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Everything posted by derkiederk

  1. No thanks, I like sharing with our 'murrican pals. When you start segregating and having separate maint etc you also get later patches and no access to US servers. You can't have it both ways and honestly the way we have it right now is the best.
  2. The issue with fullscreen windowed mode not minimizing properly is fixed as soon as you restart the game for the first time after changing the setting.
  3. Honestly I just think it's cute that some people honestly believe that simply enjoying a video game means you're a rabid fanboy and anyone whose opinions on a subjective medium like games (or movies, music and anything else) differs to their opinion is a liar and a troll. Oh forums, you're so silly.
  4. Haha yeah, we all know the general forums are filled with genius developers whose dads also work at nintendo etc. If they can't find a quick fix they'll likely just disable the offending emotes until they do.
  5. Name one fix that was listed in the notes and isn't implemented today. Don't you dare say the high textures because that was not mentioned anyhwere. The fix you think is related is nothing to do with that, it is fixing settings in .ini files not being consistent with ingame settings and yes, the fix is working.
  6. Dammit man, READ. Your ingame settings have nothing to do with this update.
  7. Patch notes said nothing about HR textures nor any ingame graphical settings. Maybe you should read that line again.
  8. We know and it's highly likely BW know too. I just hope they don't have to take servers down for too long tonight to fix it.
  9. You severely underestimate the tenacity of MMO trolls. They will gladly pay the sub just to spam these forums with inane nonsense.
  10. I haven't seen any confirmation or even an implication that is the case, do you know where this was stated?
  11. It's because they don't have a ground team where the EU servers are located, maint is done remotely for all servers from the same place. Yes, extra downtime into the afternoon sucks but at least this way we get the exact same treatment as the US servers do with regards to patches etc. In "other games" with separate EU maint you always have to wait an extra day or more to get the patches and updates the US servers got.
  12. This would be a good idea ONLY if the queue system tried to match premade vs premade whenever possible. Queueing solo for a quick BG is not fun when you're constantly up against premade and I'm sure that upsets more people than leaving this out of the game would.
  13. Try a 6850 maybe? It's a decent card with performance not much lower than a 560Ti, if you can't afford one of those.
  14. It's clearly a laptop so OP is SOL. If you want a decent gaming experience you need a proper desktop with a proper GPU, there's nothing you can realistically do to improve gaming performance on that machine. Yes it is possible to use an external GPU on laptop but it is extremely expensive, cumbersome and they don't perform very well at all, the money would be better spent on a desktop instead.
  15. Taking bets this troll will still be here making awful threads after Jan 21, who's in?
  16. Heh I feel bad for AMD users, especially the poor guy suckered into buying a FX 8150. "8 core"... lol
  17. This doesn't work like it used to in wow, in TOR my latency is always ~30ms with or without the ackfrequency edit. Also, turning it on does reduce your overall internet bandwidth if you have a 20Mb+ line so it's best left alone.
  18. Oh wow, it's like it's really 2006 in here. You should seriously keep up to date with what's going on around you. Consumer SSDs are well beyond mature by this point, just admit that your only problem with them is that you can't afford one. Intel and Samsung especially are famous for their SSDs with less than 1% 3 year failure rate and 1.5 million hour MTBF, lasting significantly longer than any ancient spinning disk tech.
  19. AMD FX (bulldozer) chips are quite poor for gaming and AMD's GPU drivers are poorly optimized for this game. I doubt CF is working properly either. All you can really do is wait for new drivers and tor client patches to improve things, there's not a lot you can do about it yourself.
  20. Eh no, OCZ have awful 1 year failure rates. There's really no reason to buy anything sandforce-based anymore, they're just not very good.
  21. They should just rename the General board to "Making Mountains out of Molehills General", that's all I ever see in here.
  22. Yeah, how dare they take longer than 1 week to fix a non-critical bug. I'm cancelling my sub right now! ...
  23. Opinions are like a-holes. Everyone has one... and nobody wants to see yours.
  24. Seems they have some serious problems with AMD cards, especially the mobile ones. Fairly typical though, often new games run terribly on AMD until they get some new drivers out with optimizations.
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