game, get phat lewts, and sit around in a town afk while you bask in your own e-glory, but for the rest of use who knew this was a story driven MMO we will enjoy not only the game, but also the lack of players like you. Indeed this community looks to get better and better with all of your type of guys leaving.
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Maybe your space bar because you just wanna rush to end game, get phat lewts, and sit around in a town afk while you bask in your own e-glory, but for the rest of use who knew this was a story driven MMO we will enjoy not only the game, but also the lack of players like you. Indeed this community looks to get better and better with all of your type of guys leaving.


It's closed-minded to think that all players will have the same playstyle. I happen to find the story refreshing. Others may (righfully so) find it boring and taking away content. Neither side is right or wrong. The game is just what it is.


What is concerning is the development time spent on all those movies. MMOs are a tough enough beast to keep creating content for as is. Add in those movies and you have a conflict of interest. Make more content to keep your high levels happy? Or spend massive dev time creating more movies which will limit the content you can make?


Those are legitimate questions...

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Maybe your space bar because you just wanna rush to end game, get phat lewts, and sit around in a town afk while you bask in your own e-glory, but for the rest of use who knew this was a story driven MMO we will enjoy not only the game, but also the lack of players like you. Indeed this community looks to get better and better with all of your type of guys leaving.


Step 1: Rush to max level as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 2: Rush to endgame as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 3: Stand around, complaining that there is not enough content. despite skipping most of it.

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Step 1: Rush to max level as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 2: Rush to endgame as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 3: Stand around, complaining that there is not enough content. despite skipping most of it.



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Step 1: Rush to max level as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 2: Rush to endgame as quickly as possible, skipping as much content as possible.

Step 3: Stand around, complaining that there is not enough content. despite skipping most of it.


Yep. This.


Dear OP,

I'm enjoying the cutscenes and voice-over immensely. Please don't assume you know everyone's playstyle. If you don't like it, find another game you do enjoy and play the crap out of it! I will be doing the same with TOR :)



Edited by robotsonik
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I like the story and the voice acting is overall excellent, makes things seem like you are never grinding while leveling up.


...now I DO wish I could understand crafting better (just now trying to start it) and think it's silly to have "aim" as the primary for a heavy armor melee pet (the Q guy) and concerned that devs and moderators NEVER seem to jump in and answer any questions on this forum.


...but the cut scenes are top-notch.

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You could actually check the box that allows you to skip all cut scenes saving your space bar from constant pounding. That would be a logical solution though, which seems to escape you.


I guess it is just more fun for you to post lies on the forums. Judging from your other threads you have created today that simply bash the game and offers no creative or constructive criticism of any kind.

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It's closed-minded to think that all players will have the same playstyle. I happen to find the story refreshing. Others may (righfully so) find it boring and taking away content. Neither side is right or wrong. The game is just what it is.


What is concerning is the development time spent on all those movies. MMOs are a tough enough beast to keep creating content for as is. Add in those movies and you have a conflict of interest. Make more content to keep your high levels happy? Or spend massive dev time creating more movies which will limit the content you can make?


Those are legitimate questions...


It's not closed-minded to think that people playing a game primarily advertised based on its story-driven nature and its full voice acting are morons for playing a game when they don't like story or full voice acting.


There's being open to other people's opinions and there's being liberal for the sake of being liberal.


Frankly anyone playing this game who doesn't like story and complains about it in this game is a moron. Fair play if you don't like story and enjoy the many other parts of the game, but moaning about story and voice acting in a game touted for its story and voice acting is like complaining that the chocolate cake you ordered has chocolate on it.

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What kind of idiot buys a story driven game, only to skip the entire story? Seriously, don't blame the game, blame your inability to realise it wasn't to your taste before you bought it.


The one who are "oh it says MMO then I will buy it." With out doing any research on the game.

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...but moaning about story and voice acting in a game touted for its story and voice acting is like complaining that the chocolate cake you ordered has chocolate on it.


Admittedly, this is true. However it doesn't erase concerns. Remember, we're paying a monthly fee. There are certain expectations that come with that. Developing lots of story at the expense of playable content is a fair conern for everyone.

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What kind of idiot buys a story driven game, only to skip the entire story? Seriously, don't blame the game, blame your inability to realise it wasn't to your taste before you bought it.


Remember, most human beings are incredibly unintelligent.


Do you have any idea how many people I meet who can't name every planet in our solar system?


People who can't name and place every state/province in their country.


People who can't calculate tax in their head.


People who can't spell.


People who honestly don't know when to use their, they're or there.


Never underestimate the stupidity of the human race.

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So my roomate and I both got in early access on day 2. I am now 50 and have been for about 4 days, hes 44.


At dinner we both talked about the game and our individual story lines, including our favorite kills, cutscenes, and our companion stories.


If i had space barred through all of that, how do you suppose we had this conversation?



TLDR - Not all 50's skipped dialogue and story.

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Admittedly, this is true. However it doesn't erase concerns. Remember, we're paying a monthly fee. There are certain expectations that come with that. Developing lots of story at the expense of playable content is a fair conern for everyone.


Story is playable content.


In an RPG, the act of choosing vocal responses is just as much gameplay as shooting someone is.

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Admittedly, this is true. However it doesn't erase concerns. Remember, we're paying a monthly fee. There are certain expectations that come with that. Developing lots of story at the expense of playable content is a fair conern for everyone.


The OP did not mention any of those concerns in his post. Your "concern" seems off topic in regards to what the OP is trying to convey. Which is not constructive feedback to help improve the game. He is simply bashing and QQing like he did in the other threads he started today. Quite simply, the OP is trolling.

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Why play something you don't like? I don't drink piss as I don't like the taste. Pretty simple,


How do you know what piss tastes like? That pretty much answered your own question. People don't know if a video game sucks until after they purchase it.

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