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Everything posted by Senrie

  1. Relnex isn't a long sleeved robe and Kreia's doesn't have a tabard.
  2. I expect to like the stand alone films more than the trilogy.
  3. Orange is my favorite lightsaber color because Plo Koon.
  4. Weird that an unruly padawan that never finished her training lacks understanding.
  5. Yeah, the EU around that era was a sloppy mess. Part of the reason it's now purged.
  6. If you're willing to wait around for one to be posted on the GTN they're usually posted 500k to 1m.
  7. Lower robes don't fare well: 1, 2, 3 Robes like Relnex and Valiant the robe gets laid out fairly neatly behind you. Tulak's not so nicely. Kreia's is a clipping nightmare.
  8. Oh, it's already animated on the PTS. Here's what it looks like: http://i.imgur.com/Zw6eZK4.jpg http://i.imgur.com/TLySQFR.jpg http://i.imgur.com/xy5NnTq.jpg Can clip heavily: http://i.imgur.com/Cp0cFcE.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qAtfd66.jpg No glowing or anything. It loops. I can't say it's my favorite posture. I would have preferred something more like this one of Maul, or this one of Dooku or Qui-Gon. But I'm still happy, and hopefully more variants can be added later. Guess I'll have to find a new outfit just for meditating on my inquisitor.
  9. "Dreams are when the Force speaks to us most loudly." -- Darth Zash
  10. I love your loose interpretation of what constitutes a fact. User error is always to be expected. This guy couldn't even post this thread in the right forum so I'm even more wary. Shouldn't assume it though. Certainly can't conclude it. I googled this and a couple other people have claimed to encounter the issue, one of them having done a very admirable bug report about it. Less easy to dismiss. There's three ways to forcibly bind Kalatosh. Maybe one of them isn't setting the flag right. Maybe they all set it right but if you make a pact with Andru or Horak-mul it gets changed. And maybe only if you're Darth Oculus. Maybe it's user error. Troubleshooting isn't served by hasty assumptions.
  11. 7. Please do not discuss real world politics or social commentary. We know that this is a sensitive issue for some folks, and we ask that you do not bring in political or social commentary about this topic.
  12. Most exciting news of the year. I hope there's no glowy effects.
  13. I'm not tired of you, Leaveshill, just these posts. The other ones you make I enjoy reading. And it's nice to see someone who enjoys the inquisitor story as much as me. This is where I find you completely off-base. It does matter that it's a game. A roleplaying game in particular. RPG writers create the plot and setting, but only provide a framework(to varying degrees) for the protagonist. You get engaged to the world and the story through this framework: the personality you give them, the beliefs you give them, the relationships you form with them. The choices they make. Every story in an RPG is unique because of this. It completely goes against the spirit of what RPGs are to make a canon for the PC. Even if you were right that there's some Intended Character, your attempts at discovering who this character is are feeble to say the least. But for some reason you think you've got it nailed. "I find father-son moments the best, therefore, the writers do as well". There's no logic or objectivity in this. None. All your arguments are based on this line of thinking, except the one about Kallig's mask. I find father-son trite and father-daughter a refreshing change of pace. But I'm not going to claim that the writers do as well, because I don't and can't know. What I do know is that they've said there's no canon. Also: One final note on the subject of rarity: you seem to think a rare quality in a character lowers the likelihood. The opposite is the truth. Protagonists are rare individuals: the only reason they even have a story and we're reading it is because there's something rare about them.
  14. Spare me. I've agreed with you in the past in regards to Kallig's helm obviously not fitting onto an alien with lekku, horns or other obstructions. Everything else you said(except possibly the Zash bit) is just your own opinion of what's better. Also, spare me too on the fake biology. Familial relationships are largely influenced by society and culture. This is a fictional world where females are largely considered equal to males, if you hadn't noticed. Half the posts I see from you here are looking ahead to a sequel that isn't even likely to happen, pushing for your version of what you think will be canon. It's like you think KOTOR 3 has been announced and it's been said it will feature the PCs of TOR. I understand the fun of speculating where stories will go, that's why I'm here, but this is so far-flung it's not really worth bringing up all the time. If at all. Especially when our current understanding is that there is no canon and won't be. And I personally find it aggravating that you seem to be hoping they'll set a canon rather than realizing what a mistake that would be if they did.
  15. Yeah, I'm pretty sick of his arguments for canon. Fathers and daughters, seriously...
  16. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Corellian_Tanamen_Fever
  17. Looks like the same implant the rattataki with Gorro was wearing.
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