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Everything posted by Holden_Dissent

  1. Massive failure? Just because it wasn't "your cup of tea" doesn't mean that it was a failure.
  2. I still enjoy playing because I haven't completed everything yet. However, these days I don't get to play often. I like to play Xbox 360 too. So my 2 lvl 50s have to wait.
  3. Everytime someone says the game is broken Everytime someone says the game failed (started day 1) Everytime someone says there's nothing to do at end game Everytime someone says The game is dying/dead (some servers themselves I understand, but the game?) These rumormongers have nothing to do with company policy. They either have unrealistic expectations or a hidden agenda. And yes, they do effect the moral of the gamers that enjoy playing the game. I quit WoW twice because of the Warlock forums. So I know personally that the forums have an effect on moral.
  4. Once upon a time it was 4m. Then Cataclysm, Rift, Tera, SWTOR happened. They lost like 1.5m accounts. You can't count China subs since you never know when the account time has expired. You buy the game for $5 and then you're a sub for life.
  5. I'm pretty sure the average human realizes that they are restructuring at the moment and would give them at least a week before hitting the "NEW TOPIC" button.
  6. I'm really surprised some people are allow to still post on the forums. They constantly bash the game to no end and have problem never even created a character. Yet they are still allowed to post here.
  7. Interesting. I don't like it either, but since I won't use it I don't really care if other people do.
  8. How could you miss it? People post it all the time to somehow win an argument that isn't even being argued about.
  9. FACT! MIchael Jordan IS better than Tom Brady! I agree, close down the general forums or just the whole forums.
  10. They will let people transfer and soon all servers worth mentioning will have queues. Then your LFG tool will come in. AT THAT POINT, if it doesn't help the situation and the people continue to cry, they will add a cross server LFG tool. Just because they aren't adding it now doesn't mean it never will be added. Especially just because a minority few don't want it.
  11. Unless you work for Bioware, I don't think this is going to effect you the way you think it will.
  12. I got stuck on a rock once and /stuck didn't work. Is that what you're talking about? The rest of the stuff you listed I didn't experience. Ever.
  13. Very true. I don't understand the mentality of people either. It's ok to farm reputation on every single player separately and call that content, but legacy isn't....
  14. No matter how you want to spin it. He's right. There's even a thread called "FREE TRANSFERS ARE COMING"
  15. Rift at release had the same types and amount of content of any new MMO. It's that endless argument that people love to make. "Since I'm not interested in what content you're delivering, I'm going to assume and yell from the rooftops that there is no content"
  16. I was going to say their parents. But yeah. Devs could post more. But it's that ol' chatch 22. Post here, get 100 posts a day dissecting each and every little sentence, burning down the town in mob fashion, and people going all Tortanic. So then they decide to move their information to a different medium. Now it's the same thing, only the devs don't have to read the 100 posts a day and they don't get trampled in the mob.
  17. Not sure. Why don't you go ahead and create a game from the ground up and let us know.
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