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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Dumb is trying to match reality to your limited perception.


    Smart is matching your perception to reality.


    Resolve is not the problem. CCs are not the problem. It is the TTK that is the problem.

    No system will help you out when you can go from full to dead in 3-5 seconds (even with healers).

  2. Old Daily

    Best Case Scenario: Win 3 in a row.

    Worst Case Scenario: Lose infinite in a row.


    New Daily

    Best Case Scenario: Win 3 in a row.

    Worst Case Scenario: Lose 6 in a row.


    This is for a reward of 396 commendations (Using a 3:1 conversion ratio for 99 Ranked into Unranked, plus 99 Unranked).


    There is only one situation where you would dislike this change and that is if you believe that your skill is low and you therefore need a gear advantage to compensate. This change makes it (very, slightly) easier to obtain gear which threatens your ability to maintain your gear advantage.

  3. wrong. i spend tokens on healing stims. also you're " Scepter is just protecting his gear" debate is lame considering i'm in BM gear.


    If you aren't trying to protect a gear advantage what possible reason do you have for opposing this change?


    I should also point out that since stim provide a statistical advantage to players who have them over players who don't they act in the exact same manner as gear. Their on-use functionality means that they do have a degree of player skill involved, however the accumulation of them is gated through commendations and therefore they are an advantage.

  4. You mean to tell me that you had 4 people standing there watching the node change color and they didn't attempt to counter the cap? You don't need to interrupt, you just need to activate the control and you will cancel out his progress.


    As for the glitch, did you report it in game via a ticket?

  5. You seem to be obsessed with gear. I said nothing about wanting things to be more difficult to obtain. I do however have a problem with people being rewarded for participation rather than effort and skill.


    The only thing you can do with your reward is buy gear... therefore your whole point revolves around gear. I'm just bringing that underlying narrative to light.


    I actually hate the fact that gear exists in PvP. Everyone should always have even stats.

  6. Ahh the gear argument... I've seen people in Recruit gear consistently out perform and out play people in War Hero Gear. If you're bad then you're bad. Gear won't save you. Next you'll be whining about Buffs...


    So... you are upset for no reason?


    The only possible reason you would want gear to be more difficult to obtain is to protect your own gear advantage. So you indicated that you don't want gear to be easier to obtain but you have also just indicated above that you don't think gear makes any difference. So what are you on about?

  7. I am on fairly low population server. For level 50 WZ, we basically have Que's popping between 8:00 pm CST and 11:00 pm CST. After resets, all of the casual pvpers are raiding, so there are no Que's until about Thursday. Any time outside of that, and there is no Q. That means there is no pvp. I am lucky to get in 4 or 5 decent games a day.


    Now you have changed the daily to 6 wins. This is absurd. This may work for the college student who gets to log on during the day and play some games that is on a high pop server, but for the majority of us that have to work for a living, this is no good.


    I have been very supportive in the community for the issues that are there, but this idea is indicative of a separation from the community. Do any of you guys actually play the game, or are you just sitting around a conference table and say "hey, I think we should make increase the dailies because it would be more challanging".


    This decision is foolish.


    Get me cross server Q's. Get me free server transfers. Then start screwing around with the daily requirement. This is "the cart before the horse" mentality. Congratulations Austin, we have a problem.


    Reading Comprehension FTW!


    You need 6 matches to complete the daily. Each win counts as 2 matches.

  8. Lets just give a trophy to everyone just for being there! oh wait that's what they do with children now and why in 20 years people are going to have issues with not being rewarded for being bad at something. Winning is supposed to be rewarded, not being bad and losing. If you have a hard time winning, then fix your issue. Don't bring the lvl of achievement down to make it easier. That's the same argument that's been debated for what 30 years in the educational system and now it's being implemented here. GG Bioware. Other games are looking so much more appealing these days.


    So basically you feel threatened that creating a level playing field with regard to gear will expose you for the unskilled noob you are?


    This has nothing to do with rewarding losses. It is all about creating a competitive environment where gear differences are minimalized and actual player skill is the primary determining factor.

  9. What are you talking about? I love facing equally geared + skilled players. Some of my most memorable matches were prem vs prem.


    The problem with the system before was the entire emphasis was around winning, not participation. Game going downhill? Leave and make it someone else's problem.


    I didn't quote you, I quoted the guy who likes fighting against people who have less gear than himself.

  10. EA owns BW, which makes EA responsible for the actions of BW. They can order BW to do whatever, and all BW can do is clap heels and follow orders. I think the 21. dec release date was pushed by EA, to maximize initial profit.


    Like I said, content that isn't there is EA's fault.

    Publishers look at things from a purely profit-oriented standpoint. When publishers own developers they can force them to release games before they are ready.

  11. I'm just curious as to who thought this was a great idea to make them for participation and not actually attempting to win? Carebear Wars here we are.


    Says the premade who like to stomp PUGs instead of facing equally geared and skilled challengers.

  12. EA is a publisher/distributor and as such is responsible for many heinous atrocities.


    However, they are not developers and thus they don't make the games you play.


    Granted, you could make a (very compelling) argument that EA is responsible for everything that isn't in the game, but you can't blame them for the things that are in the game.

  13. Soccer? What's this stuff! F-O-O-T-B-A-L-L Damn Yankees! :D The name is football!


    The name is Association Football.

    Abbreviated Assoc Football.

    Abbreviated again Soc Ball.

    And finally Soccer.


    Americans didn't do this, Britain did since they already had a game called "football" (Rugby).

    We just adopted the term Soccer since we also already had a game called "football".

  14. I refer to that one guy in WZ that has to state the obvious such as 2 left rest mid, stay at doors, pass the ball. Then proceeds to spew wz tactics to everyone. As if anyone was actually listening if it was the case my server would win more. Instead of typing you could be capping or healing or dpsing and my personal favorite when losing dancing. Just sayin dont be that guy.


    Coordination is the reason premades will always wreck PUGs. Warzone Chat is the only form of Coordination available to a PUG (since they don't have voice chat) which means "That Guy" is the only one doing anything to help your PUG compete.


    No Strategy = No Win

  15. It makes sense, because pre 1.2 it wasn't as bad as it is now. Atleast from what i can remember... Or like the other person said it might be the healing aswell. So it might not be the CC... But something just feels wrong.


    The healing ties directly into the TTK problem. BW buffed DPS and nerfed healing in 1.2 which tilted the TTK too far. They also double nerfed Sorc/Sage healers by eliminating 100% of their burst healing which also contributes to the TTK problem (i.e. it doesn't matter how many healers you have healing a guy if the damage done takes him to 0 before the healer is able to finish a cast).

  16. how many of you just hate this resolve system?

    Not me.


    is the system broken?

    No. It functions exactly as intended in all testing environments.


    do you feel that your being chain locked and resolve is not working?

    Again, Resolve functions correctly. Also, unless you consider 2 stuns, 2 mezzes, or a stun and a mezz a "chain", you can't be chain locked. Any combination of the two will always result in CC Immunity preventing a 3rd stun/mezz/knockback.


    have you seen people with no resolve built up, yet you are unable to CC/stun/snare them?

    There are some abilities that grant CC immunity. Marauders/Sentinels have one. You may have client-side lag (though that would be pretty severe). I have heard that the Resolve bar indicator on a selected target can sometimes have a delay. I have not experienced this, however the Resolve bar indicator around the portrait always works so if you find yourself dealing with a delay on the selector, start looking at the portrait instead.


    have you had full resolve and still been CC/stun/snared?

    No, but anecdotes are useless. All testing shows Resolve is working correctly. No one has ever posted a single video of a stun working on a full resolve target.


    why can't Bioware just notice that this system is terrible? should they go to a diminishing returns system?

    Resolve IS a diminishing returns system, though one that is much more intelligently presented and allows actual player skill in the management of it. When used correctly, Resolve allows significantly less CC than the DR system from WoW. When used incorrectly, it still allows less CC than WoW (though not a very significant difference).


    just a few questions i have cause this resolve system has some major flaws and is not working the way i believe Bioware wanted it too.

    There are no known flaws with Resolve. It IS working as intended.

    If you have actual evidence suggesting that it does not work, please submit it to BW for correction. Asking for the opinions of other players on a bug is not going to get a bug (if it exists) fixed.

  17. No, this game is not a stun fest. Some people think it is, but that is because they don't understand how stuns, CC in general, or the Resolve system work.


    Granted, BW should do a better job of providing information on CCs and Resolve in game, but the real problem right now is that players die far too quickly (TTK is too low). Since you can die before a stun wears off, the players who experience this annoying scenario incorrectly perceive the CC as being the culprit.


    ... and with the reolve bar not working properly it makes it even worse lol.


    I'm not sure how you can continue to post this factually incorrect statement and not be banned for outright trolling. Resolve works as intended. The Resolve Bar works as intended.

  18. To put it bluntly: Most players are just too bad to notice the impact a good Guard/Jugg has on a match.


    A "good" Guard/Jugg SHOULD have an impact on a match.

    The reason that Guard/Juggs are not getting much QQ is because bad ones don't make a difference.

  19. They do wait until the teams are full. But not everyone takes the Q. Leaving an open spot.


    Which is why they should assign the people to teams after they have accepted, not before.

    Obviously this won't work for cross faction WZs unless they decide to allow Sith and Jedi to team up for Major League Huttball.

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