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Posts posted by Darth_Philar

  1. Sorcerers/Sages are utility/support classes now. You can kill bads on your own (depending on the class), but your role is to find friends and hide behind them. Once safe, you should be slowing melee or peeling for your healer with your stun. Just don't use any lighting abilities unless you absolutely have to. You don't want to draw any attention to your hiding spot.


    If you are the healer, pray for a tank and some intelligent DPS, otherwise you should stand just outside the spawn area and buff your respawning allies. Maybe throw some bubbles out there.

  2. Almost every stun fills 3/4ths your bar. Knockbacks only fill 1/4th. :/


    Really it's stupid with stuff like your resolve bar is at 90% and you get hit with a 8s duration mezz.


    IMHO, resolve would be better if anything that pushes you to 100% should only last the percentage that it filled up. So if you're at 90% and get pushed to 100% that 8s mezz should only last 10% of its duration.


    If you are at 90% (900 Resolve Rating) and you get hit with a Mezz your Resolve Rating will go up by 800 for the Mezz and 400 for the Bonus (50% of the amount that caused you to reach or exceed 1000) for a total Resolve of 2100. That's 21 seconds of CC Immunity, 8 of which you will be mezzed (unless you break it or are damaged during that 8 seconds). I'll take 13-21 seconds of CC immunity over a shorter mezz any day.

  3. The difference is, in wow healers can survive. They are given the tools to actually survive burst. In tor a healer is going to die 100% every time any sort of burst is put onto them *except* when they are guarded. Being balanced around a skill that we get in 1 out of 10 warzones is not fun.


    If you gave it to healers to put on their tank of choice things would change, but that won't happen.


    You are allowed to ask for a Guard you know... It is a base ability for all ACs that have a tanking tree.

  4. I'd be willing to bet that most people who complain about the "advantage" that some classes have with respect to being able to move around the map more easily don't even have the "Pass" ability keybound.


    When I'm in a Huttball match the Pass ability is keybound to the 1 key for super duper easy access.

  5. Its the 1 saber and robes. Easy to tell you out in a crowd. You either are healing, or doing damage somewhere, or both.


    Part of the reason I dislike the design choice that all classes have their own distinct look.


    We also get cool little "Look at me, I'm squishy and die fast" icons over our heads now. Plus any good team will have marked the healers and those don't reset on player death.

  6. I'll tell you exactly what they were thinking:


    Scenario A - Premades faceroll PUGs. Premades complete dailies for commendations and receive more medals for commendations allowing premades to gear up faster and faceroll even more PUGs. PUGs stop queuing. Premades fill the forums with QQ about queue times. PUGs fill the forums with QQ about Premades.


    Scenario B - Premades faceroll PUGs. Premades and PUGs complete dailies for commendations. Premades still receive more medals for commendations. Premade to PUG gear disparity marginally lessened. PUGs continue queuing knowing they will be rewarded after 6 defeats. PUGs fill the forums with QQ about Premades until they get geared enough to join a Premade.

  7. Your assessment is correct. Burst is high but fine. It is their survivability that makes the burst OP. Nerf the defensive CDs and Marauders will be properly balanced.
  8. We have 2 data points...


    Anyone who attempts to form any conclusions based on only 2 data points is, quite simply, a complete fool.


    If you want to defend or attack this game please choose a different avenue as nothing you can say with regard to the weakness or strength of the game can be supported at this time.

  9. I'm not sure I see the tactical advantage of killing yourself and then having to wait for the doors to open on your spawn area unless you were VERY far away from the objective (i.e. opposite endzone in Huttball... but that's about it).
  10. A "bad", simply put, is someone who puts themselves before the team.


    You can be the most skilled (insert class) on your server and still be a bad if you don't engage in teamwork.

    The guy with less than 100k damage done but defended his node the entire match is a much better player than the bad who spend the whole match fighting in the road and got 700k damage done because the guy on defense was aiding the whole team.

  11. Let's not kid ourselves PR is not an issue everyone knows with half a brain this game is dieing so why not merge and be done with it and hope for the best , they have 0 choice , it's either merge or lose more or merge and lose some. the choice is obvious and it goes to choose the lesser of 2 evils.


    I suppose you have some source that backs up your claim that the #2 MMORPG* is dying?


    *Based on EA's financial disclosure.

  12. With a server transfer. If you don't transfer to another server. You will be the only left on your server. Then you be on here complaining about what exactly?


    So it's your choice Play by yourself or lose your character name.


    Regardless of the negative effects of your choice, having that choice taken from you is what will cause significantly more subscriptions to be lost, hence why merges almost never happen but transfers eventually get added to the game.


    The PR problems of a few slowly dying servers are insignificant compared to the power of the force...d name changes.

  13. You are going to lose them in a server transfer anyway, so...


    In a transfer you elect to lose your names. In a merge you have the loss of name forced upon you by the developer. Guess which one is going to cause the most PR problems.

  14. I'd be willing to risk it if it meant I would have something to do with my lvl 50s. As it is, a pub on a low pop server playing primarily during non-peak hours, WZ queues can easily go over an hour before getting put into a lopsided match.


    Well, then all you need to do is convince every other person on your server that losing their character names is no big deal and you'll be ready for a server merger.

  15. So I play republic side on Tomb of Freedon Nadd. Before the daily change the matches were roughly 50-50 (though slightly in imperial favour, due to the fact that they seem to have at least one premade every single wz).


    However, since the daily change, I am forced to play with people who seem incapable of doing even the simplest things. I win about 10% of warzones now. I see sub 100k dps all the time. I see sub 100k healers that only heal themselves all the time, that is assuming we even have a healer at all. Because of this I can't really do much - I just get nerdfocused by at least 3 people every time I try to do anything, usually resulting in me having the highest deaths by far - but also paradoxically the highest damage (250k-ish).


    Why did bioware feel the need to give a cookie to people who are so terrible they couldn't even win 3 warzones a day? It makes literally no sense.


    If you want to give terrible players free pvp gear, let them get 100 wz comms from some weekly quest or something instead.


    So... you are complaining that you can't kill terrible players or that the number of terrible players on your team is the same as the number of terrible players on the other team?


    Also, anecdotes are pretty useless. You've only had a very small sample size for comparisons and therefore your conclusions are premature.

  16. Doesn't address the current problem. Wasn't really needed. You can count right? Calculate what those 99 rated comms cost from just doing WZ's with no reward or daily. It isn't very significant. It does nothing to address the current problem.


    What is the current problem that you think it doesn't address? I can tell you of at least 2 current problems that it does address (which makes it needed to some degree).


    The fact that the reward is insignificant is irrelevant. The point is that the daily provides a somewhat easy to achieve objective which increases the odds of more people queuing up. Some people PvP for the fun of it, others fo the rewards/prestige, and some just because they have a quest that tells them too.

  17. Too bad /stuck doesn't do anything when you are perma-CCd in the spawn area after a respawn causing you to be kicked for desertion.
  18. Um.. no. Many dislike this change because it will have ZERO impact on dead servers. It solves last months issue that went away with the reward changes. Finishing the daily isn't a huge bump of comms. If you play well enough to get our max medals, the comms per game squish the comms from this daily reward, which made the daily PvP grind irrelevant. You got gear progression regardless if you finished the daily.


    If there are not enough players on the server to pop a WZ this change doesn't matter. And THAT is this month's problem. I guess they will fix it next month when the problem is something new once again.


    You dislike a change because it doesn't do anything? Thats a logically absurd position to take.


    The PvP daily exists for one purpose: to get casuals to queue up shortening overall queue times.


    If a casual faces a choice between infinite losses or 6 losses it is quite easy to tell which scenario will dissuade them from bothering.

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