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Everything posted by Holden_Dissent

  1. I think it's pretty cool. I really liked my m1 4x. It'll probably be a legacy unlock right?
  2. I thought they said the cap would raise in the next year, which is like, from now until next June.
  3. Sounds to me like MMOs are not your thing. Maybe you should try a sports game or more of an adventure game.
  4. As long as you don't use your powers for evil. With great power comes great responsibility
  5. I'm pretty sure the guy said cross server warzones were coming in 1.2 with ranked warzones. Did he go back and reneg?
  6. It's the american way. If you are in a situation that you find to be less than satisfactory, get yourself out of that situation. It applies to all aspects of life and really is the best policy to live by. Maybe in a perfect world people can barter for games, but in this world, we're told what to pay and we have a choice: yes or no The population decline is a culmination of quite a few different things. However, I see no problem with telling people who want to change the game I like into a game I don't like, to get the ... out. This applies to all things SWTOR, not just this topic per say.
  7. I'm amazed that Best Buy's are still open. Especially with the recession and all. i guess Fry's just hasn't made it to all states yet.
  8. I wasn't expecting anything about SWTOR at E3. I WAS expecting a price drop for the PS3 that I don't think happened.
  9. I'm saying that if people weren't so GD lazy, and could think for themselves without having their hands held with rewards, they could find pvp. That was all I was saying.
  10. I always wondered why they called it a "public" test server. What's so public about it? You still have to have a subscription. So....more like private test server. I remember the first time WoW had a pts. I cancelled my sub thinking I didn't need a sub to play on the "public" test server. The ol' bait n switch.
  11. Not sure what you mean by this. I saw tons of Imps on several different planets. If you wanted pvp you knew where to find it. You also don't have to be rewarded for everything you do.
  12. they talked about it in a recent Q&A. search.
  13. accurate to whom though. Who knows what number the investors want except BW and the investors.
  14. Not really sure why this thread is still open. It serves no purpose. Step 1: Read something that is a general statement with no actual details. Step 2: Make sure it's something you know ZERO about Step 3: Assume and/or pretend that you know EVERYTHING about it Step 4: Spin it to fit your agenda. Step 5: Spew it on the forums Step 6: Antiprofit Congrats.
  15. nice attitude you have there. Somehow opening up too many servers because of the screaming masses and millions of subs = EA/BW failed at mmos.
  16. All this rumormongering isn't doing anyone any good. However on Twitter the other day it was said that either rated warzones or transfers would be in before 1.3 and the other would be IN 1.3.
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