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Everything posted by derkiederk

  1. Your CPU is probably alright though you should really have been more specific about the model. 4GB RAM just doesn't cut it anymore, after a couple hours playing my system is sitting at 5.2GB used with only TOR and firefox running. Your GPUs were poor when they came out and are just abysmal now, SLI will be of no use to you at all since there are no profiles released for this game yet. HDD is probably a first gen WD raptor? Not great but should be acceptable for now. So considering all that I'd say in order of importance you need a new GPU then 2-4GB more ram and possibly a new 7200RPM HDD.
  2. Nothing to see here, just another thinly veiled queue whine.
  3. Who cares about those guys anyway? All they do is ruin the game for everyone else who actually plays for FUN.
  4. That's not even slightly ironic. Please go look up what irony actually is.
  5. Yes, metacritic user reviews are well known for their objectivity...
  6. Actually each 32 bit process cannot address more than 2GB but SWTOR gets around that by using 2. After a few hours running the game it's using 2.5GB just for the client and my system is at 5.2GB overall. Only 4GB will cause a LOT of paging while playing this game.
  7. A new graphics card and an extra 4GB of RAM would work well for you. A GTX 460 1GB or a Radeon 6770 would be good choices.
  8. A different colored icon or something to distinguish heroic quest givers from normal solo quests.
  9. And rightly so. Who would be fooled into buying WaR again?
  10. Preferences -> Controls -> Camera Max Distance
  11. It was yesterday morning, it was only about 10mb so you probably blinked and missed it. If they have a proper patch lined up it'll most likely come during the normal weekly maintenance tomorrow.
  12. A global search makes automation too easy, the likes of auctioneer cause severe strain on servers. I really would not expect them to ever add this. Besides that though there are many little ways they could improve the usability and I do agree with most of your points.
  13. I'll let you guys in on a trade secret. Don't tell anyone okay? If nobody was willing to wait in an X hour queue, those queues would not exist.
  14. This is actually the 2nd cap increase so far. They're inching them up very slightly bit by bit.
  15. Confirming this, was queuing for hydian way and dropped from 250 to 63 in a second.
  16. It's a fun little sideshow. I really don't see why you'd feel a need to whine about it, this is not a space combat sim it's an MMO.
  17. Maint ending at 11 clearly implies the servers are back up at 11. If not they'd have said something by now.
  18. http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-periods-between-december-15-and-december-22
  19. It's so the servers are ready for a midnight launch on the 20th. Probably some kind of patch too. From then on it will be regular maint on tuesday mornings off peak time.
  20. Running fullscreen windowed mode and not having any of the issues mentioned in this thread.
  21. Give an example of something you'd like to see and hasn't been done before.
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