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Everything posted by Senrie

  1. I like the physics and haven't had it do this for my BT1 female character. If it is like Exterminator's and just takes a little jumping then it shouldn't be changed.
  2. I agree with the lack of consistency but I don't think it's too hard to reconcile. The emphasis should be on effectively. The difference between effectively and actually is crucial. The New Essential Chronology describes it as measure to prevent the fracturing of the Republic, as having saved it. This obviously means it's still around to be fractured or saved. And we see clearly that it is in the Darth Bane trilogy where we get, I believe, the most detailed description of what the Reformation was about: In terms of continuity of state the Republic never ceased to exist. Until it became the Galactic Empire there was a strong line of continuity that never once broke.
  3. What? WoW expansions have offered all this and a good deal more.
  4. Judging allegiance based on accent is rather dubious.
  5. Annihilation labels him a human in its list of characters.
  6. Yes it is. The same Republic that did the Ruusan Reformation is the same Republic that survived the New Sith Wars, which is the same Republic that had 1000 years of peace prior to the New Sith Wars, which is the same Republic in TOR, which is the same Republic that's existed for almost 25,0000 years. The Republic only ever had periods of decline; it never fell until it destroyed itself. That was the significance of Darth Bane.
  7. Darth_Wicked has been posting over on swtor reddit. Almost every post he makes has bold text in it.
  8. I use VirtualDub and XviD to compress them.
  9. Well, that was the EU getting out of hand. I think most EU fans knew that the post-RotJ EU was in dire need of some changes. Just hoped it would be surgical instead of a complete purge. I'm not terribly bothered by what happened to the EU, but the level of disrespect I've seen some give it is annoying. Star Wars without the EU would not have sustained my interest for two decades. I just hope the new Star Wars canon is handled with more care. Reboots should be the nuclear option, though. They should never let the canon get so bad that it's required.
  10. They reboot because they write themselves into a corner with stupid concepts and bad storylines and can't do anything but start over. People want good stories, as you said, and canon is a tool to help do that. You've never said about a story "It would be cool if that happened"? Or "I wish they didn't do this"? Never found out something about a story later and said "That makes it so much better"? These are all examples of canon mattering. Canon also matters if you want to talk about the world with other people: what something meant, the implications, the possibilities. These discussions can be contentious enough without even being able to agree on what happened.
  11. I'm looking, and I see nothing but trash piled on trash because they didn't care enough about canon. That's why they had to reboot so many times because they let it get out of hand.
  12. The inquisitor quest is the most intriguing of all the Rishi class quests but I've seen so little speculation about what it meant. I've been nursing a theory that the Emperor used those arrays at one point and that the Inquisitor is following in his footsteps.
  13. "Blood purity is a notion whose time has past. Consider an Empire where there is no limit to what an alien might become." ― Darth Jadus
  14. Becoming a ghost is an ability, not everyone can do it. Most can't. They also wouldn't necessarily manifest where they died, or do so immediately. Sith ghosts in particular.
  15. That there was another millennium of peace prior to Darth Ruin with the sith not being heard from also cuts down the timeline.
  16. That excerpt was most unenjoyable. I guess it's a good thing that kids don't read. One of the worst parts:
  17. Kinda impossible to answer if you don't give us an idea of what character you want. If you want to romance Kira and dress her up in a slave girl costume then go male.
  18. It's a L50 Republic and Imperial flashpoint. You can solo it at 55 or 60. It's about a droid collective that isolates itself from the galaxy until their leader, a sentient AI named Mentor, decides to exterminate all organic life. The subject of droid rights is broached a bit.
  19. Mortis(and the rest of them) approved of Karrid after she bested her rival. Same as with the Inquisitor. Unlike with Gravus, though, Thanaton was a Dark Council member. Mortis wasn't offering the Inquisitor the seat. By defeating Thanaton it was already theirs by right. Hadra was killed by the Republic which is why her position wasn't inherited and had to be appointed. I guess she had no worthy apprentices either.
  20. Not Leeha Narezz. And the Knight if you chose to agree with her. Have you done Directive 7, Zehal? You should if you're interested in droid stuff.
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