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When is the Sith Inquisitor nerf going into effect?


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I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


I guess i won't be seeing you in PvP then. I don't play a Sorc and i don't have much of a problem with them. Yeah they do a lot of DPS, but what on earth did you expect. There's a reason they call them "Glass Cannons". They hit hard but fall fast, have a cup of tea and a biscuit and try again.

Edited by HarlyClearskies
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Don't be sad.


Like 80% of SwtoR population ( including other Sith ) know and admit they're just way overpowered.


You are playing Sith Inquisitior and you're afraid they're gonna nerf your class crybaby. Simple as that.


Says someone whining because they're so bad they can't beat a glass canon. Yup, nothing to see here but a bunch of fail players.

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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


You're a lying fiend, or you're just really bad at the game.


In 1v1 most classes hammer the SI IF the SI is not played particularly well and doesn't have it's CDs up (which invariably is the case as our CDs are crucial to our damage output and to allow us to get back into the fight).


As a Jedi Sentinel you really should be hammering Sorcerers down as a rule. If you're not, look inward as opposed to demanding a nerf.


Sorcerers may well be slightly OP. They're certainly not as OP as everyone makes out and if Bioware nerf Sorcerers just because a whiny, loud and arrogant group of players that are, numerically, inferior to everyone else... I will despair.

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Literally impossible to lose to a Sorc 1v1 as a Sentinel.

Wait, Sentinel is the Mauraider mirror class right?


Funny, cuz in your other video: http://www.youtube.com/user/faction60#p/u/0/ZA7YuWuIF-k

(at around 5:00) you totally obliterate a Marauder coming your way and you hardly lose 20% health.


And in the same video at the start you are solo'ing a lvl50 Champion mob, lol.

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There's a reason I target Sorcs first whenever possible: they die incredibly quickly against Commandos/Mercenaries. Their defense is all about avoiding damage, which is easier said than done against a ranged DPS class with as much burst as Comm/Merc have.


Absolutely, i play a lvl 35 merc in PvP. Open with a fusion missile then start giving them tracer missiles. Watch that bothersome Sorc disappear.

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Sorc/Sage is the tankiest class in PvP... until another class gets bubbled by them.


Where you say "my shield can only take 2-3 hits", the shield actually covers between 20 and 33% of your health (depending on your gear). Since it's duration is longer than even it's unmodified cooldown, that means it can be precasted, allowing 40-66% maxhp in a fight regardless of the length of that fight. It's also the only defensive skill which can be precasted to mitigate the THREAT of incoming damage (as where blowing something like Saber Ward because you saw someone go into stealth wastes it). That makes it far-and-away the best defensive skill in the game.


And your shield's cooldown is reduced to 17 seconds base by gear.


Yep, it is by far the most powerful special in the game right now...


As for the "pvp" vs sorc, a great sorc will dictate all games. Sorry, been playing this for well over a year now and it is still very much true.

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Wait, Sentinel is the Mauraider mirror class right?


Funny, cuz in your other video: http://www.youtube.com/user/faction60#p/u/0/ZA7YuWuIF-k

(at around 5:00) you totally obliterate a Marauder coming your way and you hardly lose 20% health.


And in the same video at the start you are solo'ing a lvl50 Champion mob, lol.


Because that player is bad and doesn't even use his spells. Like you, basically. Also ROFL IF YOU CAN'T SOLO A LVL 50 CHAMPION MOB AT 50 as any class you must be really special. For that to happen, you'd need to just stand there and not use any spells.

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Yep, it is by far the most powerful special in the game right now...


As for the "pvp" vs sorc, a great sorc will dictate all games. Sorry, been playing this for well over a year now and it is still very much true.


The most powerful spell in the game apparently absorbs half of what a Scoundrel/Op can dish out, less than one tracer missle, or Thundering Blast, or Backstab, or Snipe, or Ambush, or a half dozen other abilities.


I'm sorry to hear that you've been bad at this game for a year.

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The most powerful spell in the game apparently absorbs half of what a Scoundrel/Op can dish out, less than one tracer missle, or Thundering Blast, or Backstab, or Snipe, or Ambush, or a half dozen other abilities.


I'm sorry to hear that you've been bad at this game for a year.


Unless you actually put points into it and increase an extra 30%... Then you might actually have an educated opinion on the subject.


It does stop there... Then you can multiply all of that on each player that it is placed on and see to what degree it can be.


I have found to focus on a sorc/sage (one who actually contributes to the whole group) that places shields/bubbles on players. Otherwise, you won't be taking down too many players. It just becomes increasingly difficult if not one else focus' on that player, especially if someone is healing and there is guard up on them as well.

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Reasons you may have been killed by an Assassin/Sage/Sorc/Shadow:


1. You were running from the moment you saw them.

2. You're a ball runner not concerned with who or what is beating on you.

3. You're 10+ levels lower than said Inquisitor/Consular.

4. You use the mouse to click abilities.

5. You're standing in fire.

6. You hope that by losing to an Inquisitor/Consular, the nerf focus will be on them, and not on your Bounty Hunter/Trooper

7. You were alt-tabbed out to write a QQ post about Sniper/Smuggler/Gunslinger/Operatives.

8. Running both WoW and SWTOR at the same caused you to lag and cry at the same time.

9. It wasn't really an Inquisitor/Sorc, it was an NPC trying to sell you deathsticks.

10. You blew all your gap openers/closers/stuns to kill that player that was 20+ Levels lower than you.

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obviously, I'm waiting for all the sith inquisitors who are good to roll a sage just to make everyone come here and yell nerf sages..


I'd do it but i'm ****** as a sorc in pvp.


Anyway I really cannot wait to see the day.


I kind of agree, but would you reroll just to use the same abilities with different names and graphics?

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This class is so over powered in pvp it ruins the game. When you pvp against the imperials on the server I am on and 82% are sith inquisitors you wonder why there are more imperials than republic players. I am at least on a PVE servers so not exposed to it continuously but, it reaffirms my decision not to roll on a PVP server for this very issue.


I battled one with companions 1 vs 1 and never got them past half way with a fully skilled sentinel 2 levels higher than the inquisitor I was fighting. The simply let the companion tank and bunny hop stun locked me to death. I can dismiss a lot of things in a game of this magnitude but when you clearly have on class that is a noob magnet because of the guaranteed win factor you remove a complete facet of playability from your game.


I will not be pvping as long as sith inquisitor remains the way it is. At this point I would pay to have them remove PVP completely until they put in a viable system that actually works.


Sorcs are glass cannons, can be easily dealt with if you actually use your interrupts.


Sents should completely demolish 1v1, you're playing wrong.


Don't be a bad player trying to blame the game for lack of skills.

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Unless you actually put points into it and increase an extra 30%... Then you might actually have an educated opinion on the subject.


It does stop there... Then you can multiply all of that on each player that it is placed on and see to what degree it can be.


I have found to focus on a sorc/sage (one who actually contributes to the whole group) that places shields/bubbles on players. Otherwise, you won't be taking down too many players. It just becomes increasingly difficult if not one else focus' on that player, especially if someone is healing and there is guard up on them as well.


20%. 20% added to ~2000 is ~2400.


You don't have an educated opinion on the subject. Don't post please.

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Sage/Sorcs are not OP, you just don't know how to play. I've played enough PvP to know that classes are pretty well balanced. I would say the only class that has a slight advantage over others are Stealth DPS IA/Smug. But IMO it has more to do with cooldowns than damage numbers. They are supposed to do burst. Heck half the time I manage to turn around and pwn face against them so it's not that bad.
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obviously, I'm waiting for all the sith inquisitors who are good to roll a sage just to make everyone come here and yell nerf sages..


I'd do it but i'm ****** as a sorc in pvp.


Anyway I really cannot wait to see the day.


Lol, it's funny, cause I did roll a Sage knowing how good I can be, lvl 11, and topping the damage charts, lol, this was before the lvl 50's took over the WZ's though.


Update: just played a premade of 50's in huttball as my lvl 11 sage, 90k damage.

Edited by LordXile
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Says someone whining because they're so bad they can't beat a glass canon. Yup, nothing to see here but a bunch of fail players.



Wow, i guess your sarcasm makes your arguements more valid, huh? :o Actually, i'm playing that same IMBA class ;)

Edited by Wrakk
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I love how people have honed in on the following factors to explain the Sorcerer's perceived imbalance:


1) They do to much damage.


Counterpoint: A Sorcerer's damage is spread out over multiple targets. The "average" Sorcerer will DOT up a couple of players, and then attempt to single target damage a specific player, possibly a tank or healer. A GOOD Sorcerer will (as a madness/lightning hybrid (favouring madness over lightning)) drop Death Field, slap Affliction on anything that moves, pick out a target (I generally go for healers or "the ball carrier"), pop Recklessness and RotAW, drop Shock followed by Force Lightning, if Wrath doesn't pop, drop another Force Lightning, Wrath procs, drop Crushing Darkness and reapply Affliction, drop another Force Lightning, if Wrath procs drop Lightning Strike, if not carry on with Force Lightning and finish off with a Shock or Lightning Strike/Shock combo. Then I go back to reapply Affliction on everyone else, or I move out so I can get my Force back up. That's not an optimum sequence there (I'm quite inebriated at the moment, and I'm not in game to make sure I'm being thorough enough) but you get the idea. It's just a shallow example of what I'm doing, so that you understand that play ing a Sorcerer, EVEN WHEN we're not fighting people 1v1, isn't as easy as pushing a couple of buttons. Positioning is crucial as well; with good positioning I'm doing all of that to you and your team without being seen or targeted. Is it my fault that I'm not being seen by others? No. Is it my fault that the burst DPS classes aren't noticing me and doing something about me (and they can easily do something about me, might I add)? No. If a half-decently played Assassin pops up on me, I'm probably going to die. If a half-decently played Shadow or Sniper or Scoundrel or any of the other high burst DPS classes pops up on me, I'm probably going to die. At the very least I'm removed from the fight, because by the time they're finished with me I'm going to have next to no health... unless they're blitheringly incompetent. Comparing my single target damage to any other classes single target damage - outside of tanks and healers, of course - and, in PvP, I come out looking like a damp cloth, but spread it out over an entire Ops group, and things start to shift in my favour.


So to summarise that little novelette... the reason we do so much damage is (a) because our damage is spread out over multiple targets and, (b) because no one seems to do anything about us when we're applying our damage, and we're just allowed to carry on doing it. I think it has a LOT to do with the fact that on a single target we don't seem to do that much damage, and health just trickles down slowly but consistently... and when people are being damaged, they tend to panic and attack the person doing the MOST damage to them.


2) They have too much CC and survivability.


Counterpoint: Sorcerers have an interrupt, a stun, a knock back, a slow, a speed boost and a shield. The shield is an interesting one because people seem to be under the (misguided) impression that it mitigates a lot of damage when, in fact, it doesn't. I notice other damage reduction and mitigation abilities a lot more than I notice a Sorcerers shield... and that's with a Sorcerer attacking a Sorcerer. Regardless... without the CC and shield... we would be free kills in ALL circumstances. In 1v1 I generally survive BECAUSE of my CCs AND shield, and for no other reason. If you removed the shield, the remaining CC would not allow me to remove myself OR compete with the damage I am taking. I may be able to escape, but I'd never be able to survive for very long... because after only one escape... I would instantly become a free kill anyway. Even if you brought down the numbers on the Shield, the same thing would happen. Where it's at right now... it allows me to present a credible front in certain 1v1 situations. It gives me a chance to survive. Sometimes I utterly destroy people, but I put that down more to the player I was facing, and less to how unbalanced the class is. I've played 2 other classes to 30 and in both instances I have encountered a similar feeling. I can't really say much more than that; the shield is ambiguous because of the lack of numbers available to me, but I really don't think it's the "crunch" factor that most people make it out to be. I consider that so many things are blamed for the perceived imbalance that invariably none of them are likely to be true. No one has come forward and put a credible reason down for WHY the shield is unbalanced; it's just become a buzz phrase, and there's no truth in that.


3) They're easy to play.


Counterpoint: I think I summed this up in number 1. I shall not repeat myself.


Probably not touching on ALL of the issues I should be, but I'm getting bored now. Needless to say I find the entire scenario worthless... because I don't think the game is as unbalanced as people seem to think. Right now we have a situation where Bolster is skewing metrics, and the sea of level 50s washing into PvP are skewing perspectives. Once a 50 only bracket is added (which is direly needed at this point in time) we'll start to see more trustworthy accounts coming out of the game, and can deal with whatever issues arise at that point. From what I've experienced however I really do not think the game is as unbalanced as everyone makes out, and I certainly don't think the Sorcerer needs a huge nerf.


And if Bioware do nerf it, I'm going to want a damn good reason provided.

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