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How Many of you feel Extremely let down my the collectors edition


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......I KNOW I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. $150+ dollars for what.......and a statue....color book...and a so called "map". COME ON BIOWARE REALLY!!!!! And before all you bioware azz kissers start spouting at the mouth about the in-game items, let me just go ahead and say this first THEIR WORTHLES. That's my main reason for getting the collector's, thinking i wanted to feel "exclusive" because i was getting items that were in short demand and "only" for that edition. Imagine my surprise when i found out my friend who only got the Digital Deluxe copy for $79, got every single in-game item that i got including the speeder. Which brings me back to that first question what did i pay $150 for? (A statue, a Book, and a map.) Talk about getting hustled. I feel pretty stupid for listening to them. Unless your a statue collector, im sure there are a ton of others out there that feel the same way. Too bad Bioware doesn't give two *****s about that:( Oh well i guess, game on.
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Um, well, you see what your special items are going to be for buying the editions before you even click the "Add to Cart" option. Unless you went straight for the Collector's Edition without even looking at the Deluxe Edition then I really have no sympathy for you, and doubt Bioware will either.
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Didn't you know what was in it before you bought it?




Ima CE holder, and the items within are definitely worth the price. The digital Items in my opinion dont matter. Its the Darth Malgus Statue, the very interesting Journal...which is more indepth then the videos actually following Dural threw his experiences. And not just an emotionally exempt report. As well the Authenticator Key.

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You have learned what I and many others have also had to learn the hard way. Collector's Editions will often leave you with a SEVERE case of buyer's remorse. I have paid $150 for two different games in the past, and I will never, ever do so again. I always end up feeling kind of ripped off and disappointed.


For this game I compromised and got the digital deluxe edition.....And I'm still annoyed with it, even though it was only $20 more. The stupid freaking training droid was described as something that would hover at my side, leading me to believe it was a typical vanity pet.....which is pretty reasonable, given the description of the damned thing. But it's not, and I felt that I'd been misled.


Never again. I like the game, and I'm having fun, but I am really starting to feel annoyed with BW. I went into this game with an enormous amount of goodwill toward them. They were one of my favorite devs, by far. Currently, I am feeling that my confidence in them is pretty well shaken, though not really due to this particular annoyance.

Edited by belialle
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He is a troll because everyone with CE knows they get CE store, no one else does, they get the pet, same and 1 more thing forgot. Also digital editions content can be gotten with 1million credits in the game, which is not that hard to make just questing.


Anyway, looking forward to next troll making up a an excuse to attack the game at to make it seem to the rest of the world watching the forums that SWTOR is bad, when infact it is great but some people did not get their WoW space clone.

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150 bucks for ...


Game, 60 bucks

Statue, about 50 bucks

Book, 20 bucks

Map, 10 bucks

Key fob, 5 bucks

In-game items that come out to about 5 bucks in your typical cash shop freemium MMO


That's about ... 150 bucks.


A plastic statue is not worth $50 no matter how often repeated.


That tiny book is not worth $20


A foldup map you the same as any magazine is not worth $10.

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A plastic statue is not worth $50 no matter how often repeated.


That tiny book is not worth $20


A foldup map you the same as any magazine is not worth $10.


And no one put a gun to your head and say "buy it!".I could but I thought it was a waste of cash so I went with deluxe which is just a tiny bit more cash and I get some nice stuff I want.

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A plastic statue is not worth $50 no matter how often repeated.


You're right. Collector's edition statues and busts for comic book and sci-fi related materials usually sell for a lot more.




That tiny book is not worth $20


A foldup map you the same as any magazine is not worth $10.


You really need to reacquaint yourself with printed media. The book is a hard cover book on heavy glossy paper stock. 20 bucks is a conservative price. And 10 bucks for a map? That's probably dead on.


Do you not shop often?

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I'm happy with the CE for the most part. The statue is awesome, the book is nice (though the Satele bits are a bit hard to read) and most of the digital items are awesome.


The CE store is a big let down though. Its got almost nothing in it and the only thing of any value to the class I'm playing, sith warrior, is an ugly Vette customisation. The whole store seems like it was made for sith inquisitors. It has a full set of light armored orange gear and three Khem Val customisations.

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I bought the CE late, I suspect it was a cancelled pre order :)

I'd looked into what I was getting and im not unhappy with what I have, The little droid that hovers around enemys is a little disappointing, albeit unusual.


CE vendor I hold out hope for its eventual stock of more items, I want to see 100% exclusive items or they arent much good, not sure what we will get in the future but I like to hope for the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK Lets round all you bioware "***-kissers" up in a few entences....1. I went out and bought the CE like the day it was available to pre-order. obviously read what was in it but like i STATED i wasn't interested in the physical crap i just thought the in-game items were neat to have and distinguished players in game.....which brings me to #2 the website clearly stated what each lvl of the buying product would have. NO WHERE IN THE WEBSITE DID IT SAY THAT THE DIGITAL DELUXE WOULD HAVE THE EXACT SAME **** AS THE CE( i'm talking about the in-game not physical.) Obviously i can't sympathize with some of you cause i'm not a hard core collector. I mean what do u guys do Stare at the statue for 20min then....look at the map in concentrated detail, then try to relate all that by reading the book a million times over -_- give me a break!
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Yes they did. They even have a side by side comparison showing exactly what you get with each edition. Each digital Item had a little box next to it so you could click on it and see exactly what it looked like.




That information was available to everyone since July of last year. You chose to ignore it.



You have no one to blame but yourself for being unhappy with your purchase.

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A plastic statue is not worth $50 no matter how often repeated.


Sure, it wouldn't be, if it was indeed made of plastic. The statue is in fact cast in high quality poly-stone and hand painted and that adds a lot of value to it, even for non-collectors.

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Yes they did. They even have a side by side comparison showing exactly what you get with each edition. Each digital Item had a little box next to it so you could click on it and see exactly what it looked like.




That information was available to everyone since July of last year. You chose to ignore it.



You have no one to blame but yourself for being unhappy with your purchase.

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