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Everything posted by LD_Little_Dragon

  1. Harder than normal solo content. More like veteran chapter level difficulty (when they came out, not as they are now). I think you're equating solo with story, and that's not the case here. Veteran and Master kotfe/et chapters are also solo content, but no one expects them to be doable by the lowest skilled players.
  2. The Eternal Championship isn't the place to ask for nerfs so everyone can complete it solo. It was supposed to be challenging solo content. Something that helps prepares players to do hard mode content in the game. That means that you are supposed to be at a reasonable skill level (and unfortunately also be physically capable of reaching that level). That is be capable of at least playing at a level than can do MM flashpoints, which not every player is going to be able to reach. You have to able to position yourself properly, target switch, use your dcds/interrupts/cc's/ect as well as some companion micromanagement. This just is NOT going to be possible for every player unless they nerf things down to the current class story level of difficulty. That sort of a nerf would make the championship meaningless. I haven't done the championship in 7.0, so can't chime in on it's current difficulty level. Although when I did to it I remember the most annoying part was having to play all 10 levels at once. Get stuck on a boss or have to leave the game, and you had to start all over again at level 1. It's just too much of a time commitment for me to bother with it nowadays. Adding an option to select individual boss's would be good.
  3. One clarification: you can also get artifact gear from the pvp vendor, but that only goes up to 336, so unless you exclusively pvp it's not worth getting it.
  4. I've met other players with this viewpoint. Oddly, to me it's the reverse. Why spend the time making up multiple gearsets and augments when you can just share with alts? I share as much as I can, such as my merc healer using the same main blaster as my scoundrel dps/heals do.
  5. The pre kotfe/et flashpoints still let you group up to complete the story. Post kotfe/et do not. Umbara doesn't even have a combat support droid. The solo version you can complete through activity finder (and group up for) is the version without proper cutscenes that does not advance the storyline. To advance the storyline you have to complete the solo-story version, the one with full cutscenes that you cannot group for. Your suggestion to just afk while running into a wall if you need break doing the solo-story is probably the best people can do for now. They did add the combat support droid back for the latest flashpoint (Shrine of Silence) which I forgot about, so that's actually a step in the right direction for accessability.
  6. You can't do that anymore. Ever since the Traitor arc introduced solo/story (as opposed to the older story flashpoints) you have no way to get anyone to help you with advancing the story past the flashpoint. It's the same as most UI/Graphics changes they make, they're made to look pretty and/or flashy with zero consideration paid to accessability. The loss of the low shader graphics setting in particular make things that much harder to see, and there is pretty much a zero possiblity of the dev's doing squat all about it. The actual combat difficult has been lowered so that accessability is much better than in the earlier years, but in a lot of other ways changes to the game in recent yeaers have led to it becoming LESS accessable, not more.
  7. You math is seriously flawed. Are you only counting post class story romances? Aside from Lana/Theron/Koth those are all basically one conversation wonders. No better than the numerous random flirt options in the game. Plus it's hardly as much of a sausage fest as you're implying for the one and done flirts. It's fairly balanced from what I've seen. For Class story there there is not a single fem toon that has more than one (1) potential romance. Several male toons have two (2) or more options (such as Warrior, Agent, Smuggler). I can only think of Zenith (and Khem, but that was probably the dev's idea of a joke) as returning non-romanceable male comps that were given a potential romance option. While several returning female comps were given one (mostly for both genders).
  8. I don't know what the schedule is for new date nights. Doesn't make sense that they'll stop releasing them, but we'll see. At this point it's been so long without any actual in-game Quinn action that anything they do, voice not needed, will be welcome. I'll even take a 'sorry no time for dating' letter.
  9. I'm not sure how it works. I've gotten socialite to tick by solo'ing uprisings and veteran flashpoints (reliably) and yet sometimes if I actually use group-finder it doesn't tick at all. Socialite will also tick if you walk into an operation. It might be related to the change that makes the weeklies only work if you run through group-finder with no filters at all. Which means something in group-finder is messing up socialite that just walking into flashpoints and operations doesn't.
  10. I'm not thrilled with the change either, but we don't really know if players are actually 'unsubbing in droves'. Some are for sure, but others like me are just cutting back on how many alts we get to conquest each week and playing a bit less. I have a feeling (an opinion, I have zero facts for this) that more players are unsubbing (or choosing not to sub) over the Shae Vizla mishandling then the rep conquest point nerf.
  11. Options to let us change our personal story difficulty (by various means such as altering the level sync levels) has been suggesting many times over the years. It would be nice, but odds are it's not happening. In the meantime you can do things to increase difficulty such as putting your companion on dps (or passive) or lowering your gear level (which feels wrong, tbh, but does work).
  12. Your level won't change the story at all. It will make combat mulch easier and your class rewards pretty much useless to you for gearing (they're based on original planet levels, not your actual level) but that's about it for drawbacks. There's even a store item (master's datacron) that is designed to put you at max level and still be able to run your class story.
  13. You are level synced down for story flashpoints, and this game is pretty terrible at proper level syncing. I've been solo'ing the vet flashpoints, at least the rewards are much better than story mode. I main stealthers though, if you're fighting the mobs then it's probably faster to group.
  14. Are you running with a dps companion? That can speed things up and the combat support droid/kolto stations will be all you need for heals. Alternatively, as a workaround, try making a stealth combat style. Some of the earlier flashpoints are very stealth friendly. Such as False Emperor, you can skip all the mobs, so it's just the boss fights you're doing.
  15. I've only done Theron's but yes, it was very short. Apparently they're repeatable too, which maybe if someone has multiple alts who all romanced the same comp, but to do the identical 2 min scene 10X on one alt for a deco? I'm getting older, but my memory is still pretty good, I'll be passing on the achieves/decos for the date nights. It's a cute idea, and makes a nice little bonus for alts that are already romancing one of the date night comps, but I don't recommend actively romancing a comp just for the date nights.
  16. Don't assume so much.| I never played ranked, but also could see why removing it was a bonehead move. Same with the Shae Vizla nonsense. I'm in NA so it doesn't really affect me, but it's still easy to see that the dev's are basically screwing over long-time APAC players. That's my point. Empathy means you don't have to be personally affected by something to understand why someone else could be upset by it.
  17. This is a faceroll, mind numbingly boring activity. Outside of pvp the best way to get conquest is to do just those sorts of faceroll, mind numbingly boring things. If you like logging into swtor and having zero challenge, then that's great. Have fun. Reputation giving us so much conquest let me log into swtor, do challenging pve activities (which tend to reward garbage conquest for the time invested) and still contribute to my guilds. The change won't mean I do more faceroll, mind numbingly boring stuff, I'll just contribute a lot less to my guilds and will probably move a few alts out of guilds completely.
  18. No reactions left, so quoting the points I agree with. Some players support the dev's questionable decisions simply because it doesn't affect them or their playstyle. There should be no right way or wrong way to play swtor, all activities should be rewarding (even if quality if rewards varies, faceroll stuff shouldn't be rewarded same as actual challenging stuff).
  19. So they new stuff drops INSTEAD of what used to drop? That's a shame, I thought it would be extra drops in addition to what we were getting. More cosmetic outfits are fine, but not if they've replaced actual useful items. So basically it's another stealth nerf. Those level 75 and up drops were good for credits or tech frags/jawa junk if you deconstructed them.
  20. Ran out of reactions for today, but this sums up a lot for me too. I don't really care about seasons, even last season I just did the bare minimum on one server, but the quick conquest was nice. It let me do things I wanted in the game and still get conquest without really grinding. The big rewards for conquest now they they nerfed reputation to basically meaningless are all group-finder related, or faceroll-easy incredibly boring pve stuff. That's not fun. Grind is not fun. I'll still be in-game doing what I want but if my prog team ever disbands I'll have no reason to keep my sub up. I'll even let the dice roll on who gets leadership of the 2 tiny guilds I'm currently GM for.
  21. it does say 0/4. probably means you have to complete 4 of the seasons weeklies.
  22. It's a major nerf, which was not included in the patch notes, which was typical bioware behaviour. Guess that's proof that the Broadsword move changed nothing for the better. Basically they're going to continue removing fun things and increasing the grind. Fortunately I left all my conquest guilds back when 7.0 hit the PTS. It's a nice thing to get, which the reputation helped a lot with, but not worth grinding the incredibly boring repetitive stuff for.
  23. Your STATS are boosted, not your abilities or anything else. Even speeder tiers are locked behind your level. This means low/mid level players will NOT have the moblity that level 80s have, NOT have the dcds, and most likely NOT have the same speeder tiers. Level 80s who do vet flashpoints and rush ahead while ignoring it when low/mid levels (or anyone, level 80s can get stuck/knocked off speeders too) have a problem keeping up are selfish. Vet flashpoints are for all levels and experience, you want only experienced level 80s in your group? Do MM flashpoints.
  24. Pre 7.0 a sith inquisitor could be either an assassin (double blade) or a sorceror (single blade). So both items were available. Also the items are legacy bound, which means they can be used by your alts. So for cosmetic reasons you might want to snag the more unique looking single blade for your alts to use (the double-bladed saber is pretty generic looking). You don't need the rewards for gameplay, so it doesn't really matter what one you choose.
  25. Yes to a delete button. The lack of one was a pretty poor design decision in the first place, or just an oversight, either way it makes the design team look pretty bad.
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