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Everything posted by Anhkriva

  1. Chronologically, you should start Illum after the end of chapter 3 of the origin story, just return to the ship and fly to Tatooine.
  2. I'd order Skadge to do it for me, he could treat her like that guy on Belsavis he was chasing.
  3. Do you see these little squares next to the tasks? If you click on it, the task will be displayed on the game screen. Depending on how large a field you dedicate to it, you can display many tasks this way. Personally, I use this function for tasks like kill 100 enemies or complete x quests as class y and I always know how much I still have to do.
  4. Did you change equipment on the fleet, your own ship or on one of the planets? Lowering the character's level to a planet distorts the statistics terribly, sometimes equipping a better item even lowers the character's statistics.
  5. Have you used companion? If so, you couldn't finish the fight because your companion kept refreshing it by attacking even when you stopped, at least that's what happened to me when I used dummy on Korriban.
  6. I do the same, except that I put on the second wind legendary implant when I plan to use companion in Tank or dps mode.
  7. Didn't they refer to the incorrectly set drop rate of new appearance gears and the inability to list them in GTN earlier?
  8. It doesn't tell you what you got because you didn't get anything.
  9. I think picking them up counts towards some achievement, maybe this was to prevent them from being passed between players?
  10. No, no, no, bugs as a feature is a trademark of Bethesda.
  11. How can you get 12k reputation without getting a single token? Every time your reputation increases, it is thanks to a token, you can pick it up from a killed mob or get it as a reward for a quest, they are simply used up when received/picked up.
  12. They are different. This one is in the signature: https://discord.gg/5TCWMWFA
  13. I collected 2 chest pieces yesterday and they looked exactly like the armor we get for completing quests on planets during the main story, if there was any color difference, it was so slight that I didn't notice it.
  14. Taking into account that we have a large group of subscribers who cannot log in since the update. I can't imagine that fixing anything else would be a priority for them, certainly not some stupid mount.
  15. Currently, these elements have no value, so the quickest way is to simply destroy them.
  16. I'd still like to hear how doing the shortest quest or dropping one reputation token takes 5x more time than doing Kill Enemies 2 on several planets. I also used reputation to do conquests because it was very convenient, but let's not pretend that the reward was not disproportionately large.
  17. I don't know about ingame tickets as I have never submitted any, but when I had a problem, I sent an email to support@swtor.com and my problem was solved despite the weekend.
  18. I don't think that being unsubscribed prevents you from sending an email to support, and when it comes to forums, yes, there are some limitations.
  19. Sometimes I see other players on my ship, it feels weird.
  20. Adding different tasks, both pvp and pve, means they don't want people to play? I would argue that it's exactly the opposite, this way everyone, regardless of their playing style, has some tasks they can perform.
  21. Open the deconstruction window and right-click on unwanted items as if you were selling them, much faster than removing them one by one from your inventory.
  22. Does getting them require spending 5x more time to justify 5x the reward?
  23. Kill enemies 2 requires several minutes of killing mobs, reputation requires one click of the mouse. I think it's fair that a task requiring a greater investment of time is better rewarded than one mouse click.
  24. Reputation was giving way too much, it's a fact, but now they've gone too far in the other direction.
  25. These new appearance gears were supposed to be sold on GTN, so even with a lower drop rate, players can sell items they don't want and buy those they lack. Considering how many they added, that's a lot of potential transactions, each of them taxed to extract credits from the server.
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