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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Dragondog

  1. but the stuff you do like the prologue and chapters for your class/race/faction is always so BORING it's soooo hard to get through it for me, I die every second of playing the prologues and chapters,


    Are you bored because the beginning is difficult or is it difficult because it is boring? To me, it sounds like it is the former.


    If you were a subscriber in advance of some of the expansions, you got a free companion. You can get this companion on a new character from the beginning from an email terminal so that you play all the content with one. This should make things simpler. There are also companions available from the cartel market, if you don't have any of the free ones, but as I've never bought one I don't know if you can get one on a starting character, perhaps through collections. Checking Collections, it seems you have to be level 10 for all of them.


    If leveling is too slow, us an xp boost, or xp boost armor if you have that subscriber benefit.


    Check the difficulty of enemies, both level and difficulty type (or whatever they call them) and make sure you don't attack targets that are too many or difficult for you.

  2. It's an okay summary, but the quote below is inaccurate. Planets don't adapt to you, you adapt to the planet by temporarily changing your level.


    Well, This has been a very big change for me too.

    -All planets now adapt to your level, which enables you to go on and play on your favorite planet without having to fear about your level.

  3. I would start with some unlocks, selecting the account or legacy wide option at all times, since that will give the thing to all of your characters in the game or on the server respectively.


    From the cartel market I would unlock your complete inventory and all of your cargo bays.

    From your Legacy, I would Legacy Fleet Pass I-III, Legacy Travel I-III, Rocket Boost, and Improved Rocket Boost I-II, and when you get to 70, Commanding Legacy..


    What Character Perks you should buy depends on what kind of content you like. Buy the Improved Experience based on the content you do, Legacy of Altruism I-III and Legacy of Persuasion I-III to get your companions to like you faster, and Legacy of Leadership I-II to have them come back from selling junk faster.


    You can also pay credits for some of those things.


    Only after you have gotten the things that will help you in play, should you buy vanity stuff. That stuff may make you look better, but it doesn't improve your game experience.

  4. It's not the same thing. Stores buy from retailers or manufactures and they incur freight costs and other costs, on acquisition, which have to be absorbed in to the purchase price, then they add their mark-up. In most cases the end-user does not have easy access to the manufacturer or retailer and even if they did, they would not have access to bulk discounts.


    While in our case, the vendors are on the Fleet and so is the GTN. So, it's unethical for someone to buy the stuff off the vendor and sell it more expensively on the GTN. I always assumed that they got these mats from sending companions on missions....now I know.


    There still is a cost. In time. Time invested to find these things out. Time to move them from one place to another. The time saved by the buyer who doesn't have to go get it elsewhere It is up to the seller to determine what a fair mark up for his time and the buyers convenience is.

  5. It's not technically, a scam, but it is basically dishonest. :cool:


    In what way?


    Stores do the same in the real world. They buy it for less in one place and sell it for more in their own store.

  6. Hello! New/Returning player here. I played during beta up through when the Galactic Starfighter and account Legacy was first introduced. It has been a lot of fun and ton of work just getting re-acquainted with how my class (Jedi Knight) works. Now onto other game features!


    I'm about to hit level 70, and have some questions about acquiring gear and how gear customization currently works:


    1) Some of the gear on the Cartel Market (orange gear) looks very fashionable, but I notice it is missing the modifications/augments? I assume modifications/augments can be purchased, crafted, dropped from operations, or rewarded from crates, and then inserted?


    That is correct.


    2) Once the modifications/augments are added, will this increase stats such as the damage the weapon does or armor of a chest piece? I ask because many of empty orange gear pieces have terrible stats, but I assume this is because they are missing their components.




    3) It looks like SWTOR has adapted a PvE gear system similar to many other MMO's. For end-game gear, there are several tiers of gear which are acquired by farming different operation difficulties. Usually you farm your Tier 1 stuff before Tier 2, then Tier 2 before Tier 3, etc etc. Is it possible to do this as a solo act? Or can the high end rewards only be done with groups?


    You can get the various tiers of gear in command crates for doing any content in the game after you reach level 70. The more difficult the content is and the more people it requires, the faster you earn command crates.


    Ops/PVP has their own loot systems on top of that. But that's for group play only.


    4) In general, how active is the game/population? Will it be difficult to find operations groups if I don't have a guild?



    That varies depending on what server you play on. What server are you playing on?

  7. The transfer trick is cheaper, but keep in mind that you can only transfer characters once every 72 hours. That means that it will take you almost a week to have the toon back on the server that you want to play on. I personally would go with the transfer option, but I thought you should be aware of the time involved.


    If I transfer to the other server wait three days (72 hours) and then transfer back. How is that almost a week?

  8. What you do on one character doesn't affect your other characters in that way. You should still have access to all the class stories on the first character. The second character will not have access to those quests as you decided to skip them.


    Check your Mission Log to see if there is anything listed there and what your next step is. You may perhaps have to reset a quest.


    If there is nothing in the log, I'd create an ingame ticket.

  9. Now your stance is based on your Discipline. If you want to change stance you have to change Discipline.


    If your stance used to alter threat generation, it still alters threat generation in exactly the same way.


    They didn't do this for no reason. They did it to simplify game play.


    But as you say, it does remove your choice on the matter.

  10. I know it's from 2012, however just because a few vendors are gone doesn't change the location of the elevators which is more the reason i posted the pic


    I didn't say that everything had changed. I merely pointed out that it no longer is as versatile as it used to be. For the one purpose of finding your way to Ord Mantell, it still works, but so would many less detailed maps.

  11. Try Ctrl + U twice to reset the UI. I suspect you've already tried to log out and log back in again. If that doesn't work, contact CS through an in game ticket.
  12. Could you let us know which mounts you are referring to (names or images), as the answers may differ. The Cartel Market has mounts as does GTN. But these will usually only be available on the cartel market for a limited time.


    There is a lot of information on mounts on the internet. It will be easier to find if you know what the mounts are called.

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