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10 Good
  1. Yeah someone is gonna take a video of themseleves exploiting valor gain and then upload it to youtube... I doubt it. Republic expect to see lots more battlemasters!!
  2. Ajwilson


    I solo queue just as much as a queue with friends.
  3. Ajwilson


    First it was the level 50's... Now it's the premades. People will never be happy unless they're winning. Why don't you try making some friends with good pvp'rs and running a premade of your own? Oh wait, that requires a bit more effort then having everything handed to you on a silver platter. By the way you can only ever queue 4 people so it's not a true premade, at all. It's 4 people queing together out of 8... the whiners have already made it so a guild can't actually form a real premade for warzones.
  4. Sorcs are glass cannons, can be easily dealt with if you actually use your interrupts. Sents should completely demolish 1v1, you're playing wrong. Don't be a bad player trying to blame the game for lack of skills.
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