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Everything posted by derkiederk

  1. You seem to be misinformed about vsync. It's an extremely useful tool and any input lag that may be caused is negligible and not noticeable by humans at all. It also reduces strain on your GPU compared to rendering at over 60FPS. If the ingame vsync option isn't working properly for you try out d3doverrider instead, it also allows forcing triple buffering which further improves visual smoothness.
  2. There's no official numbers yet. Estimate would be 1.5-2m considering all we know for sure is there were ~900k US retail preorders and it's safe to assume there were at least that many EU and digital preorders also.
  3. Look in your inventory, there should be a box with an offhand LS in it.
  4. Prove it. Let's see a screenshot of your code redemption page.
  5. Looking like wave 3 cutoff is somewhere between 16th and 18th.
  6. Just stop replying to the negative nancys they don't deserve the attention. Keep the positivity flowing <3
  7. That's how it should be until you enter your retail code for the 20th.
  8. Yep extra waves for today confirmed in the new sticky. All of Nov can realistically hope to get in today.
  9. According to the server status page all 45 new servers are online today.
  10. Then he should double check he entered his pre order code properly then contact support. August invites are long since passed and November are due to start in wave 2.
  11. Well they got up to at least the 26th of Oct in wave 1 so it's looking pretty good for us.
  12. I sure hope not, they're awful and just break immersion.
  13. They were added last night and came online this morning. They're spread among US and EU pretty evenly.
  14. If you check server status, you'll see all 45 of the new servers are online today.
  15. 26/11 here so today's gonna be tense. Expecting to just miss out though, better to be prepared for the inevitable.
  16. Calm down, invites don't even start for another 3 hours.
  17. Simple, don't roll on any EU servers. The latency isn't even that much lower on them anyway compared to US servers and you'd have no worries about moonspeak in chat.
  18. "lag" and low framerates are NOT the same thing. Define exactly what you're experiencing.
  19. It's pretty awful for the price to be honest. Take a look at the scan.co.uk bundles, they're generally much better and reasonably priced.
  20. Won't even take that long. Within a week nobody will care about any of this.
  21. To the ignorant ones complaining about there being level 50s before you get to start playing - there will be new fresh servers opining up over the next days where you'll have a perfectly fair and equal start.
  22. They're not really canceling. They're just further showing how desperate they are to play. Honestly I thought I'd be a bit annoyed at having to wait for access but after seeing all the drama on here I just don't care anymore. I refuse to associate myself with these ridiculous people.
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