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Well... I'm having fun!


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All the complainers in these forums... I feel bad for you all. I'm having a great time. Sure, there are things that can (and will) be made better, but I'm having the most fun I've had in an MMO in a long time.


I just want to commend Bioware on a great start to what looks to be a great game! Totally worth the purchase price and monthly fee.



A very happy customer




Post here if you're having fun.

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I'm having fun with the game, as well as watching people complain like babies about the game, here on the forums.




Even the WoW forums aren't this bad most of the time.

And that's saying something.


Most of the people enjoying the game are...ingame of course. So the forum will be filled with the LOUD minority.

Edited by Oappo
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I'd be playing right now but my wife is too engrossed in it to let me. In fact, she wants to buy a second machine for it. All of my 30+ friends are way into it due to our memories of KOTOR. It is also very accessible for children... I have one friend who is not a gamer who is paying for 2 accounts: 1 for him and 1 for his son.


The game is very fun because the stories are great and you have lots of characters to try out.


The problem for Bioware is that the end game and PvP content needs a ton of work or people will start leaving eventually.


On the bight side, they have time. Also, most games are much much worse than this at launch.

Edited by NoBarta
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Also having tons of fun. And also appreciative of bioware for making this game. I am sure in time a lot of the current issues will be resolved. I do wish however that they would be more communicative with us on the forums. I have had a blast since I started playing. And will continue to do so. long live TOR!
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I can savely say I agree with the OP.


I've played lots of MMO's and on my list of great ones this one is second or even first. If Bioware irons out the glitches and starts building from this foundation I think SWTOR might as well be my number 1 some day.


At this time I haven't been bored at all by questing and listening to the dialogues.

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Yea I think the reason for a lot of the negativity is that people got completely burnt out on MMOs so they can't find them enjoyable any more.


I think that's exactly the reason why some players aren't enjoying the game. I'm a newbie to MMOs and I'm still learning how to be an effective player where combat is concerned, but I'm honestly surprised some people have already maxed out to 50 (from some threads I've read on this forum)! How the heck did they do it so fast? They have to be rushing through the content and therefore they miss any enjoyment their character's storyline would have provided.

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Dont fool yourself: forums are full of complaints because of the vocal minority, unpleased, who prefer spending time in the forums than actually playing the game.

The game is very active, too active maybe judging at the queues, so no worries, BW is correcting the obvious bugs and problems -why wouldnt they correct them after all, it's in their interest!-

We're playing a solid MMO, the most solid, polished and complete (in term of features) MMO, since WoW.


And basicaly look at it differently, if you dont have to play an MMO now, and for some reasons dont want to play SWTOR anymore, where would you go?


To WoW, up to come pandas, grindfests, silly lore and unbalanced pve/pvp? You could, and if it's what you want to do, go ahead, but wihtout me: there's no way I'm going back to that, I simply cant enjoy it anymore.


So no, let's put it simply: SWTOR is, at least for me, the only alternative. And what an alternative! I have fun in this very well rendered Star Wars universe! :cool:

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All the complainers in these forums... I feel bad for you all. I'm having a great time. Sure, there are things that can (and will) be made better, but I'm having the most fun I've had in an MMO in a long time.


I just want to commend Bioware on a great start to what looks to be a great game! Totally worth the purchase price and monthly fee.



A very happy customer




Post here if you're having fun.


Me too :) Best MMO around!

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I am having a complete blast! Loving every single minute of this game. When I pick up a quest I go out with a real sense of purpose for the task at hand and I love it! One quest asked me to go eradicate a certain pest situation. The story behind it had me so in lnvolved emotionally that not only did I eradicate the pests I genocided their entire race! Haven't had a game make me feel that way in a Long time...
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