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    Sweden, Gothenburg.
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    Computer, School(high school, thank god). Drinking (A)
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  1. Hope you wernt serious thinking i wasnt serious. Commandos heals are retarded.
  2. Operatives do have good burst but if theres something needing nerf its commandos. Kty
  3. It's true that commandos are broken though.
  4. I'd agree that some of the utility abilities sorcs has in huttball is a bit strong, but you can't say nothing about sorcs until commandos are fixed. The heals they put out is beyond stupid.
  5. /signed 50 Marauder. Inb4 l2p, it might be true that you can outskill people, however a top skilled marauder vs a top-skilled (enter your class here) will nearly always get wrecked in a wz fight due to us not having a single knockback. /thread
  6. I know i can turn it off, the problem is i want to keep the red eyes, but i'd like to actually get paler not yellower. Hence im asking whether or not it is a bug that im turning yellow when all my friends implies that they turn paler.
  7. Okay so I just recently hit -1000 dark alignment, aka the last rank.(atlesat for now ) So all my friends basically keep saying that they are getting so pale, their zabraks turn pink(getting paler) however on my human sith warrior she just gets more and more yellow and nowhere near pale. It actually looks pretty awfull. The eyes look amazing as they turn red but i just look like i have a load of herpes around my lips and like im feeling really really nausiated. Is this some sort of a bug or is it due to my low graphics? Best regards. :3
  8. I'm 40 and i think ive got the belsavis quest, but it says its for 41+ so i didnt want to go there yet, guess i could but if im behind now ill just get behind even more. I just find the pvp quite boring since im experiencing extreme lag even though i overall enjoy pvp i mmorpg envoirnments. Anyways, guess i'll just have to outlast since there seems to be no other options. Already done all space missions aswell. :'( Cba doing those without a quest since i find the space combat extremely boring ._. Thanks though.
  9. Be aware that this is not a whine whine please give me attention thread, im simply looking for advice.(Please refrain from comming with advice such as "do pvp") Okay so here's the problem, im level 40 now and not many other players on my server are at this level. Atleast not many enough to find people to do the group quests on respective planets(in this case mostly hoth). It seems as if the leveling in this game was practically made impossible to keep up with unless you do group quests on all the planets. This means that since I've basically only done the solo quests on each planet apart from a few here and there im stuck at this level and im behind for the next planet. I've managed to solve this before by doing space missions but this time its not enough. Anyone with advice as how to catch up? I'm not very interested in grinding nor doing pvp since the queues are horrid and so is the xp gain. If there is no obvious solution that I somehow managed to miss out on I've got to say im rather dissapointed with the fact that you can't get to lvl 50 by yourself.(Which I'm also pretty sure it isn't) Best regards. TL;DR Im lvl 40 and out of quests for my level, wat do?
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